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God_Of_Brutality · Filem
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210 Chs

Chapter 168: Inhuman Treatment Part 1

Arias awoke a bit late the following day and found two women comfortably sleeping in his embrace. Before he could even could even get up, Àpeiro awoke and looked at him with a small smile on her face. "Trying to leave already?" She asked playfully and received a small nod from Arias.

"A pity." She muttered before sitting up and and giving him a passionate kiss. "Is that your attempt to make me stay?" Arias asked with a brow raised while holding onto her waist but she shook her head.

"No, carry on with your work. The faster it's all done, the faster I will have you all to myself." She said confidently giving him a small peck and pulling away. Arias didn't doubt her words and just agreed before vanishing from the bed.

In that instant a confused Nearíthea woke up next, only to be shocked that the warm embrace she was in had completely vanished now. "Daddy!"

Meanwhile Arias appeared within the lab that now had Shay actively working with Ivy and Caitlyn. An interesting team to say the least and although the margin in intelligence among them was great, Aron had plans to fix this.

"Good morning, how are the finest minds in Leviathan this morning?" Arias who seemingly appeared out of the blue startled the trio with his sudden words.

Shay could only frown at how he continued to do this over and over again. The other two were startled as well but only momentarily before passing greetings to him.

"We're actually doing fine, it's so refreshing having a workspace devoid of men." Ivy commented clearly referring to a certain narcissistic bounty god in the organization. "Speak for yourself, this place could use some life, and it just arrived." Unlike Ivy, Caitlyn smirked seeing Arias pay them a visit and hoped it was more than just casual.

Their relationship with Arias was an odd one, neither of them could speak to him freely given their history alone but that didn't stop Caitlyn from making flirtatious advances.

"Do focus on your tasks please." Shay interrupted whether out of genuine concern or jealousy however was hard to tell. Given how close she was to Arias, Caitlyn could only shrug in defeat before walking away in a dejected manner.

"Seems you're enjoying having subordinates, that aside I came to see if you learnt what the inhumans came to do." Arias commented before cutting to the chase of why he was there in the first place.

Shay could only sigh before bringing up an image in the middle of the hall. "Well from what I observed they came to monitor us, no damage was done aside from some stolen technology. They've already left and returned to the moon." She quickly explained before receiving a nod from Arias.

"Well then time to make an example out of them." Arias thought before his eyes gave of a sinister glow. "Attention all task force members, gather in the lounge at once." His tone although low resonated through out the building and had alerted everyone as if there was an emergency.

For those who knew something interesting was about to happen like Slade, Harley and Blackfire, they could only grin before preparing and rushing there.

In less than five minutes the lounge was filled with both from both task forces. From the first consisting of Slade, Banshee, Blackfire, Starfire and Harley. The second housing Widow, Laura, Venom and Loki.

"Does anyone know what brought this on?" A curious Loki turned to Slade who looked ready for work and asked. However the one to answer was Blackfire. "Nope but someone is dying today."

It was then that Arias appeared in the lounge and cut into the conversation. "So long as they are intelligent, no one needs to die, sadly that seems to never be the case. Anyway, let's set off."

With a snap of his fingers a portal suddenly opened within the hall and he gestured everyone to walk in before coming in last.


What they found on the other side certainly took them off guard. They were suddenly in a futuristic looking city that almost made them think they were still on the floating city.

It was only when they looked up to the sky and saw that there was no sky and only space above that they realized that wasn't the case. They were in a city secured by a gigantic dome… New Atillan, home of the inhumans.

For some like Laura and Venom despite having an extraterrestrial symbiote saw this kind of view for the first time and was astounded.

However before any of them could take in the sights, their arrival aroused alert and warnings began to sound in the isolated city. It was then that Arias also appeared, completely calm like the rest of task force one who had enough experience wrecking havoc to not fear such circumstances.

"Starfire, give them a warning and see if they'll surrender." Arias instructed despite knowing full well that they wouldn't, it was simply for appearance's sake. The more the other party regretted their decision, the easier it would be to break their spirit even further.

With that in mind Starfire flew up into the air and made an announcement. "Greetings people of the city Leviathan has come to let you join, isn't that joyous? Please do the surrender and no one shall suffer." She spoke with a genuine friendly smile on her face like some religious cult fanatic spreading her good words to heretics.

Considering her people worshipped Arias as a god it actually wasn't far off…

In response to this however a large and violent wind struck her and forced her to the ground although she quickly regained balance and landed safely. In the far distance right individuals could be seen coming to the scene.

These were all among the most important inhumans on Attilan and members of the governing royal family.

Queen Medusa, wife and distant cousin of Blackbolt, King of the Inhumans who was also present. Along with them was Ahura they're son.

Starfire's attacker was named crystal, sister to Medusa and near her was Gorgon and Triton, both cousins of Blackbolt.

The last two were Maximus, Blackbolt's brother and Karnak, another distant cousin.

It was Maximus who first recognized Arias upon first glance before showing a grim expression. Not much had passed since they sent a team to learn of the situation on earth and the information they received was truly terrifying.

One being had completely changed earth as they knew it in nearly no time and all, crushing all resistance in less than a day.

Seeing him could only mean one thing especially after the words that were announced, it was there turn to face this terrifying living calamity.