

It is said that you shouldn't meet your heroes. Gehaldirah, a high elf of royal bloodline didn't have to meet the realm lord of High Heaven before he became disillusioned. His admiration for the paragon of the high elf race turned into hatred when he got some damning knowledge about why demons kept attacking his home and looting the sacred tree of life. His hatred for the realm lord turned to self-hatred for his weakness and mediocrity. Gehaldirah had a moment of introspection. He isn't at the bottom of the ladder in this strength-based hierarchy. He is a king of law, but that apparently isn't enough to guarantee your fate. His strength is also mediocre because it was granted to him because of his bloodline. He determined he had to change himself. He has to become better. He concocted a plan that is one part genius and one part greed. His plan for reincarnation led him to the trial of heaven that occurs every origin cycle. He needed Origin essence so he participated in the trial. He got more than he wanted from the trial. His plan for reincarnation would be a success after some adjustments. But now he has a different aim. He won't aim for just the realm lord. The realm lord has control of the High Heaven Realm. That isn't enough for Geraldirah anymore. He became greedier. He has his sight set on the movers and shakers of the Void Universe. Only the power to subvert the will of World Gods will do. The plan to create LEGION, the ultimate organism was then hatched. If one person cannot achieve something, what about a multitude of them? His journey will not be easy. He will have to overcome Celestials and their Celestial Supreme, Gods and their GodKings, Demon kings and their Demon gods. The Void Universe is full of obstacles that will like nothing more than to put an end to his path. It is not that they hate him. They will oppose him simply because the era of conquest is coming. There are no friends in the era of conquest. It is everyone for themselves. And he will use everything and everyone for the advancement of Legion. AUTHOR: I cannot promise that you will like it. I can only promise that the book is original and unique. It is something new. The MC is neutral evil. He is willing to sacrifice everyone for his goals. He is smart and the antagonists in the book are cunning. Discord: https://discord.gg/b3xeynDZQe Power Stones Goals: 1400PS - 1 Extra Chapter. 2000PS - 2 Extra Chapters. 3000PS - 3 Extra Chapters. 5000PS - 4 Extra Chapters. Golden Tickets Goals: 100 Golden Tickets - 1 Extra Chapter. 200 Golden Tickets - 2 Extra Chapters. 300 Golden Tickets - 3 Extra Chapters. 400 Golden Tickets - 4 Extra Chapters. 500 Golden Tickets - 5 Extra Chapters.

DMadLord · Fantasi
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1576 Chs

Gehaldirah Oakstein.

Extraordinaries start to age slowly when they become mana entities, but he is no doubt young-looking to an experienced eye. However, he is not proud of himself, and neither is he happy with his current achievements or content with them. If he were content then he wouldn't be going to the tower of heaven to participate in the trial that holds once every Origin cycle. 

The power is a Sovereign is not easy to acquire. A plane might not produce a sovereign in 20 origin cycles. It is just that the number of sovereigns in the realm only increases over the years. This is because each Sovereign of law has eternal life, and the seed of power that they condensed is indestructible. 

Even though there are more and more sovereigns in High Heaven, the effort to become a real sovereign remains tedious and almost impossible for some to achieve in a lifetime. So it is a great achievement to become a sovereign at the young age of 5 Origin cycles.

People who don't know Gehald might call him talented, or hardworking, or both for his achievement at such a young age, but his age mates from his plane will tell you that he used to be of a rather normal talent, well for a high elf, and also lazy. 

He didn't use to be regarded as talented. Things changed for the better after the last demon attack on his plane. He became zealous about training. Perhaps he was scared straight by the fighting and bloodshed.

High elves of the High Life plane hardly fight bloody battles because of their peaceful nature-loving personality and because they have very powerful members in their race who protect them from danger.

A lot of powerful people want the Life tree, which is the specialty of the High Life plane. These Life trees are truly rare in the Void universe, so they set sight on high heaven. These powerful people don't want the trees for their vitality and life-extension abilities but for their use in the creation of the cosmos of a world god. 

In the past, the high elves had to compromise a little because even though they had powerful members in their race, they couldn't just hole themselves up in their realm and refuse to go out. They were pressured from all sides for the treasure that they had. In the void universe, you don't keep what you don't have the strength to protect.

The arrival of the realm lord changed the standing of their race and high heaven in the upper realm since then. His presence brought protection to the high elves since no one wanted to fight with a talented realm lord who was rumored to have become a sovereign of law in less than an origin cycle.

So with the deterrence of a realm lord and well-known powerful members of the race in the upper realm, no one was stupid enough to attack their plane. Well, no one except the demons. The plane coordinates of the High Life plane are common knowledge among the powerful extraordinaries, but no one is rash or foolish enough to barge in. 

If someone of power and influence wants to visit the realm, he or she would have to be given entrance to it through the planar portal at the ancient battlefield. It is an act of disrespect or war to bypass a planar gate. Only truly confident and powerful people can do it and get away with it, people like the little tyrant.

But all this etiquette and niceties mean nothing to demons. They wanted some life essence. The Life trees of the high-life plane have it, so they attack to get some. It is that simple for them. They didn't even think about winning the invasion war. Their only aim is the Life trees.

Numerous demon lords who wished to become demon kings came together and formed an army to attack the plane. They used the plane coordinates to create a portal from the abyss directly into the plane and attacked. 

The elves fought valiantly to protect their guardian trees, and only after months did they manage to beat back the hordes of demons. The sovereigns did not take part in the battle since there were no demon kings among the attackers. They could have wiped out the impudent demons easily but decided against it to let members of their race see some fighting. 

High elves don't have fighting experience. Because apart from a few skirmishes between tribes, they hardly get attacked by anyone, and they also don't have any interest in other planes. They are at peace with nature and have few enemies. This decision to allow the younger members of their race to fight changed the fate of Gehald.

Before the last war with the demons, Gehald was just another King-level extraordinary of his race. He was a king of the law of life, and there were a lot of them because it was relatively easy for them to rank up to the king level, especially in the laws of life. 

The difficulty of ranking up after that is more than 100 times the previous effort. Even though it was still easy for high elves, the strenuous training was just too much for Gehald. He had decided to take things slowly back then. After all, he was still young, so he had time for more fun in his life. 

Fun in the life of a high elf is dancing, singing, eating, arts, sex, and sleeping. But all these came to an end when the demons attacked.

A plane-wide order came down from the race council. He was mobilized, so he had to stop having fun and go to battle. When he and the others found out it was the demons attacking, they weren't surprised. Their recent history of 1000 origin cycles has only recorded demons as assailants of their plane. 

He was excited to see and fight the demons, but it wasn't as fun as he thought it would be. He went, saw, and fought. It was a life-changing experience for him and many others. 

He, in particular, experienced something unique, not the slaughter and the unrelenting attacks of the demons. Sure, he nearly died many times, but who didn't? However, not a lot of elves could say they were nearly possessed.