
GOT/ASOIAF: Break the Wheel

The Main Character is a Male Targaryen who is named Eragon Targaryen, he is Daenerys Targaryen's twin brother. This is tagged Yuri because girls in his harem will get intimate during sex with the MC and people cry when they aren't warned. (people also seem to cry when they don't instantly see Yuri sex if it's tagged Yuri, you can't make people happy.) This is AU - This is an Alternate Universe of George's world. Expect people and things to be entirely different because of small changes butterflying out. Alternate Universe! Like how The entire first 25 chapters is a 'Time skip' until Eragon is 14 years old. So the first 25 chapters are just random POVs of others and him to build up the world and show changes. Instead of just saying "he was born and 14 years passed." I wrote out the 14 years in a 'fast' way and showed some character build-up for different people. Now that the easily triggered have been warned I can let you know more about the story. World exploration and conquest will be a big theme in this over the many chapters it will eventually be. So far he hasn't gotten around all that much but it's only chapter 70 out of like at least 1000 if I estimate it right. And that might be shorting it quite a bit as I will be making this a very long fan fic. Dragons are in this, new ones. Magic will be touched quite a bit, nothing like altering reality but definitely a cool flaming sword. I like to think I build up the characters pretty well and have them stick to their personalities pretty well. I said it before but world exploration and diving into the lore of new places are one of the things I look forward to the most so it's a pretty big part. I don't know what else, try it if the world of ASOIAF interest you, if it doesn't then this wont be something you like in the slightest.

Pretending_Author · Book&Literature
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189 Chs



298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Eragon Targaryen


Rhaenys and Visenya enter my bedroom and make their way over to the dragons who perked up upon their entrance.

"What did you want to talk about Eragon?" Rhaenys asks, she is in a normal Dornish style dress but she let her silver gold streak of hair flow with and into her dark brown hair.

"I wanted to let you both know I am serious about leaving, I am going to go somewhere the dragons can grow without the direct threat of an army marching down to kill them. Is it going to happen and an army is going to cut across Dorne and come to kill them, no. But I also am fearful of just about any lord in the seven kingdoms hiring someone to come to hunt the dragons." I pause to let that sink in as I pick up Arrax's tail and drop it against the table.

"And you are telling us because?" Rhaenys asks as she tucks Meraxes under her chin and pulls the dragon into her embrace.

"I want you both to go with me, I said it to Visenya earlier and she was interested but I didn't explain anything about the plan. I am going to first get your input and then talk to Prince Doran, I scheduled a meeting with him tomorrow and I will tell him my idea then. I want his support so I won't be scrounging for resources where I am going." Spears, gold, and ships mainly but also a crew of people I can trust enough to not try and kill me the moment we leave the shore. I would have to wait half a year or more for any potential support from the red temple if the high priest decided to send out some of his forces to aid me to raise the dragons.

"I will ask my mom and see what she says but like I said earlier she is planning to go North sometime soon. I expect her to want me to stay in Sunspear but I might be able to convince her." Visenya finally speaks up and I look over at her, she is also wearing a Dornish style dress and her raven black hair is falling down her back.

"Well I would love to get out and go somewhere, but where are we going?" She sits up straight and takes on a more serious attitude.

"Summer isles, around Ebonhead or one of the uninhabited islands near it. Dense jungles that are easy to disappear into but also not full of diseases like the Sothoryos jungles. I wouldn't mind Naath as the people are passivist and refuse to harm someone else but the butterfly disease melts flesh and muscle from bone." They both cringe hearing about the Butterfly disease, Naath was one of the first places I thought of for their beliefs in harming no one, even invaders are met with no resistance.

"Why summer isles and not somewhere in Essos?" Rhaenys seems to be getting a bit excited as she drops her serious attitude of a moment before. Visenya shakes her head at her sister's antics and rubs Vhagars little horns.

"Essos has huge standing armies in the form of Sellsword companies that would collect a purse and hunt us down. Also, the Dothraki and other slaving people would hunt us even without seeing dragons once they see beautiful girls traveling around." Visenyas cheeks bust pink a bit but she doesn't say anything about the compliment whereas her sister raises her chin proudly.

"That's true, I would be a hot commodity and we would constantly be on the run now that you point that out. That and the Blackfyres would love to hear about Targaryens sitting somewhere on Essos." I smile seeing her getting fired up, I won't lie and say I am not excited just to see some new things.

I am still worried about the possibility of conflict in the summer isles but worst comes to worst we will take the ships and stay on a small uninhabited island. Plenty of different animals native to the islands and also the entire ocean surrounding it to get fish from. I need money to hire some locals though to help catch a mass amount of food though so that's the main reason I want gold from Doran is to feed the dragons a steady supply of meat.

"You sure would be, lots of fat Essos Magisters would love to buy a unique and fiery woman like you to keep in their bedroom." She freezes in the middle of petting Meraxes and her face scrunches up.

"You are going to ask for some men aren't you?" Seems the fiery Targaryen Princess has some sensibility in her somewhere.

"That's the plan, if he won't or can't then I will go alone and pray the dragons don't just fly off and leave me at the first opportunity." I hope he accepts.


298 AC

Pentos - Illyrio's manse

Cirilla Blackfyre


"How sure is uncle about the source of the news?" Daemon asks in a grave tone, if this is true then we will just be wasting time heading to the east to let the Dothraki raid and the Golden company get paid.

