
Great Dragon Julong - a Dragon Prince Yuan FanFic

When the Third Gods initial awakening ensued, the Ancestral Dragon Will formed a new blessing. From this, a boy was born. This is his story, the story of Wan Julong. (A Dragon Prince Yuan spin-off.)

Messianic_Complex · Derivasi dari karya
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87 Chs

Cang Yuan

Unknown Location - Unkown Location

While the outcome wasn't exactly as he expected, Julong had no right to complain, he was still alive after all.

Looking up at the majestic, yet elderly figure of the Double Lotus Saint, Julong was once more compelled by the sheer exuberance of a Saint.

"So you are the one Xiaoyao spoke of... Wan Julong."

It took a few seconds for what he said to process in Julongs head. He wasn't surprised by the revelation in all honesty, if they were similar in any way, of course she would know a Saint.

"I believe so. However, before that, I'd like to express my gratitude, Supreme Sovereign Cang Yuan."

Cang Yuan snorted in amusement.

"Don't thank me, your spirit called out to me when you broke through with your 734 ft Genesis Qi Pillar. Very impressive."

Julong looked dumbfounded at what he said. Was his pillar really that big?

"Yes, you created the greatest Genesis Qi Pillar ever seen. Be proud young one. I'm sure you have a very bright future ahead of you. If Zi Xiao or Wan Zu hadn't already convinced you of such things."

"Do not worry, Supreme Sovereign, they have long made me believe in my talent."

Cang Yuan was quiet for a second.

"Who am I kidding, it was actually a request from Xiaoyao that I help you if I ever sensed that you were in trouble. She would really be quite disappointed if you were to die, or so it seems."

"I'm flattered by her concern, but we haven't actually met in person yet. Would you be able to tell me where she is, or better yet where we are?"

Cang Yuan nodded.

"As I'm sure you've guessed, Xiaoyao isn't normal and because of that is being hunted by the Sacred Race. They believe that I am housing her currently, so, in order to protect her, I left her in the Cangxuan Heaven with a boy called Zhou Yuan. That way they will be chasing in the wrong direction.

"As for where we are, we are in a domain in the emptiness of the dimensional fabric. I was only able to tell you were in danger because your Divine Spirit was able to pinpoint my location somehow, something even other Saints wouldn't be able to do unless I was watching over a Heaven, or Domain, which is why I have not been found yet."

"So, my spirit was the reason I'm alive?"


Julong should have known there was a reason for the Ancestral Dragon channelling Qi into his breakthrough. It was so it could find out where Cang Yuan was, knowing he would save them. What an Omnipotent Spirit he possessed.

"From here I am able to send you anywhere you'd like, whether that be the Hunyuan Heaven, or the Cangxuan Heaven, which I'm assuming are your two main options. Just tell me and I will send you on your way. The only thing I request from you is that you do not tell any of the Saints in the Hunyuan Heaven about me saving you. Or at least, not until I make my return."

"Of course Supreme Sovereign.

"And it is as you say, I would only want to go to one of two places, and while the Hunyuan Heaven may be a Heaven with purest Qi, my Spirit is telling me to go to Yao Yao."

"Yao Yao..."

Cang Yuan pondered in thought, giving an elderly chuckle in response.

"I like it. I think I'll call her that next time I see her..." After a small chuckle to himself, he once again looked at Julong. "It seems I'll be sending you to the Cangxuan Heaven then."

"Thank you Supreme Sovereign."

"Don't thank me yet. I cannot send you myself like the way I pulled you here. By doing so I compromised this place to the Sacred Race, the same way I would if were to send you directly to the Cangxuan Heaven. What I can do for you is open a teleportation array that takes you to the Cangxuan Heaven. The rest is up to you though."

"I understand."


With a click of his fingers, an area at least ten metres wide began to glow. Pillars of white light began to erupt from the ground before solidifying into solid matter. It began to take on a very familiar look, looking exactly the same as the array inside of Zi Xiao's Saint Domain. It only served to make him feel a little bit uneasy, thinking about leaving Zi Xiao to mourn his apparent death. If he didn't have such an unquenchable desire to reach the Cangxuan Heaven, he would most certainly return to her.

It only took a few minutes for the array to fully form, shown by the light around the array dimming and eventually fading.

"All you need to do now is channel your Genesis Qi into it. It is set to an array on the Cangman Continent in a territory known as Saint Remains City, near a territory run by the Gu Clan. It is rather close to the Saint Remains Domain, which is where both Yao Yao, as you call her, and Zhou Yuan are headed. Good luck, young one."

"Thank you for everything, Supreme Sovereign."

With a chuckled, Cang Yuan shook his head.

"Don't mention it. Seriously, don't. Also instead of calling me that stupid title, just call me Uncle Hei. I have a feeling we will be seeing a lot of each other in the coming years."

"Of course, Uncle Hei."

And with that Julong moved toward the array.

He was excited, excited beyond belief. This was a new chapter in his life. However, at the same time, he was also sad, unbelievably so. Not only was he leaving the Hunyuan Heaven and everyone he knew, but Mushin Yuan had been brutally murdered in front of him less than an hour ago.

He stood in the middle of the array, next to the centre totem which was the activation point. He placed his palm on the top of the totem and closed his eyes. Genesis Qi swirled throughout the Domain, it was strong, stronger than what Cang Yuan had expected by a very long shot.

The storm of Qi that hovered over his head soon was sucked into the array and a few seconds later, everything lit up momentarily. In the next instant, it became dark once more, and Julong was gone.

"Don't take too long to hit the Saint Stage, young one. Or it might be too late to enjoy it."

And we finally did it, after 28 chapters, and something like 37k words, we finally finished the prologue! Yes I know, how ridiculous! Look forward to it though, since I'm going to try and have some fun with Cangxuan Heaven, or at least until my favourite arcs start back in the Hunyuan Heaven.


Like always, thanks for reading!

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