
Grey: Master Of The Celestials

"The universe's vastness remains a mystery, and the existence of multiverses only adds to the enigma. The origin of the universe itself is a tale untold. However, amidst the unknown, there exist beings as ancient as the universe itself - the Celestials. These powerful entities are revered as the strongest in the universe, with some considering them beasts, alien species, primordials, or even primordial gods. The truth remains shrouded in mystery. In the mortal world, a young Grey will embark on a journey, traversing the globe and experiencing the unknown. With his extraordinary talents, he will make a name for himself, striking awe and terror into the hearts of even the gods. Join Grey on his epic adventure as he achieves the impossible and rewrites the fate of the universe."

ever_grey · Fantasi
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42 Chs

Easy Battle

The snake let out a furious hiss that reverberated through the air. It surged forward with astonishing speed, covering half the distance to Grey in a heartbeat. Then, it abruptly vanished into thin air, plunging the surroundings into an eerie silence; there was no sound or disturbance.

Grey's brow knitted in confusion as the snake disappeared, leaving him unable to sense its presence. He activated his mana sense and cast several potent detection spells, but despite his efforts, he still couldn't locate the elusive creature.

Quickly, Grey moved his body with incredible speed, executing a swift dodging motion. He leaped into the air and teleported a short distance away.

"Well, it nearly got me," Grey muttered, glancing at the spot on the ground that had completely melted; even the soil and rocks were no different.

Grey scrutinized his surroundings, eyes narrowing as he searched for even the slightest movement. The air remained still as Grey intensified his concentration.

Grey moved with lightning-fast reflexes, and each spot where he had just stood melted into a bubbling mess. This sequence repeated several times, with Grey focusing solely on evading the attacks.

Despite the snake magical beast's strength, possibly even greater than Luna and the others, it refrained from attacking Grey directly. Grey had felt a strange and ominous pressure when nearing the beast, it was same for the beast. When it locked eyes with Grey, it too felt a dangerous and intimidating presence.

Though the mana Grey released was minimal, it was exceptionally potent and destructive, enough to give even this formidable creature pause.

Grey's eyes scanned the area, senses on high alert. Suddenly, he noticed a faint disturbance in the mana flow, a telltale sign of dark magic at play.

The large snake beast was using its dark magic to hide from Grey, skillfully blending into the surroundings. He crouched low and focused his senses, probing the area with his mana.

A subtle shimmer in the shadows revealed the snake magical beast, its scales perfectly camouflaged. It lay coiled, eyes gleaming with predatory intent.

"Gotcha," Grey murmured, a grin spreading across his face. He summoned his mana, the air around him buzzing with energy.

As Grey floated effortlessly in the air, his demeanor remained serene and composed. With a subtle motion, he raised his hand and extended his index finger towards the concealed beast. A ripple of anticipation coursed through the surrounding space as something began to materialize at the tip of his outstretched finger.

At first, it was but a faint glimmer—a subtle crimson glow that gradually intensified into a vibrant hue. The ball of mana expanded steadily, its growing presence causing the very air to tremble with unrestrained energy.

Meanwhile, deep within the earth's depths, the snake beast slithered undetected, its movements masked by the shadows. Unperturbed by the looming threat, it momentarily paused, sensing a subtle shift in the surroundings. With wary curiosity, it raised its head, its serpentine gaze fixating on the source of the encroaching power: Grey, poised and prepared to unleash his formidable magic.

Grey's gaze locked onto the spot where the elusive beast had slithered, his index finger pointing with unwavering focus.

"Shoot," he muttered, his voice barely a whisper. The ball of crimson mana surged from his fingertip, hurtling towards the ground at a speed that defied comprehension. It struck the earth with a resounding thud, piercing through the soil and finding its mark.

The once tranquil surroundings shattered into chaos as the snake beast let out a bloodcurdling cry, its pain echoing through the stillness. But just as suddenly, an eerie calm descended, leaving Grey hovering above, watching with a calculated intensity.

His lips parted, forming a single word, "Boom."

In response, a blinding light erupted from the wounded creature, expanding rapidly into a radiant orb. With a deafening roar, an explosion rocked the earth, sending shockwaves rippling through the air.

Amidst the chaos, a voice broke through the din, "Gust." Instantly, a powerful gust of wind swept through the area, dispersing the thick smoke and revealing Grey, unscathed and unperturbed by the destruction below.

As the smoke cleared, revealing the vast crater that now scarred the landscape, Grey couldn't suppress the thrill of satisfaction that coursed through him. "That was great," he murmured, his tone laced with quiet confidence, as he continued to survey the aftermath of the blast.

