
The Clue

"So why are we here again?"Ono asked with a very confused face.

Bunga groaned."We're here to find out where Anga is!"He repeated again for what felt like the hundredth time.

"Got it."Ono replied, finally understanding what Ono was telling him.

"Took you two long enough."a voice from the shadows called out.Bunga and Ono got into defense mode only to see Fuli step out of the shadows, her hands on her cocked-out hip with a smirk painted on her face.

"We were gone for less than a hour!"Bunga cried out, throwing his hands up for dramatic effect. Fuli stuck out her tongue. "No you were not!We waited so long,I bet even Zuri could finish shopping at the mall!Any way,"she paused and turned towards the open door. "Come on in."

They all marched inside until they reached Anga's living room. Beshte was lying on across a couch while Kion was trying to reach Anga by using his mark of the Guard. "Any luck?"Fuli asked as she approached. Kion shook his head. "No.Even if she can hear me, she won't respond.

"So is anyone going to tell me what's going on here?!"Ono said, clearly impatient. Kion took a deep breath and started to explain. "I called you all here today because Anga is missing.We know she won't talk through both calls and messages, so we'll have to look for clues but specifically in her study and room.Got it?"Everyone nodded. "Good. Fuli, you search Anga's room. Ono, you take the study. Beshte, look in the garage.If Anga had left, she would have probably taken her purple and silver canary with her.I'll search the back for break-ins.And Bunga,"he continued as he saw him sneaking towards the kitchen. "No stealing her cake, ice cream, candy, nothing ok?"Bunga grumbled. "And that's an ORDER!"


I'm in Anga's room and it's huge!But of course it is.She's a fashion designer and though she hates dressing up,I have no clue on how many accessories she has.I mean, even Zuri doesn't have half as much as Anga's, and god knows how much she has!I guess I'd better start with her closet; if she's gone, she would have taken clothes and I'll check her secret safe.Ok.Better start looking.


Anga's backyard looks normal.Better go see what the others found.


I enter the door to her study.Looking around, all I see are pictures on the wall, a computer on her desk, a plush rug on the ground, and a bookshelf in one corner.It looks...like it always has been.I turn and was about to leave the room when I trip on the rug.Thats when I activated the computer.Taking a look at it,I gasped.On the front page, was a flight ticket to Canada.