
Chapter 184: Is it Better than Chocolate?

Theo, with his new affinity, had something like wind rings surrounding his two hands. Due to his constant movement, sounds that seemed to be produced by tornadoes were coming from his fists.

Every punch he made brought intense pressure through the air. Gusts of wind headed in the direction of where he threw his fists.

Doing the same with his feet, he began to practice some blows of the Kempo Art of Golden Destruction. It was as if he had become the wind itself and controlled it by his will. Along with that, a strong pressure of golden flames was produced.

With this, he could form tornadoes from under his feet and go up into the sky. He could go gliding or even fly through the air at an even faster speed than when he used wings made of lightning or darkness.

"This is fantastic!" Theo flew and spun like a swallow through the sky while still in the Dimensional Room. Best of all was the meagre cost of Mana that was needed to sustain it.