
Grimous: Magic awakened

In the world of Grim mana was the second oldest thing as their planet itself, it was an otherworldy energy able to bend reality to their will The gift of mana was only for a few and so the normal people hunt wizards and witches before they could ever grow Their mana was said to be the gift of the world and as destructive as it may be human ingenuity was only second in power These manaless created tools to extract a mage's mana by force known to be brutal and worst cases lead to death Garry Kettle was from a prominent family but everything turned south at age 10 when he awakens his mana

Sleeping_Giant · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Prison break [1]

"Garry cough! I don't have much time... this memory will be urgh, sealed. There will come a day when your role as a sibling will expire, a time when they'll hunt you. Not just the Grimmels, dark forces... if that happens, run! I'm so sorry for being a terrible mother. I don't have time to explain. They mustn't find you, Garry. If they do, not just you, but everything will be *****"

The voice of her mother faded away and as he catch a glimpse of his surrounding it was their car. The position he was in was the same as the unfortunate accident that took the lives of his parents. But something was different, the bodies of his parents were here, a fact that conflicted with his memory. They weren't found and as he gains the authority to move he step away from the vehicle and see a hooded man

'Wha– what is this!!?'

"Oh! So this is what you're protecting? How sweet he has your everything... more talented than his mother, I can feel it. Don't be so disheartened, I'll gladly take him– Gah! Haaaaaa... vigorous as ever but that won't do anything– Urrrggg ahhhhhhhhhh!!!"

The hooded man forcibly stretches his arms around the memory of Garry in the car but to no avail did he succeed. The memory came to be undone as his body was meddled in the outside world. But it didn't matter for where he stood lies the hooded men that points such a dreadful rage at his mother

"Not good... this body, it's dematerializing? Consider this your victory, Patrica! I'll be back, you never saved him, you just prolong his suffering... this so-called protection cost him a life full of agony. The day will come when he'll learn the tragic fate of being a Grim in a Grimmel society. Mark my words, I'll get your child!! I'll even go so far as to dig his grave after dying at the hands of Grimmels!"


He wakes up to see an indifferent view surrounded by long-eared entities and a few needles piercing his chest. Shaken by the very thought of their motives he envisions a ball of flame and the long-eared left his spot. Young Kettle was ready to fire and torched these people until he heard the voice of the convict that aided his physique

"Easy there, no one's gonna hurt you. It's me! Do you remember?" The tall blonde elf points to himself as he soothes him by speaking in such a polite manner

Garry lowered his arms and sighed. "... this whole thing makes a little bit of sense now that I know who or what you are. Don't worry, im not too picky with anyone I side with, guess that whole immigration wasn't a lie... but would you mind telling me why there's a needle in my chest?"

He lies back down once he felt the excruciating sting of the needles embedded in his chest. One of the companions more or less a beauty came forth, a woman who carefully handled him with care. She quickly tends to his condition and plucked every needle and then wrapped his chest in a thick round of cloth

"Hello, im Lilla Vritle, im this group's doctor, Mr. Kettle you just experienced a major stimulation of magical diffusion. The amount was too strong that your mind blacked out, as much as possible, please control your magic... hey I wasn't finished treating him!"

Garry was then taken away and placed in the back of the convict that formed their escape. "We don't have enough time, as you remind me before we don't know how long his mana will last. As long as they're unstable we can use them to bus out of here, you already knew our doctor, this is our muscle, Maximilian. I'm Godfrey, their leader nice to officially meet you, Garry Kettle. You better hold on, okay?"

After his treatment, the elves waste no effort and exhibit their inhuman strength along with their flexibility. They jump from one floor to another and as the riot of these elves ensued rages on the guards were but a hair away. Godfrey and his man were cornered by the arrival of the guards circling them from every side they look

'There's too many of them, I think I need to–'

His arm was then grabbed ahold of by Godfrey and said. "Don't! We can't waste your mana. A few guards are not a worthy match against your flames... Max, it's all up to you,"

The short yet enigmatic elf that hid in the shadows before came forth cracking his knuckles with a huge grin. "Finally, you know how long I've been waiting for this boss? Ohohohoh! You better raise those batons as if your life's at stake. Do you know how much I suffered forcing down the slob you called food for the past two days!!?"

