

I was bullied at school, quite heavily at that. I was hated by everyone, it was miserable. Even my own sister and my childhood friend hated me. I really had nothing to live for. That was when I died, in my last heroic act of saving my sister from a car crash, I myself died. But unexpectedly I was reincarnated into a character from the game I was playing at that time! The failure of the Xander family, Mordred Xander! But even if I was a failure, I could start a new life in this world! But when the otherworldly heroes were summoned to aid in the defeat of the demon king, my old classmates were summoned! How will I build my new life now?!

NeroExcalibur · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
28 Chs

Raymond and Caria

1.5? What the hell did that mean? Why didn't they just put me at number 2?

'We never expected that this student would be able to do this well and get into Heroic class. We had already decided on our number 2 student so we couldn't put him there so we made a special 1.5 position. Congratulations Mordred Xander.' I was baffled. I thought I would be ranked 6 or 7 or maybe lower but I was ranked 2nd. That's gonna be a lot of pressure on me that I really didn't want.

I heard people whisper around me.

'Mordred Xander? Wasn't he a huge failure and a moron?'

'He must've used his family's name and connections to get a good spot in the academy.'

'Maybe a dirty trick or something?'

Well, rumours would probably have been spread. Not like I care though.

'Alright students, classes start the day after tomorrow, you are required to stay in the dorms. As such you may go visit your family or do whatever you would like to until then. Read the manual of rules that will be handed to you once you move into your dorms. That is all.'

I walked out of the assembly hall and into the main building. It was well-maintained and the interior looked nice too.

'Hey, you!' I turned around to see Edwina yelling at me. Her beautiful blonde hair flowed in the wind as she pierced me with those cold blue eyes.

'Me?' She looked flustered.

'Yes, you! Mordred Xander!'

'Did you need something? Oh by the way nice to meet you, Edwina, I hope we can get along.'

'W-wha?' She was obviously embarrassed. 'W-well whatever just watch your back, hmph!'

<i>Was she always a tsundere?* <i>

She wasn't the only one I met. My former classmates were also roaming the halls of the main building. I saw Arisa talking to Renji. Renji did a little trick with a flame. He cast a small flame on his finger and waved it around. Arisa started clapping and laughing.

'Renji you're so cool! Do more do more!' He then cast small flames on his other hand and started waving both of his fingers around.

<i>Arisa looks so happy. That's nice but why is she so happy? I shouldn't care but I can't stand it</i>! I whispered 'Water ball.' Renji was still waving his hands about with flames and Arisa was still clapping. I aimed and released. The water ball flew straight at Renji and exploded. It sent him flying straight at the wall.

'Renji! Are you okay?!' Renji was patting his head. 'Hey, why did you do that? Who are you?' She looked extremely angry. <i>She was never angry for my sake, so why was she angry for Renji?</i> I felt my eyes tearing up. She walked up to me and held the collar of my shirt. 'How dare you do that to Renji!' Some other student walked up to her and yelled, 'Hey stop he's Mordred Xander, he's the son of Duke Xander.'

'What? Isn't that the failure of the Xander family?' She looked at me and gritted her teeth. She grabbed my collar even harder. I could easily have shaken her off but I couldn't find the strength in me to do it.

I locked eyes with her for only a split second but when I did her eyes widened and she pushed me away. Renji got up from the floor and pulled her away. I and Renji looked at each other for a moment before he walked away. <i>Why did I do that?</i> I went back into the city and pondered this on my way back to the estate. <i>There was absolutely no reason to so why did I pick a fight? </i>

When I entered the estate, the maids were all staring at me.

'Welcome back, congratulations on your entry into Heroic class young master.' I waved my hand and dismissed them. I entered my room and sat on my bed. Man, I'm really tired.

'May I come in?' I saw someone with silver hair outside the door.

'Do as you wish.' She entered. It was the same maid that I saw when I first arrived in this world that was concerned about me when I hurt myself.

'Young Master, would you like any tea or anything? I got you your favourite…' she trailed off and turned her head away.

'Yes, I would very much enjoy some tea.' She looked up at me and smiled, then promptly went to get the tea. She returned with a large mug of tea and a couple of cups. <i>Why did she get me so much tea and more than one cup, wait maybe it could be</i>… 'Would you like to drink the tea with me?'

Her eyes lit up and shone and her mouth opened slightly. But then she closed it and looked away. 'But I'm just a mere maid, I couldn't possibly think of drinking tea with you master.' I knew what she wanted, and I wanted to reward her a little bit. After all, she took care of Mordred for so long. It must've been difficult taking care of someone so fragile.