In the center of the devastation lay the body of the Dusk snake beast, its massive form twitching amidst the wreckage. Despite the overwhelming destruction, the beast still clung to life, its resilience a testament to its formidable nature.

Grey descended gracefully from the sky, his presence commanding. With no expression, he approached the wounded creature, his eyes betraying no hint of mercy.

With a swift and decisive motion, Grey extended his hand towards the beast, a surge of energy enveloping his palm. A portal shimmered into existence, revealing a pocket dimension beyond. With effortless strength, Grey hoisted the beast's body and guided it through the portal, where it vanished into the depths of his private realm.

As the portal closed behind him, Grey spared one last glance at the now-empty battlefield. With a sense of finality, he turned away, leaving behind the destroyed place.

As Grey surveyed the aftermath of his encounter with the Dusk snake beast, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. Despite its formidable hiding skills and resilience, the creature lacked the strategic intelligence that could truly elevate its threat level.

"Imagine if this beast possessed greater intelligence," Grey mused aloud, his voice carrying a hint of contemplation. "With its mastery of camouflage and stealth, coupled with a more diverse array of attacks, it could have been a truly formidable adversary."

He gestured towards the remnants of the battlefield, where the destructive power of the beast's poisonous spit still lingered. "Its venomous spit was undoubtedly deadly, but beyond that, its arsenal was rather limited. A creature of such size and strength could have benefitted from additional tactics, perhaps utilizing its environment or employing cunning strategies in combat."

As he spoke, Grey's mind churned with possibilities, envisioning a more formidable opponent that would truly test his skills and prowess in battle..


As the echoes of Grey's departure faded into the distance, a group of enigmatic creatures emerged from the shadows to survey the aftermath of the destruction. With sleek black wings and humanoid bodies, they possessed an otherworldly aura that set them apart from the mundane world.

Gathering amidst the debris, the creatures exchanged murmured conversations as they inspected the scene before them. They traced their fingers along the scorched earth and shattered remnants, searching for any clue that might reveal the identity of the one responsible for the chaos.

One of the creatures, with eyes sharp as obsidian, spoke up, his voice tinged with a sense of awe. "Whoever caused this devastation," he remarked, "was skilled indeed. There are no traces of their presence left behind, as if they were never here at all."

With a sense of begrudging admiration, the group acknowledged the prowess of their unseen adversary, knowing that they had encountered someone truly adept at concealing their presence and evading detection. And as they took flight once more, leaving behind the scene of destruction, they vowed to remain vigilant, knowing that the one who could wield such power lurked somewhere in the shadows, beyond their reach.


After Grey's departure from the scene of destruction, he remained oblivious to the events that unfolded in his wake. As he reached a secluded spot near a tranquil stream, shrouded by towering trees that offered seclusion from prying eyes, he felt a sense of relief wash over him. With practiced ease, he tapped into his mastery of space magic, creating a portal that whisked him away to his temporary abode.

Upon arriving, Grey wasted no time in tending to himself. He cleansed away the dirt and grime of battle, allowing the soothing waters of the stream to rejuvenate his weary body. With each splash of water, he felt the tension melt away, leaving him refreshed and invigorated.

Once he was sufficiently cleaned and refreshed, Grey turned his attention to the task at hand. From the depths of his pocket dimension, he retrieved the body of the Dusk snake beast, its lifeless form a testament to the power he wielded. With practiced precision, he began the process of preparing the creature for cooking, expertly skinning and gutting it with deft movements.

As the flames crackled in the makeshift fire pit, Grey carefully arranged the seasoned cuts of meat on skewers, allowing them to roast slowly over the open flame. The air filled with the tantalizing aroma of herbs and spices, mingling with the earthy scent of the surrounding forest.

With each passing minute, the meat grew more tender and succulent, the juices sizzling as they dripped onto the hot coals below. Grey's mouth watered in anticipation as he watched the transformation unfold before him.

Finally, when the meat was cooked to perfection, Grey removed it from the fire, the golden brown surface glistening in the firelight. With a satisfied smile, he plated the dish and savored the first bite, the flavors exploding on his palate in a symphony of taste and texture.

"Mmm, absolutely delectable," Grey exclaimed, relishing the rich flavors that danced across his tongue. "Truly, a meal fit for a king."

As he ate, Grey felt a sense of contentment wash over him, the stresses of the day fading into the background. With each mouthful, he felt a renewed sense of energy coursing through his veins, fueling his body and mind alike.

Once the meal was finished, Grey reclined against a nearby tree, the gentle rustle of leaves overhead lulling him into a state of blissful relaxation. With a contented sigh, he closed his eyes and allowed sleep to claim him, the events of the day fading into the realm of dreams as he drifted off into a peaceful slumber.