Garry watched as Maximilian was surrounded by an army of guards only to disappear as he leaped to the ceiling. He descends and a guard was unfortunate enough to feel the full force of his feet. The skull popped like a balloon and he began thrashing the guards by throwing a few punches. Once he gained their attention Godfrey along with Lilla and Kettle at his back rushed ahead

"Is it fine to leave him be?"

"Don't worry, Maximilian won't go down easily... we may not have any magical properties but our bodies have been magically enhanced. It's one of the pew perks you'll gain once we bust from this joint and leave for the mystical plains,"

"Godfrey, over here! The artifacts detecting the twins in the upper right,"

'Artifacts? I heard a lot about them, it's the Arcanist's version of technology created by magic... guess everything along with his voice must have been the work of an artifact, which means im crucial to their escape. They might treat me well, but who knows what will happen after that? In the meantime, I need to find a way to control this power. If not I'll blacked out again if I hastilyconjured that ball of flame,'

They stop at the 2nd highest corridor of the prison and they saw a pair of twins being served by a group of men twice their size. Two were massaging their backs one was cleaning their room and three were bruised and had their teeth scattered on the ground. But the most bizarre thing was the fact that their cuffed, to think they had risen in such a rank even in their disadvantage

[Older twin: Estelle Gomery]

"Boss? I thought you'd say it'll take some time... give me a minute I'll uncuff myself. Need any help their little bro?"

[Younger twin: Zahyr Gomery]

"I'm fine..." They easily cuffed themselves without a hitch with their crafty hands and irregular physicality

"We're unchained now but how are we getting out? Since we're the ones locked up in maximum security it'll be hard to escape. Once the trigger starts even Umbler might show up," Zahyr strongly implies finding another way but Godfrey had nothing apart from the Arcanist

"He's right... locks like these are rigged, Garry it's your turn now. Come on, walk it out, just focus your magic kiddo. The cellar is the only thing rigged, so would you mind blasting off the wall?"

Garry takes a step forth to the wall near the cellar of the twins. The design of their cellar was great in keeping the other inmates in check but ultimately fails. The gap was so far from the other gate and he focused with all his strength and minimize a ball of flame in his palm. But its power wasn't enough and he increased its temperature until the orange flame shifted to the color of calming blue sky. The heat was far too intense and he slightly burnt his hand, before anything else he shoved the flame and melted through the walls

"Free at last!!" The twins quickly exit the hole before any more molten rocks would cave in and seal their only exit

"Get back to work you two! Find the switch and open the cellars in this area, we need to release all of these criminals to distract the guards... as much as I love some thrill in my life, we won't even hold a candle against Umbler. Instead of brute-forcing our way out, the next best thing is to lure them away by giving them their responsibility, the prisoners,"

As he foretold the release of the inmates would stir chaos that even the guards could no longer hope to ignore. But what lies as an obstacle for these groups came beneath the lowest floor of this maze of prison was the wickedest of all. If there came to be a princess in distress then she was the hag-smeared disgust. A devil wearing the skin of a hag and a maniacal thirst for pain and suffering

"It seems like a naughty little boy had escaped from his cage. That's not good, but shall we see if he could be a sight worthy to behold? Enjoy your time, little boy... once this nanny finds you then playtime is inevitably over..."

She leaves her room with her trusty rod and her body shifting from her grotesque form, as the catalyst of Pottrous. The inmates remain not because of the equipment and security of this place but because of the monster that roams. This penitentiary was infamous for being one of the few prisons that never cared for the lives of their inmates. As for the disappearance of the inmates, they were said to be beaten but the reality was the monster that feeds