"He is reasonably sure, the source is a desperate man who lost his lands and the deal he has is the only way to get them back. The Targaryens would never give him the Bear islands after he was sent there to spy on them and potentially kill some, that is if they know. But he is confident in the fact the Targaryens have baby dragons." Father in all his well-dressed and stinking glory sits in his chair while rubbing his oiled beard. He looks like he just told us the market is looking bad for cheese when he is telling us our enemies have living dragons.

Dragons are the bane of any standing army and the castle breakers.

"What are the chances this desperate man can steal them and bring them to us?" Daemon asks with an odd tone in his voice, he was biting his nails which is a bad habit he has had for as long as I can remember. Now he looks like a man who found a chest full of gold under the floorboards and stares intensely into our father's pig eyes.

"Near none, Dorne is ready for war and Sunspear is ready to be sieged any day. They have the palace locked down tight and no one is getting out with any of the dragons." Daemon slams his fist onto the table.

"What do we do about this?! If we attack Sunspear from the stepstones Robert Baratheon would sail down and crush both of us after our prolonged conflict." I feel a sour taste at the thought of neither side of Targaryen or Blackfyre getting the throne. The conflict is between our two families but neither family appreciates a whoring stag sitting on the throne.

"I have no idea, they can't stay in the palace forever, they will grow bigger than it so we can wait till they leave and try to kill them." Dameon shakes his head quickly.

"We don't kill them, we take them for our use. The dragons are what will keep our family on the throne, it's a godsent blessing they are back but on the wrong side. How did they get them, where did they find living dragon eggs." My mind goes back to the three dragon eggs in Helaena's room and how she always keeps them warm by a fire.

Does she know something? She has been weirder than normal lately and avoiding answering me why. She always talks to me but this time she won't even give me a hint, she just tells me she can't speak about it.

"Son, we can't let them get big enough to kill our troops the very troops my money keeps here in the first place. My opinion is to continue the plan to head east and let the Dothraki loot and pillage and do what they do best. When the time comes and your uncle gets in contact with me then you can try to steal them or kill them." Father got behind the idea of raiding with the Dothraki when Daemon told him it will only be enemies of his or the weakest of allies. That and a fat cut of the gold we will be making, fat greedy pig.

"Fine, we will go on as if we didn't just hear about the worst possible scenario and maybe things will work out." I snarkily reply before standing up to leave, I need to talk to my sister.


"Alright spit it out, you did one of your weird freaky seeing things and know something. Is it about the dragons that the Targaryens have?" It's hard to believe her sometimes with the stuff she says but like the other day when she randomly came up with a decent strategy, it almost seems real.

"Hello Ciri, it's good to see you as well. How was your meeting with father and brother?" She replies while brushing her hair.

"Hello Helaena, I am fine and I see you are fine so spit it out already." I slide next to her on her bench Infront of her mirror and look at my reflection

I can't see an inch of 'father' in either of us and I am glad for it. I thank the gods we took after mother or maybe even a different man she loved on when 'father' was busy looking the other way.

"I didn't see much about anything, at least not anything you would believe and I don't want to see your pitying look as you gaze at me with doubt. It breaks my heart when you don't even believe me, you are the only one who listens to me and even then you don't actually listen." I look over in surprise, she never gets snappy like this.

"I do listen to you, I will always listen to you." She sets down her brush slowly and turns to look at me.

"Then you would already know what I saw because I have told you before, if you wanted to know you would already know." Her pained look when I just get more confused forces me to pull her into a hug.

"I am sorry, I don't remember." She wraps her arms back around me and sets her forehead on my shoulder.

"It's fine, I am used to it." Guilt wells up but I ignore it and tighten the hug, I will try to listen better to her from now on.


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Eragon Targaryen


"Alright, kid let's go." Cynthia comes into the room without even knocking and singles me out.

"Huh?" She shakes her head.

"You agreed to visit Elia and your sister, they want to teach you how not to be a dumbass and help you not end up getting left when you treat your 'wives' badly." I feel my face slightly heat up hearing her speak and seeing the girls look over at me.

Rhaenys and Visenya are still in here and we are all talking about different ideas and plans.

"Oh, that." I stand up awkwardly, I feel like I did something wrong and am being scolded like a kid. It's not that big of a deal, they just want to help me with stuff I was never taught about. "I will be back soon." I wave back as I head for the door.

"He might be a few hours." Cynthia says behind me before closing the door behind us.

"A few hours?" I look back at her and she shrugs.

"If you got it in you then yea a few hours, I am giving you the benefit of the doubt with all the training I have put your body through."


"Come on over Eragon." Elia waves me over to a table where four people are sitting with one empty chair left.

Elia herself and my sister Shaena, there is also Lyanna and Ashara Dayne.

I sit in the chair and I get a cup of wine passed over to me, it's now I notice the multiple pitchers on the side that look to be empty.

"Sooo..." I shift a bit awkwardly in my chair, things don't feel right in here for some reason.

"No need to be so stressed out Eragon, we are just going to talk about some things and show you a few tricks." Elia smiles and I take the cup before taking a sip.

"Alright, what is it you want to teach me." I ready myself since this is apparently important to maintaining a lasting relationship. Elia shifts in her seat and sits up with her hands interlocked together Infront of her on the table.

"We are going to teach you how to satisfy a woman."

Yo that ending though.... O-o

Thanks for reading!!!

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