

I was bullied at school, quite heavily at that. I was hated by everyone, it was miserable. Even my own sister and my childhood friend hated me. I really had nothing to live for. That was when I died, in my last heroic act of saving my sister from a car crash, I myself died. But unexpectedly I was reincarnated into a character from the game I was playing at that time! The failure of the Xander family, Mordred Xander! But even if I was a failure, I could start a new life in this world! But when the otherworldly heroes were summoned to aid in the defeat of the demon king, my old classmates were summoned! How will I build my new life now?!

NeroExcalibur · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

The Start of Something New

Vitori, Progenitor of the Deep. He was a secret boss at the very end of the game if you completed a secret questline. He was known as the hardest boss in King's Fall. If you followed the clues hidden throughout the game by a man known only as Cureh, you would come across a ring in the hands of the dead body of a murderer. Well we wouldn't know that he was a murderer but the ring's item description said so.

The ring was known as the Ring of a Lost Child. It would grant the wearer a high magic and melee damage increase at the cost of your endurance stat being decreased by 15, but you wouldn't ever be able to take it off. It was known by the community as the beginner's trap because if you found the ring early and wore it you would have a very difficult time in the early game because your character isn't strong enough to withstand the endurance decrease. Late game it was a godly ring.

The lore behind Vitori was that he was once an unknown child, in an unknown village. But that village was raided and his entire village was massacred. He then wore the ring of his mother and his hatred and rage transformed him into a terrible monster. It is said that he heard voices that coerced him into such a being.

That same ring was stuck onto my finger as of this moment. To put it simply. I pissed the fuck outta myself. I was simply scared shitless.<i> What would happen to me since I put this ring on? Why was Leon's ring on me? Why did Leon have the ring in the first place? Why can't I get it off?</i>

<i>Let's analyse the situation calmly. Honestly, the ring would be a godsend due to the endurance stat not even mattering to me. I just hope I won't get corrupted like Leon.</i> <i>Nothing like corruption would happen to you in the game so hopefully, nothing happens to me. I have no fucking clue why it stuck onto me. Leon must've been the murderer where the ring comes from. But why does he have the ring now? This is different from the order of events in the game. Well, whatever I need to get out of bed soon.</i>

I was put into the infirmary for a day since the fight. Thus I was disqualified for the last fight against Oscar von Avalon. My whole body felt tired but I was able to get up and walk with some difficulty.

<i>It's okay. I'll get up slowly.</i> I went over to the front desk to check out of the infirmary.

'Hello, Trainee Mordred Xander. I'm here to check out.' The clerk at the front desk looked through some papers and then looked at me.

'Ah yes, Student Mordred Xander, you're good to go, please make your way over to the assembly hall.' <i>Student? Why does the clerk know anything?</i> When I got out of the infirmary building I was really confused.

'Ah excuse me, do you know where the assembly hall is?' I asked some guy with the school uniform. He was huge and intimidating.

'Over there.' He pointed to the left towards another building.' I thanked him and left. <i>Wow, this place is really big huh? I guess the first king from a long time ago put a lot of effort into this place. This school was one of the redeeming factors of this nation. Even though most of the rest didn't live up to it.</i>

I entered the assembly hall where everyone was gathered. The room was silent, probably due to the atrocities that happened during the test. The test was brutal, it was never shown in-game. I took a seat and a man came up on stage.

'Hello, students! Welcome to the Royal Academy! I am the advisor of the first years, you may call me Mr Udeno or Advisor Udeno. All I would like to say is -.'

'Shut the fuck up!' An angry student got up from his seat.

'Excuse me? Please sit back down and don't cause a commotion.'

'How will you expect me to stay quiet when people died!' He said it. He really said it. He said the thing that was on everyone's mind. I could see the anticipation in everyone's eyes.

'Alright, I knew someone was going to ask that question. We never actually intended for anyone to die. The orc was much stronger than we originally anticipated.'

'Then why wasn't it stopped?!'

'Very sorry what do you mean? I do believe it was stopped after one person died.' Everyone was puzzled by his statement.

'Don't act like you don't know! Take responsibility!' The advisor looked baffled, he then called someone to his side.

