
Grey: Master Of The Celestials

"The universe's vastness remains a mystery, and the existence of multiverses only adds to the enigma. The origin of the universe itself is a tale untold. However, amidst the unknown, there exist beings as ancient as the universe itself - the Celestials. These powerful entities are revered as the strongest in the universe, with some considering them beasts, alien species, primordials, or even primordial gods. The truth remains shrouded in mystery. In the mortal world, a young Grey will embark on a journey, traversing the globe and experiencing the unknown. With his extraordinary talents, he will make a name for himself, striking awe and terror into the hearts of even the gods. Join Grey on his epic adventure as he achieves the impossible and rewrites the fate of the universe."

ever_grey · Fantasy
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42 Chs


As the sun fully rose, bathing the forest in a warm golden light, Grey found himself beside the stream in a meditative position. The tranquility of the surroundings mirrored the calm within him as he focused on his breathing techniques, drawing in the crisp morning air and releasing it slowly.

In this state of deep meditation, Grey felt his consciousness shift. The physical world around him seemed to fade as he entered his Inner World, a realm within himself where his true power resided and where he honed his skills to perfection.

Inside his Inner World, Grey found himself in a vast expanse of space, stars twinkling in the distance and nebulae swirling with vibrant colors. Here, his mana formed a galaxy, each star and planet a manifestation of his immense power and control. The energy in this place was palpable, each celestial body a reservoir of his magical potential.

Floating in this infinite cosmos, Grey began his practice with the katana, his movements fluid and precise. The blade gleamed with a mystical light, cutting through the void with a whispering sound. In this space, his practice was more than physical—it was an intricate dance of energy, every strike and parry resonating with the rhythm of his mana galaxy.

After perfecting his physical forms, Grey shifted his focus to his magic. He reached out with his mind, drawing mana from the stars and planets around him. These celestial bodies, though appearing as cosmic phenomena, were actually pure manifestations of his own energy. He felt the vibrant, living mana flow into him as he started to weave complex spells.

Constellations formed around him, each one a different magical pattern that he controlled with deft precision. He summoned and directed elemental forces, creating brilliant displays of fire, water, earth, and air. The stars around him responded to his will, each element bending to his command. He experimented with intricate spellwork, combining elements in new ways and pushing the boundaries of his magical abilities.

As he moved through his Inner World, Grey also focused on his breathing techniques, feeling the flow of mana within him. Each breath synchronized with his actions, amplifying his power and control. The practice here was more than physical—it was a deep, spiritual exercise that refined both his mind and body.

Time moved differently in his Inner World, stretching and bending to allow Grey extensive practice without the constraints of the physical realm. Hours felt like mere moments as he honed his skills and connected deeply with his inner strength.

When Grey finally sheathed his katana and took a deep, centering breath, he allowed his consciousness to return to the physical world. The sounds of the forest gradually came back into focus—the rustling leaves, the gentle babble of the stream.

As he opened his eyes, he realized that in the real world, hardly any time had passed. The sun was still in its early morning position, casting a warm and golden light over the serene landscape. Grey rose from his meditative position, feeling invigorated and ready for whatever lay ahead. The morning had been spent wisely, honing his skills and reconnecting with his inner strength. Now, with a sense of calm confidence, he continued on his journey, prepared for the challenges and adventures that awaited him.


Grey soared above the Eldertwilight forest, his magical prowess propelling him with incredible speed. His keen gaze swept over every inch of the landscape, scouring for any hint of intrigue.

He had come to the realization that remaining confined to a single locale was dreary, prompting him to contemplate the idea of traversing the entire inner expanse of the forest. Only after thoroughly exploring this inner area would he dare to venture deeper into the heart of the region.

He had anticipated encountering myriad wonders within this forbidden territory, bracing himself for countless assaults from the beasts that roamed within. Yet to his surprise, not a single creature had crossed his path, save for the serpent beast whose meat he had roasted the previous night before retiring to rest.

"What's that?" Grey muttered, staring at the huge transparent hemispherical mana barrier surrounding a large area. Most wouldn't even notice there was a barrier here, but after his fight with the dusk snake beast yesterday, his ability to spot hidden things had sharpened.

He approached the magical barrier, coming to a halt before it.

