
GOT: Breaking the throne

A formerly nameless soul is drafted by the god of thrones to entertain him of course with the pay of a fully customized background and grown body, oh yeah maybe an exchange system as well. Tags: Brutal, Fan-fic, Game of thrones, GOT, Lannister, Targaryen, Ruthless MC, Strong MC, Kingdom builder, Warmonger, exchange system.

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8 Chs

Training and Cyvasse

Em, spun his legs around his body gaining momentum and shot them downward propelling his body upright allowing him to gain his feet and position his dulled practice saber in a lower defensive stance with his left side and left hand his first sword arm,he was proficient in both,facing his opponents he held his right hand lose behind his back just in case he needed it to add on a powerful blow or switch hands if need be.

Facing his enemy he said "again" only moments later being put on the ground again after being surrounded by both.

looking at his opponents he spied a lightly smiling Syrio and Bronn wildly grinning like the crazy cunt he was.

Empyrion, used his upper bodies strength to propel himself backwards in an acrobatic movement, he regained his posture and corrected his earlier flaws in his pose and footwork.

Empyrion charged forwards trying to get to the two men before they could separate and flank him he with his surprisingly tall six year old frame which had remarkable speed and strength reached his trainers before they could encircle him and instantly knock him painfully down again.

while Syrio's reaction was to slightly adjust his footwork, Bronn almost artfully danced backwards out of striking range.

not wanting to give them the chance to ensnare me in one of their combative traps he circled around Syrio and headed straight towards Bronn, Empyrion took a calculated risk exposing his rear to Syrio, while Syrio was fast he could not compare to Bronn and Em so it was unlikely he would be initially surrounded.

Trying to ward Em off Bronn took a mild slash at Ems leg which was succinctly blocked and parried with an upwards slash to the shoulder and ribs.

Unfortunately the slash that was aimed towards Bronn's shoulder was side stepped and followed up by a quick thrust.

in an almost unimaginable burst of speed Empyrion lined up his saber with Bronn's sword and after the tip was past the cross guard he quickly twisted the almost hook shaped point of the saber and pulled, the sword was ripped from Bronn's grasp and with the momentum he also stumbled forward.

Em, stepped uncomfortably close getting past his guard, swung his pommel hitting the sell-sword and trainer in the temple so hard his eyes rolled back up into his head and his unconscious body smashed into the trodden grass of the training yard that was located just outside Casterly Rock next to a small cliff overlooking the shore.

Quickly turning around, Em, was just barely able to sidestep Syrio's expertly adjusted thrust and doing a quick spin to gain momentum he sent a slash towards Syrio's upper hip to which the defender quickly redirected allowing him to get closer with his rapier styled sword and sent another thrust towards Empyrions face.

Empyrion dogged with the smallest amount of space possible and with the spine of his practice saber and his own body trapped the mans blade and with a quick spin ripped it out of his grasp, launching it far out of reach, and with a pivot Ems fist fist collided with Syrio's stomach and launched him back a few feet.

Syrio landed on his feet and crouched down for a moment in pain but quickly rose to defend himself from the large incoming fist of Empyrion.

Syrio glided to the side while grabbing Ems wrist and elbow using the large lords own weight size and momentum against him, allowing Syrio to smash Empyrions face against the ground while also putting him into an arm lock as well as throw his sword from his grasp.

To which Empyrion responded with his long muscular legs wrapping around the offending arm and applying as much pressure as possible without breaking it.

Wincing Syrio said "how about it, shall we call it a draw?"

to which Em responded very strained "I believe that would be quite mutually beneficial"

after giving each other a hard stare they broke out grinning and released each other.

after dusting themselves off Empyrion looked over to Bronn and sighed.

Walking over to the unconscious sell-sword he said "I think today's training is over, Syrio come here and help me get Bronn to a cot he is a lot heavier than he looks."

Syrio responded with a serious yet jovial tone "Of course he is, I am the one who usually carries him"

with that he strode over at a slow pace and helped Em carry the fairly tall man back to his quarters where he lay unconscious for about three hours.

When Bronn awoke he spied his employer, Empyrion the ass that knocked him out, and the short yet skill Bravosi swordsman named Syrio playing Cyvasse.

Bronn observed that Empyrion was winning by a land slide having the numerical advantage and better positions.

they kept playing for a few more minutes with Syrio continually retreating trying to keep his king and when he seemed to finally be catching up to him Empyrion moved one of his rabble pieces killing the king.

Seeing Syrios confused then flustered reaction Bronn began hysterically laughing at the Bravosi swordsman's expense.

Empyrion looked over at Bronn stating "Your awake, come lets begin our pole arm and dagger training"

Bronn stopped laughing.

Syrio returned staring at the board in amazement, after being relieved of his momentary distraction of glaring at Bronn.

Empyrion and Bronn left the room.

Bit Short and the next few chaps will be, family issues came up, and school has already been riding my ass for time so may skip a week or two, three at most I hope you enjoy.

also don't ask questions just read harder everything is explained or will be in the next two to three chapters.

Below_Averagecreators' thoughts