
Got lost in a another Universe (Dropped)

After leaving Shimotsuki village to become the Strongest Swordsman Zoro finds a particular, black hole and when Zoro came in contact with the hole he suddenly vanishes out of nowhere and reappeared in some unknown building, What will Zoro do does he stay here and become the strongest swordsman or does he leave and go back to his homeworld.

Thief_0982 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

My name is...

Chapter 7 My name is...

'You pathetic why are you just layin' there arent you gonna be a good father when this is all done you were cooler in the dojo roronoa.

'Who are you.

'What do you mean who am I am the one whose been with you since the very beginning when they died the very beginning.

'I don't know you.

'That's your problem but say my name... Okay, let's go with a hint its starts with as.


'You better get up his gonna kill your daughter.

Back to the real world

'That was it that was a waste of time Nino.

10 and 35 seconds later.

'You're not gonna get up I wanna have some good fight.

'Wa wa wa.

'I should put out your misery young one nino.

'aghh' swish

[Insert music: the Precipice of Defeat ]

Huff huff 'What do you think you're doing to my daughter you bastard. Argh, bleeding yeah thats what Zoro is now the embodiment of bleeding, blood on his whole body argh.

'Nino your still alive I was About to finish my business here.

Zoro was hearing nothing soposed his ear got damage as well.

'Now say my name.


Suddenly blue energy came out of Zoro his clothes change into a standard Shihakushō.

his normal white sword suddenly turns black and red.

Suddenly Zoro got into his stance.


Suddenly Zoro up and sliced lackey.

'TOUROU!!!. Suddenly lackey's body started to burn than fade away.

'Impossible how do you know a soul technique.

As he fades away nothing but ash.

'Argh. as Zoro, zanpactou turn back to its sealed state and suddenly he started bleeding again.

'I guess I have summoned her.

A/N what do you think who do you think Zoro will summon.


Thief out.