Grey activated "Mana Eye" on his eyes and cast "Microsight" to observe the microscopic particles.

"What a strange mana. It's like the light magic Elara uses, but..." Grey paused. "It's tainted by evil mana," he muttered.

"There's also an appraisal spell, maybe detecting magic patterns inscribed in the barrier. Whoever set this up can tell what's entering and analyze the power of anyone coming inside," Grey said, licking his lips.

It was his first time encountering evil mana outside of a monster, and the thrill of it excited him.

"Spell Detection," Grey commanded.

A circle with a 2-meter radius and intricate patterns formed before him.

Grey began to decipher the various elements used to create the barrier.

"There's also a restriction preventing anyone with space magic or knowledge from passing through," he muttered, his smile widening as he continued to comprehend the barrier.

"Hmm, let's see how I can bypass this barrier," Grey mused, starting to strategize.

'The barrier blocks anyone trying to enter. Space magic is out of the question, and it detects intruders. What should I do?' Grey pondered, considering all the possibilities.

"Oh! How about I use that? But let's first see if it works," Grey muttered as an idea sparked in his mind. He began examining the barrier's intricacies again.

After a while, Grey flew backward, scanning the forest as if searching for something.

In a few seconds, he found what he was looking for—a large tree. He flew toward it and took out a quill-like pen, its design reminiscent of medieval times but equipped with multiple functions.

He began inscribing symbols on the tree's trunk and branches with swift precision. Within a minute, he had completed his work.

Grey then returned to the barrier, replicating the same inscriptions all over its surface. It took him five minutes to finish.

Wiping imaginary sweat from his forehead, Grey admired his handiwork with satisfaction. "This looks good," he said, giving himself a thumbs up.

The previously invisible barrier was now covered with inscriptions of various colors, each emitting strange fluctuations.

"With this, the barrier won't detect any changes. But to be cautious, I still need to replace it."

Grey's feat was remarkable; inscribing magical spell patterns without any mistakes and successfully completing the task was no small achievement.

Since ancient times, inscription and inscribing have been revered as practices that demand a profound understanding of spells and the enigmas of magic. The crucial element is focus; with knowledge of inscriptions and a magic spell, coupled with unwavering concentration, one can eventually succeed in inscribing a magic spell after several attempts. Through practice, this skill can be honed and perfected.

However, Grey had always been monstrously talented, so what others found difficult was effortless for him.

With everything in place, Grey floated in the air and snapped his fingers while whispering "switch" simultaneously.

The space trembled imperceptibly, a subtle ripple unnoticed by anyone else.

In an instant, a tree materialized out of thin air.

Grey swiftly approached the tree, extending both hands as a surge of mana burst forth from him.

"Barrier," Grey commanded, and the area around the barrier illuminated with a gentle glow.

Moving towards the barrier, Grey began inscribing the same patterns with such speed that his hands seemed to blur.

After 30 minutes of intense concentration, Grey finally ceased his efforts and let out a sigh of relief.

Using his magic, he shrunk the large tree into miniature form and stored it in his pocket dimension. Then, he turned his attention to the newly created barrier and glanced back at the spot where he had inscribed the tree.

Chuckling to himself, Grey remarked, "Now they won't even realize their barrier has been replaced. It's a clever move, connecting the two barriers, but I remain in control of the one I created."

With that, he stepped into the protected area, and the sky above transformed.

Grey stepped into the protected area and found himself in a place like no other. The sky above was as dark as night, adorned with only a scattering of stars that seemed to twinkle with an eerie brilliance. Amidst the darkness hung a massive ring-like moon, casting an otherworldly glow over the barren landscape below.

The ground stretched out before him, devoid of life and seemingly inhospitable. Peculiar trees, unlike any he had ever seen, dotted the landscape, their twisted branches reaching up towards the darkened sky. Strange, bioluminescent fungi clung to their gnarled trunks, casting an ethereal glow that illuminated the surroundings in an eerie light.

Despite its barren appearance, there was a strange beauty to the place, a haunting allure that drew Grey in deeper. It was a landscape straight out of a fantasy horror, where the line between reality and nightmare blurred, leaving him both unsettled and captivated by the peculiar wonders that lay before him.

"Now things are getting interesting."