
GOT/ASOIAF: Break the Wheel

The Main Character is a Male Targaryen who is named Eragon Targaryen, he is Daenerys Targaryen's twin brother. This is tagged Yuri because girls in his harem will get intimate during sex with the MC and people cry when they aren't warned. (people also seem to cry when they don't instantly see Yuri sex if it's tagged Yuri, you can't make people happy.) This is AU - This is an Alternate Universe of George's world. Expect people and things to be entirely different because of small changes butterflying out. Alternate Universe! Like how The entire first 25 chapters is a 'Time skip' until Eragon is 14 years old. So the first 25 chapters are just random POVs of others and him to build up the world and show changes. Instead of just saying "he was born and 14 years passed." I wrote out the 14 years in a 'fast' way and showed some character build-up for different people. Now that the easily triggered have been warned I can let you know more about the story. World exploration and conquest will be a big theme in this over the many chapters it will eventually be. So far he hasn't gotten around all that much but it's only chapter 70 out of like at least 1000 if I estimate it right. And that might be shorting it quite a bit as I will be making this a very long fan fic. Dragons are in this, new ones. Magic will be touched quite a bit, nothing like altering reality but definitely a cool flaming sword. I like to think I build up the characters pretty well and have them stick to their personalities pretty well. I said it before but world exploration and diving into the lore of new places are one of the things I look forward to the most so it's a pretty big part. I don't know what else, try it if the world of ASOIAF interest you, if it doesn't then this wont be something you like in the slightest.

Pretending_Author · Book&Literature
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189 Chs

56 R18 part 1


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Elia Martell


"Why are we doing this? I just wanted to talk to him and be a reasonable voice and have him know he is going to be taking on a lot of responsibility. I didn't want to come to some show where you seduce my brother into fucking you." Shaena complains for the tenth time but she is downing her wine to get drunk unreasonably fast, she looks toward the door like a nervous little girl.

This little slut wants to watch this but just won't admit it.

"I won't bite anything off and I mainly am just going to teach him how to use his hands and tongue and that will keep the girls interested long into the future. By that point, he will learn and develop his skills and will be able to manage them. This is so he doesn't get cheated on for not being able to bring the girls to a nice and soothing finish." She looks hesitant but grabs her cup and downs it, that's a full pitcher of Arbor gold she just knocked back.

I swap the next pitcher out with some Dornish red so she won't waste the expensive stuff.

"So you just want the cute young boy to eat your pussy." Lyanna comments as she sips her drink, I roll my eyes at her but internally nod.

"It's a lesson Lyanna, I doubt I will even finish without helping him myself." Her hoping though, I take a sip of my drink and hear a knock on the door.

I wink at Ashara and she nods before pouring a drink for Eragon, she wants to try the cutie out herself. I can't believe what raising kids with no husbands have done to us, oh well.


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Eragon Targaryen


"How to what?" I ask apparently my ears aren't working properly, it sounded like she said how to satisfy a woman. I feel a hand land on my shoulder and look up to see Cynthia giving me a somewhat proud look.

"Good luck boy." She turns around her hand slides off my shoulder as she leaves for the door she waves behind her. "I will keep anyone out unless someone is dying." My eyes widen hearing her and when I look back I feel dread building up.

"You heard me Eragon, it's not nice to play dumb with women when they say what they mean or feel." Elia glares at me but her sly smile makes me feel a bit wrong.

"You are going to teach me how to satisfy a woman?" She nods and nudges Lyanna to her side.

"We all are going to teach you, different girls like different things and you will have to learn fast or suffer from flippant moods. But most things involving what I plan to teach you are good for all females. We will be teaching you the skills most men don't care to learn since they only care for their satisfaction." I stare into her brown eyes and realize she isn't joking so I lift my cup and down the whole thing.

"Why wouldn't they care to satisfy the women they are with?" I think back to the feeling of the girls twitching and dripping on me with their quivering bodies and wonder what idiot wouldn't enjoy that.

"It's not that they don't all care but the ones who even bother to care don't even know how it's a rare breed of man who knows what he is doing. I mean look at the majority of men who just force themselves onto a woman to get babies and move on to the next. The few men who care and know what they are doing are outshined massively. Learning what we will teach you will always set you above and beyond any other man and will keep your girls sexually attracted to you long-term." Ashara 'kindly' pours me another glass as she nods along with what Elia is saying, these two seem dangerous. Lyanna is awkwardly slumped into her chair with a look that reminds me of when Rhaenyra gets called out in front of people she doesn't know.

Shaena on the side looks like the light left her eyes as she stares into the wall, a shaking hand holding her cup is the only sign of life.

"Alright, and what are these tips that you have for me." Elia takes a deep breath as she prepares herself for what seems like a long speech.

"First is the preparation, it's not always necessary and can even be hot to just jump right into the fun but most of the time it's better to draw it out with hands and your mouth." I nod and wonder what it's like to use my mouth, might be kind of fun.

"That sounds good, what else." Ashara speaks up next.

"It's not something to rush Eragon, you should hear her out on what to do with your hands and mouth." She patiently explains and her sensual voice sends a tingle down my back, this is very dangerous indeed.

