
Got lost in a another Universe (Dropped)

After leaving Shimotsuki village to become the Strongest Swordsman Zoro finds a particular, black hole and when Zoro came in contact with the hole he suddenly vanishes out of nowhere and reappeared in some unknown building, What will Zoro do does he stay here and become the strongest swordsman or does he leave and go back to his homeworld.

Thief_0982 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Sona's Day

Chapter 8, Sona's day.

Sona day was normal just like yesterday Except for the devil business and got some news about rias Gremory that she got a new peerage member.

Although the way Rias put his pawn through she supports she is her friend no matter what bad she had done.

'Hmm Getting permission to beat up the three heavenly perverts to get beat up, didn't this come up yesterday.

As she up her pen and write '''Sorry but that is physical abuse and we don't want their parents coming here every day just, patch that hole in your kendo room but thank you for your suggestion. Stamp.

'Getting permission bringing an erotic manga in school.

"' Sorry but no that is not allowed by school rule 34 "'

Swish swish

'Huh... Finally calling me now Zoro. I should call Tsubaki to do the council work for now.

'Hello, buchou.

'Hello to Tsubaki can you go back to the student council room and you work I have an urgent thing to do.

Using the teleporting of the sitri family symbol sona teleported.


As sona arrive at Zoro's location what she saw was Zoro in a pool of blood and her daughter in a beaten-up bag crying.

'Wa wa wa.

Sona rush to her daughter and grabbed her and patted her head with a warm smile then rush to Zoro's side grabbing his two swords and started teleporting back to kouh.

Kouh co-ed academy

As sona teleported in the student council room as she was done teleporting her peerage members was all here


'Bucho you're all bloody.

'Buchou whose that in your arm and why is there a baby.

'Enough of your question maybe later Tsubaki take care of the baby, as she down Lolli and speed blitz them going to the clinic.

Why was there no first aid here, why was she thinking this she needs to stop bleeding from his whole body, hmm I need to go to the hospital sliding through the halls and jumping to the window breaking its and landing down with all the students looking at her.

'Move, that's was all she say then all students backed down just by her domineering voice.

As she started blitzing through the whole streets and using her magical energy to Zoro to heal him.

'Was that Kaichou.

'Yeah that was Kaichou and she was carrying a bloody boy.

'Wow, Kaichou was so brave saving that boy.

As Sona arrives at the hospital reception puts the body in the reception It's an emergency treat him I'll pay directly now treat him.

Huff huff "Even with that much magical energy I still cant heal him.

As sona passes out.

A/N So how was that geeks.


Thief out.