
GOT: Breaking the throne

A formerly nameless soul is drafted by the god of thrones to entertain him of course with the pay of a fully customized background and grown body, oh yeah maybe an exchange system as well. Tags: Brutal, Fan-fic, Game of thrones, GOT, Lannister, Targaryen, Ruthless MC, Strong MC, Kingdom builder, Warmonger, exchange system.

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I Need Information

As Empyrion briskly walked towards many things where happening in his mind such as the system introducing itself

*Hello User, I am the GOT multiverse exchange system or Mes for short I will be inhabiting part of your mind for the rest of your mortal and possibly immortal existence*

Empyrion couldn't tell whether he was lucky or unlucky.

*System shall mold users mind so it may contain the system and users personality*

unfortunately, such a thing was not natural and Ems mind could not take it causing him to black out and start writhing and seizing on the ground.

he continued this for a moment before his routine who always followed him caught up and horrified by the turn of the events sprinted him to the nearest Maester while trying to make sure he didn't hurt himself further.



Empyrion awoke on a large bed and looked around only to find himself in his chambers with Maester Creylen and his servants rushing about the room in a mad panic to find some way to stop him seizing after a few minutes of him staring at them they realized he had awoken and surrounded him and peppered him with either very generalized questions or to direct questions for his taste so he ordered them out.

A command all but the Maester did reluctantly, who left immediately most likely to report this event to the citadel.

*users mind was unable to handle system integration, system had to remake users mind, user you may now split your thinking into separate paths*

*would user like an explanation of systems utilities and uses?*

'Yes' Em said mentally

*user may trade out items, materials, structures, abilities, genes, life, magic,... for other things that have the same value and if used properly you may store things allowing you summon or exchange them at a later date. for example if you want to exchange something that is equivalent to two golden dragons but only had one you could save it in the system till you found the other, then the system would alert you that you could exchange for the item*

'what about custom made items'

*if you can think of it, it likely exists in the game of thrones multiverse, but if it does not exist it would be depending on the material about five to ten times more expensive than a non-customized version of that item*

Empyrion pondered for a moment he guessed that all he could do now is gather a few more tools and assets maybe gain a consistent income, well it was time to get to work he had so many more things to do before he turned Seventeen and the main story line began and all chaos broke out.

He paused for another moment he would either die quickly in the chaos or he would flourish, his patron would not allow any other kind of action to happen, he could at least be certain of that.

He sighed and said out loud "so little time so many people needing to be killed, castles to be burned, resources gathered, and assassins to be culled."

as he finished a dagger came flying at speeds the eye could barely follow, giving a quick command to the system, he brought his hand up with his palm directly facing the dagger and his other over his shoulder and behind his back.

as soon as the dagger touched his skin, not even having the time to start to bend it let alone cut it, it disappeared and reappeared in his other hand.

Empyrion, promptly flicked the dagger back towards its owner surprising then striking the assassin.

with a grunt the figure fell.

Taking a gilded letter opener that sang an Erie song from the blade, which was barely sharp enough to cut flesh if applied with enough force, due to the quick and blunt handling from one of the drawers in a nightstand next to his bed and made his way over to the figure who was currently facing away from him feebly trying to dislodge the dagger from his, was it a him? yes their form was to burly and lacked the curves most women em had observed, right shoulder.

Still cautiously approaching the squirming figure wary of the possibility of a trap, Em, quickly grabbed the hilt of the dagger and used it as leverage to flip them over on their back inciting a shrill scream that was luckily muffled enough by the thick walls and doors to not attract unwanted attention.

pausing for a moment he studied the assassins face, they had a long nose that had been turned at an odd angle, likely from how many times it had been broken and amber brown eyes that where shaped like almonds with and above average sized forehead and black matted hair surrounding their ugly smashed in face that reminded him of a bulldog with a beak due to his odd nose.

sliding the dagger from the assassins shoulder likely cutting a few blood vessels and nerves giving this man a mere few minutes to live, Empyrion needed information before he died and he would get it.

He started off quickly yet slow enough to understand " Let me tell you how this is going to go, I need information from you, you will give me this information because you will likely die in the next five minutes if you are lucky if not you will be tortured for much longer than necessary you shall receive your first taste of that in a moment, and if you die you will only have to suffer what I will give you, although let me make this clear You will wish you had never been born if I don't think I am hearing the truth nor if you do not answer me, do you understand me? nod yes if so.

in response the assassin grimaced turned his head and spit at my feet, clearly not intimidated by my small size and voice.

It seems he need to show that he is serious.

sighing Em walked over to one of the brazers on the wall put the dagger and letter opener in his belt and took a torch which was resting in it and walked back to where the assassin was standing.

"before we get started would you mind sharing your name?" Em asked in his most innocent child like voice.

The man responded back with "my name is,...fuck off"

Empyrion gave him a disappointed look and while holding the torch in one hand brought out the dagger with the other.

bending down while the man tried to squirm away unsuccessfully cut neatly through his muddy leather trousers, exposing his naked lower half.

Smiling Jovially down at the man while he put the dagger back to his belt he said "I've always wondered if you could castrate a man with fire, shall we find out"



Empyrion called for his manservant body guards after he wiped what remained of the mans blood off his newly acquired blade, and his face.

The man had broken within the first minute of torture, and answered all of his questions, but he continued to see if the man was consistent with his answers again and again till he was satisfied, fortunately or unfortunately the man didn't initially bleed out but after a good slash to the throat with the mans own dagger he passed on within a few seconds gaining the release of death he had earned.

after leaving the room with the mutilated body and looks ranging from dubious to outright frightened directed at Em.

He then left the room for his fathers study on the way asking a maid to gather a few others and clean the blood and little bit of flesh from his chambers.

Finally making it to Tywins study he acknowledged the two guards stationed at the entry nodding at them.

one of them opened the door and called in "My Lord, your son Empyrion Lannister wishes for an audience with you"

to which a few sounds could be heard with the guard paling and ushering Em in.

a slightly red faced Tywin looked up at him from his surprisingly modest desk and seat and said rather calmly for his appearance"what do you need Empyrion, as you can see I am busy with the families business"

Responding humbly Empyrion stated "There has been an attempted assassination on me father, I killed them and have received mostly reliable information on who set the contract with them"

Tywin, startled, responded in a rapid manner "Are you ok, where is the assassin, who set the contract, who gave you the information?"

With a slight smile Em answered the questions "I am fine father, the assassin is currently feeding the worms underneath a few feet of dirt, Robert Baratheon, and the assassin gave me the information"

Tywin processed most of the information with grace till he heard Roberts name, He flushed red with anger and with a rage filled yell stated "That bastard born gutter trash oversteps he will pay and pay very dearly, he must have heard rumors of your parentage"

Gaining a serious gaze posture and tone Em asked "Father may I make a request?"

He responded clearly still angry but in control "Yes Empyrion, what do you want"

"I wish to hire a few trainers and bodyguards, with the threat of Baratheons assassins I need

more than my current protection and to learn how to defend myself when there is no protection"

Responding with a raised eye brows he said "Well I'm guessing from that certainty in your voice and that look in your eye that you already know who you wish to employ, I shall bare no expense for this request as long as I get to hire others if your own do not fit the roll as well as I think they should"

Responding with a smile I responded "I wish for Syrio Forel the First Sword Of Bravos, Ser Barristan Selmy, And Bronn the sell-sword to be my teachers and protectors"