'Find the examiner who took that exam. Find him now!' The whole room was in silence. Two minutes later he returned and whispered something into the advisor's ear. He had a grim expression on his face. 'I can't apologise enough for the mistake we have made a-and the students have lost their l-l-lives. We will send proper compensation to each of their families.' <i>He was crying. What is this? I thought that this place didn't care about human life, this really isn't the game that I played. Wow, maybe I could enjoy my time here.</i> 'I-I will pass on the m-microphone to the Heroic class instruct-tors.' He walked away with his hands on his head and him shaking his head.

'I'm very sorry students about this incident, but moving on I will be announcing the students who will be a part of the Heroic classes. 12 students will be chosen for either class A or class B.' At this statement, all the tension in the room almost disappeared. 'I will be starting with class B.' He read the names of the class B students. Even though class A is supposedly better than class B, class B was more fun to play around with due to the different types of students. Some students I kept in mind were…

Horace Albert CR 7 R 4*: He was a tank character and a priest simultaneously, though he was only average in either so he became a niche pick.

Rose Dullahan CR 6 R 3 : A swordsman who specialised in dealing with large amounts of enemies as well as being able to buff priests and healers.

Kurt Perriot CR 21 R 10: While he had an unsavoury personality he was a good healer and being able to hold their own against lots of enemies.

Everyone else was either too niche or wouldn't suit the build that I was planning to make. Now Class A was where the meat came in. Power in each class was decided by two ratings. CR or Class rank was the rank you were at in regards to the whole class. R or simply rank was the rank you were at in regards to your peers, so if you were from Earth your rank would be among the people who came from Earth and vice-versa. There were 4 who had garnered my attention.

'Octavia Whitlock, the first daughter of Count Whitlock. CR 22 R 12.' She was a priest that would be able to give you invincibility. Her special ability was that she could give her allies hit protection, for example, if a very powerful monster hit you, it wouldn't affect you whatsoever, she was quite an overpowered unit and if you fully built her, she could dish out invincibility every 3 seconds. She was also useful for buffing and other things but her invincibility was the best part of his kit.

'Edgar Suthmeer, the 3rd son of Viscount Suthmeer . CR 15 R 8. A simple tank. But my god is he fucking powerful. His defensive stats are so absurdly high and his skills are so good. He has max talents in shielding and his abilities include Super Shield and Absolute Defence. Two of the best defensive skills in the game, he was only ranked this low because defence was all he could do.

'Katherine Lyness, the 1st daughter of Duke Lyness. CR 11 R 7. A very good healer who was also a mage. She could combine offensive magic with healing. For example, a fireball that would kill an enemy would heal an ally. It offsets the trouble of getting in the way of your allies when they are fighting and accidentally injuring them. She can also bring back allies on the brink of death a couple of times a day when she was trained. Truly the best healer in the game.

'Edwina Miller, the 2nd daughter of Count Miller. CR 5 R 4.' A multi-elemental affinity swordsman. She was specialised in lightning and water elements but could use all of them, having a multi-elemental affinity was extremely rare and only the great ancestor of her family was recorded as being able to use every single element(I'm able to use every element but that's because I'm a cheating bastard). She was one-of-a-kind, a genius among geniuses. She would be useful in a variety of situations.

They were all nobles(high-ranking ones at that) which was also great because they had lots of money. There were some other notable people but no one that was as useful as this those four, they include. Oscar and Lari von Avalon. CR 1 and 3 and R 1 and 2. Dengen Godfrey CR 6 and R 5 and Myra Corbeld CR 13 R 9.

But there was a problem. He just announced Oscar as rank 1 and he was going in descending order but he didn't announce my name yet. My heart sank. <i>Did I not get into Heroic Class? Fucking impossible my performance was absolutely insane. Oh no, everything would be ruined if I didn't get into Heroic Class! </i>

'We also have someone who wouldn't usually be in Heroic Class but we have made a special exception for due to unforeseen circumstances. . This student has displayed phenomenal combat capabilities and we have actually created this position because of this student's action.'

Seems like someone phenomenal that I don't recall getting into Heroic Class. This position was never in the original game. Just please say there was a mistake somewhere.

'Mordred Xander, 2nd child of Duke Xander, CR 1.5 R 1.5.' What the fuck does 1.5 mean?!