"I think it would be best to give him an example." I feel dizzy hearing her speak and seeing her stand up, she walks toward Lyanna and sits on the table Infront of her.

Elia tosses a leg to the other side of Lyanna and pulls her dress up and over her head, she drops it to the ground and I can see her whole naked back down to her squished ass cheeks on the table.

"What the fuck." I comment and Elia leans back on the table and sets her head down right Infront of me. I can see her whole exposed front body and Lyanna in between her spread legs.

"Go ahead and show him how to do it." Elia says a little vindictively as I admire the stunning Dornish canvas Infront of me. A hand slides up my cheek and pulls me down to face her.

"Watch closely so you can get an idea of how to do it on your own." I nod dumbly as I see Lyanna grumble and slide her chair forward and lean in.

Lyanna puts a thumb against the top of Elia's sex and starts to rub in a circle-like motion, her other hand puts two fingers midway with a finger on each lip. She opens her two fingers wide and makes a V splitting open Elia's lips and exposing her pink interior.

My mouth goes dry watching the scene, I don't have the best view but it seems they expected that and put a standing mirror behind Lyanna in advance. I look back and forth between the real thing and the mirror and I still can't believe what I am seeing.

A few minutes ago I am laughing with both of these people's daughters and now I am watching as Lyanna leans in and licks around Elia's spread cunt. I grab my cup and fill my mouth trying to get rid of the dry feeling but it doesn't leave.

"You learning~?" I hear Elia purr as she breathes unevenly.

"I am certainly learning something." These girls are freaks is what I am learning and by god is it hot.

"Good boy, just sit back and watch and learn." She grabs her nipples between her thumb and index with each hand and starts to roll them around. The techniques are flooding my mind like Elia is flooding Lyanna's mouth with her hot juice.

"You see how she changes the way she rubs around the clit? You can change it up until you find the way your partner best likes it." Ashara has moved her chair next to mine so she can watch the show as well and leans in to talk softly in my ear.

"Clit?" I ask and she titters.

"The thing she has her thumb on, all girls have one and it feels good when you play with it." I nod along and finally have a name for one of the intricate parts of a cunt.

"Uhhh." Elia jerks and her legs go over Lyanna's shoulders and curve to bring the woman closer to her core.

Lyanna speeds up her tongue in an impressive display and soon Elia is shaking like a leaf and mewling like a cat.

"Like that... Did you learn?" Elia asks as she drops her legs and they hand off the table.

"I think..." I respond unsure and Elia weakly sits up and pants as she barely stays on the edge of the table.

"Ok, let's see what you learned." See what?! "Lyanna hop up on the table baby girl." Lyanna who was sitting back in her chair and wiping her face of woman's juice raises both her brows.

"Me? I thought you wanted him to get you off." Lyanna responds as she looks at the shaking woman.

"I did but now I feel weak, I need to relax for a second. I didn't expect it to be so fun to be watched so I enjoyed myself." Elia flops into her seat and leans back showing off her bare and glistening body.

Lyanna looks at Elia then at Ashara who shrugs and finally at my sister who I forgot was in the room who is shrunk back into her seat. Lyanna looks over at me and narrows her eyes before letting out a sigh.

"Fuck it." She downs her drink that was in hand and sets the empty cup to the side, a cheer comes from Elia and Lyanna starts removing her clothes.

She drops her clothes on the floor and walks barefoot around the table and Ashara slaps her ass causing the woman to jump slightly. Lyanna shakes her head at Ashara's nonsense and stands beside me before turning and jumping up onto the table with her front toward me.

"Hold still ok?" I nod and Lyanna shifts to sit Infront of me before swinging a leg over my head and now her pussy is completely exposed Infront of me. "Alright big guy, show me what you learned." Her perky breasts are right Infront of my face and her cunt is exposed for me to 'show' what I learned.

The fuzzy feeling in my head has grown into a pounding feeling that makes me feel almost dizzy as I admire Lyanna's body. Not trying to upset her I begin so she won't feel like I am just staring at her.

I take a hand and slowly lay her flat so I have some room and even scoot my chair back a bit.

With the best available positioning, I can get I put my thumb on the same spot she did Elia and start to make circular movements.

"Down some." She comments helpfully and I move down and feel the object I was seeking. When I start to rub around it there is a noticeable difference in her attitude as she shivers and her legs tighten on my side.

After getting a good feel for the first part I mimic her and also split her lips exposing her interior which is a bright pink. She is dripping and it runs down onto the table between her ass cheeks.

I lick my lips in anticipation and lean in for the first taste.

A very warm and slightly sticky but still fluid liquid, it doesn't have much of a taste and smears around as my tongue glides over her spread slit. I go from top to bottom multiple times before hitting a spot multiple times that causes her juicy thighs to shake.

I begin to abuse the spot with the tip of my tongue and circle it and she starts gasping.

I spin my thumb a bit faster as I circle the same spot with my tongue trying to move in sync and she wraps her legs around my head.

"Fuck! Ugghhhh, Why did it... have to be.... me!" She starts shaking and she pulls my head in and I have to move my hands. My tongue sinks into her hot depths and my mouth fills with warmth as she slaps the table with both hands.

