
3 Weeks Later

"C'mon Ono!"Bunga tugged at his friend's sleeve."You can't just sit here , crying day and night!Is that what Anga would have wanted?"

Ono sighed."Your right . Anga wouldn't have wanted me to starve myself day and night , with no sleep or food ."He got up from his bed , changed into some fresh clothes , and put on a purple jeweled bracelet .

Anga had always said that it matched the ring that Ono had given her when he had asked her to be his girlfriend . And since the day that he had found that note , he always wore the bracelet."I'm ready Bunga."he called.Bunga came in."Oh good becau - Hey Ono , why are you wearing Anga's bracelet ? "Ono looked at Bunga with a scolding face . Bunga took the clue."Either way . The rest of the team's waiting outside ."Bunga said as he walked out the door.Ono sighed . It was just best if he went.He followed Bunga outside.

"So where are we going exactly?"Ono asked.His friend had led him on random streets that he didn't even recognize."I can't tell you.If anyone hears , they'll chase us out ."he whispered.

Ono frowned.

"We're here!"Bunga whispered . Ono looked up from the ground and gasped . They were at ... Anga's house!?