'It's alright come sit, you don't need to worry about that.' Her face showed an expression of joy, and she was trying really hard to suppress a smile.

'Alright if that is what my master wishes for me to do.' She reached for the large mug but I stopped her.

'Just sit, I'll pour the tea for you.'

'Master I couldn't possibly!'

'Take this as an order from me then.' With that, she quieted down and sat. I poured her a cup of tea first, which was something else she didn't expect. She didn't complain this time and just sat there patiently.

After I poured myself my cup of tea I sat down and held the teacup handle with three of my fingers and had the other two sticking out. When I did she looked a bit surprised.

'Master why are you drinking tea like that? I thought that the head maid taught you how to drink tea?' <i>Why am I drinking tea like this? Was there some kind of method to drink tea?</i>

'What do you mean by that?' She then looked slightly confused.

'I thought you were taught about noble etiquette and drinking tea was a part of that wasn't it.' <i>Ah, I see what she means by that. Nobles need to keep a good image of themselves so the way I'm drinking tea would seem very uncivilised. </i>

'Ah I'm sorry I seem to have forgotten how to, could you teach me again.' She looked happy again. Why was she always happy when she was with me?

She got up from her seat and made her way over to my side. Seeing her up close I truly realised how beautiful she was.

'Alright it's very simple, so instead of holding the handle with three fingers, hold it with two.' I did that and she nodded her head. 'Now instead of keeping your other fingers out, instead fold them in.' I did what she asked again and she clapped her hands. 'Good job, that was all that you needed to do.' So simple. Looking at my hand again it did look more elegant and refined than what I was doing before.

'Thank you very much, I'm really grateful.' She put her head down and in a meek voice she said,

'No master I'm just doing my duties.'

'Lift your head and sit back down.' She did just that and we drank tea together. 'What's your name?'

'My name is Selena, you have never asked for my name before.'

'Ah, my apologies I have just never thought of it. That's a nice name Selena, I'm glad you're my maid.' I gave an extremely contagious smile. She smiled too. Then I heard the door creaking. And my older brother was glaring at me and Selena.

'Master Raymond! Forgive me for my insolence!' Raymond was gritting his teeth in anger.

'Mordred! What do you think you're doing? You having tea with a mere maid! Have you gone mad? Do you have no pride as a noble? Absolutely worthless! I heard you also caused trouble at the academy. How dare you!'

He was angry. He then walked into the room and raised his hand to hit me.

'Master Raymond!' Move! I teleported behind him and wrapped my hands around his neck.

'You!' I struggled and struggled but eventually.

'Kugh!' he elbowed me in the ribs. I heard something crack, maybe even break.

'You piece of shit how dare you to attack me!' He kicked me straight in the face and I got pushed back into the wall. My head was spinning and it hurt a lot. I was so weak, I couldn't even dodge such an obvious attack.

'Master Raymond please stop this!' Selena had tears rolling down her face while she screamed for Raymond to stop.

'Raymond you bastard.' At this, he got even angrier.

'You! I'll be needing to teach you a lesson!' He raised his hand and mana started covering it. Then the mana spontaneously lit up and turned into fire. The flame grew bigger and bigger until. I whispered quietly so he couldn't hear. 'Cleansing Light.' It wasn't much but it was the best I could do in this situation, I didn't want to cast Walpurgis Flame and cause trouble so I hoped that Cleansing Light would heal me enough.

'Great flame combu-.' I prepared myself for the worst.

'Stop that Raymond.' A strong voice could be heard outside the door. Raymond immediately ceased casting.

'Older sister, what are you doing here?' It was my older sister Caria, it seems like she came to stop what was happening.

'Raymond, I don't care what you do to Mordred, but don't do it inside the estate. It could've cost us a bunch in damages.'

'Ah yes sister, I apologise for being foolish it won't happen again.'

'You bet your ass it won't happen again. Leave.' Raymond left the room, but not without giving me a mean look.

'You got lucky this time Mordred.' He left.

'Thank you older sister.' She looked at me with her cold eyes and left without saying anything. Hah, I thought I was going to die. He's still much stronger than me right now.

'Are you okay master?' Selena's face was covered in tears and mucus. I smiled at her.

'Yeah, I very much am. Now let's go get you cleaned up, you look awful.' She smiled.

*Tsundere is a Japanese term for a character development process that depicts a character with a personality who is initially very harsh before gradually showing a warmer, friendlier side over time.