"Damn Lyanna, you lasted like half the time Elia did. Did it feel good to have a young man licking at your cunt?" Ashara speaks with a bit of heat to her voice as Lyanna lets my head go I slowly lean back. I keep my hands gripping her soft thighs and I can't seem to look away from her dripping slit.

"It felt... good." She let her legs drop so I am fully supporting them and I soon realize three women are watching me look at Lyanna in a daze.

I shake my head and toss one of her legs over my head and close her legs shut. Seeing her be mostly unresponsive I look around the room and spot the bed so I lift Lyanna with one arm under her legs and the other going behind her shoulders.

I notice just how erect I got when I stand up and feel it strain against my pants.

"Damn Shaena you lied, it's bigger than you showed." Elia who seems to be back in the land of the living stands up and follows me over to the bed.

I set Lyanna on the bed and put a pillow under her head.

"She will be fine?" I ask with a husky voice by accident, Elia slaps my arm and laughs.

"Of course, she will be fine and so will your marriage life if you can keep doing that." She gets closer to the bed before setting her hands on it and bending forward while raising her hips. "Now try it on me." She shakes her hips side to side making her ass have waves go through it, she looks to the side and sees me staring at her butt and smiles.

Her eyes lower and she stares at my lower half before licking her lips and standing up.

"Let me teach you a different way to use your tongue, I think you will like this way a lot." She grabs my hand and leads me to the other side of the bed before pushing me onto it. "Lay still." She unbuckles my pants and pulls both them and my underclothes down to my feet in one swift movement.

"Seven hells." Ashara who seems to have snuck over is now on the bed behind me next to Lyanna sitting on her knees and watching with interest.

"I don't know what Shaena was even worried about." I hear Elia mutter softly before she climbs over me. "Here we go." She spins around and drops her ass to hover just over my face.

Not needing more instructions than that I loop a hand around under her and pick up the signature move of circular movements and one from behind to open her up.

"Good just like that, now keep going, and let's see who lasts longer." She mischievously giggles and I wonder what she means before a hand grips my sack and a wet feeling runs around my tip.

That's what she meant by last longer.

I start licking her up and down and search out a 'weak spot' like with Lyanna but keep getting distracted each time her tongue licks around my shaft and her hand massages my sack.

"Gods your stupidly big, I hope you don't hit the back of my throat and make me throw up that would be embarrassing." I soon feel her kiss my tips and slowly open her warm and wet mouth to take me inside of it.

I stop for a moment as I shiver and feel jolts running through my body and Elia shakes her ass to get my attention. I snap out of it and start to lap up her juice once more as it was dripping onto my face.

She starts rocking her hips and rubbing her slit against my mouth as I explore as much of her as I can. She has taken more than half of my cock into her mouth and every time she dives back down from rising to the top makes my toes curl.

She has her hand that's not on my sack running up and down my thigh while dragging her nails across it and the different sensation added with the others make me feel the dizziness come back.

The rocking of her hips speeds up as I start to feel light and hot, I go crazy licking her pink walls and hoping to 'beat' her.

As she takes me down a bit further I feel the surface of her mouth change as It seems to collide with the back of her throat and she gags. She pulls up but doesn't seem deterred as she dives back down while sucking the soul from my body.

I feel the walls tense and tighten as she dives further than ever before and almost seems to swallow most of my length. The tight feeling from her mouth on my cock brings me over the edge and I unload into her mouth. She grips my thighs with both hands as she holds herself down.

We both seem to unleash on each other and drain each other dry as her backside shakes and I grip her fat ass with both hands and mold it to my desire.

The jolts up my body and the heat building up in my cock heighten and I go slack as she keeps shaking her ass in my face and I can't even move as my legs feel paralyzed.

A moment later she is slowly pulling back up my length while still sucking keeping my paralysis prolonged and almost causing me to black out on the spot. When she gets to the top she seems to swallow before breaking off the top and sitting up straight and crushing my head with her backside.

With strength returning to my arms, I reach around and spank her ass so she will give me air but before she moves she makes sure to rub her cunt on my face and then flop to my side with her body facing upward.

"I lived." I mumble as I roll away from the woman who almost killed me.

I look up and am met with the sight of Ashara panting and rubbing herself right Infront of me with a flushed face and half-lidded eyes. I feel my dick twitch at the sight and try to shake my head and escape with my life intact but the panting noises make my head start to go fuzzy once more.

Her naked and plump body makes me bite my lip to try and restrain myself but it is a hard fight.

"Fuck her." I hear Elia whisper from the side and see the woman over my shoulder already recovered and I almost faint from shock.

"No don't fuck her." Shaena on the side standing beside the bed seems to be coming to my rescue and I almost sigh in relief. "Fuck me." She drops her dress and I spot her thighs shining with wetness.


Eragon is flagging and looks ready to tap out... will he live through this encounter?!

I Might have used too advanced of sexual words for this time period but I don't care! It got too hard to be conscious of wording and I just tried to focus on making it good!

Thanks for reading!!!

Pretending_Authorcreators' thoughts