
Gojos life as a god (Greek mythology/percy jackson)

After facing defeat at the hands of sukuna gojo is reborn into a world more dangerous and mire expansive than the jujutsu world. Join gojo in his life as a mythological figure

Rayden_Combes · Komik
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12 Chs

The peak of God hood

Meditating in my temple, I Humm in concentration. Nymphs wander the halls of my temple. They are allowed to since minor gods lust after them like dogs. Chasing them everywhere.

Inside my temple, they can stay as no minor god would dare to attack an Olympian for a nymph. It's been a week since my siblings and I have become Olympians, and during that time, I have been attempting to control my divine energy.

I've become more in sync with my divinity. I can create a barrier of pure energy capable of blocking even Father's thunderbolt. I can increase the gravity for my foes up to 1 thousand times, and I can slow my perception to the speed of light.

Apollo has been bedding numerous goddesses, and Artemis has begun a hunt. She has the daughter of Atlas by her side now as a virgin huntress. She hasn't visited since she's been hunting monsters often. I'll have to visit my adorable little sister sometime later.

Pulling on the bottomless pit of divine essence in my gut, I make that pit cover my entire being. A wave of warmth covers me as I attempt to inscribe my divinity along with the energy.

It fails, but I feel myself get a step closer to my divine form. Sighing, I stand. My shirtless form is packed with slender but bulging muscles as I walk around. I have nothing but a pair of modern pants.

Ignoring the nymphs who swoon over me in my temple, I walk through the halls casually. I am feeling a foreign yet familiar presence in my living space. Must people always invade my privacy?

"Aphrodite," I say as the familiar blonde goddess turns to me. In her hand is one of my art pieces, and she smiles slightly.

"What are you doing in my domain?" I question. A frown is present on my face as I ignore her roaming eyes.

"I can't visit Satoru? We had such fun the last time we saw one another~, " the love goddess teases as I snort.

"I can't even remember a minor detail from that night, so I fail to see how it's relevant." I cross my arms she's wasting the time I could be using to bathe.

Bathing is the only thing I have maintained from my last life. Gods don't typically bathe as they don't get dirty ever. But I bathe out of habit. It's the only reminder of my life as a human.

"Well. I was just wondering if you would like to revisit that memory. This time with you, a bit more coherent... you don't know how many gods would jump at this opportunity." I shake my head at her words. Deciding to get her off my back.

"I'll think about it. Maybe when I'm super horny." I reply honestly. Lust is the last thing on my mind when I'm still not strong enough to maintain my lifestyle.

She doesn't seem to be surprised at my response as she giggles. The love goddess is getting on my nerves as she walks towards me with a sway of her hips.

She stands on her tippy toes and whispers into my ear.

"You can have me anywhere at any time you want~" she disappears in a flash as I scowl. Who knew being a god would be so troublesome?

Gods are pretty fucked up in the head honestly. I'm not one to care about much, but they have sick fetishes. Even my siblings have these traits. I'll be honest: I'm included a bit.

Arty has already turned a minor god who approached her into a deer and hunted the man. Apollo has already impregnated a human princess. We've been major gods for a week and alive for 2 weeks.

I've developed a reputation as a 'nice god' as I don't do any of that shit. I don't care what my siblings do honestly. I love them dearly. Suguru was my best friend and he threatened genocide and I couldn't be too mad at him. I just killed him out of duty.

Not to say I don't find bad acts bad. I just don't bat an eye at them unless they are to someone under my protection like one of my cute students.

Then I will have to take action. If one of my siblings harmed one of my future students I won't kill them as that would cause a power Rift but I will cold-shoulder them for a few centuries.

But other gods? I'd slaughter them without a moment's thought. It's all based on the reasoning and circumstances.

Before I visit my father for help on my ascension I'm going to visit little Arty. She's been collecting virgins from bad circumstances to join her in the hunt.

I also haven't been to the mortal world. As all of my time spent is either on Olympus or training. Leaping down from Mount Olympus I whoop in joy as I fall thousands of feet.

Slowly floating down once I'm close to the ground. I feel the mist conceal me from prying mortal eyes as I force my senses to shower Greece to find arty. I find her presence near 4 others. Most likely her hunters.

Teleporting to her location. I land on a tree and observe them as they chase after a massive snake-like creature. Echidna or something like that.

They make quick work of the thing. Artemis is not here as she seems to be doing something else. I float down from the tree as one of the women spots me.

"A man!" She yells. Her voice is venomous as she points a bow towards me. The other three immediately respond with the same actions as I chuckle.

"Relax I'm just here to find your lady." I laugh as their faces turn red in anger at the mention of Artemis.

"Thy will not lay a palm on Lady Artemis. She will turn you into a bug for your transgressions." Artys lieutenant Zoe threatens as I rub my chin. Her way of speaking is funny.

I laugh as the hunters shoot their arrows at me. Each arrow stops inches away from me as I fall to the ground clutching my stomach.

"Pfft hahaha. Arty! Get your hunters they're bullying me. Hahaha!" I laugh as I sense Arty appear near her hunters her fave showing annoyance as she looks down at my laughing form.

"Brother. What brings you to the mortal world?" She asks as the hunters look shocked at the revelation. I laugh even more at their faces before slowly standing up.

Artemis takes the form of a 12 year old so I squat down to rub her hair much to her annoyance. As she swats my hands away from her head. I pretend to be hurt as she chuckles.

"This is one of your two triplet brothers that you speak of my lady?" The tallest hunter asks. Long black hair and deep blue eyes. Pretty attractive. Might be targeted by some god soon.

Artemis slaps me for staring at one of her hunters as I whine. My little sister is bullying me.

"Wahhh. My little sister is bullying me while I'm visiting her in the mortal world. How can you be so cruel oh goddess of the hunt?" I ask as I rub my cheek.

"I'm older than you fool! And don't stare at my hunters with that gaze or I'll slap you again!" Artemis yells at me as I flinch back from her approaching form.

"Oh no. I'm so scared!" I laugh as she begins to slap me again. I pick her up in her 12-year-old form as she begins to try and stab me with one of her daggers.

"Put me down you oath!" She yells as I heed her command. Dropping her to the floor as she landed on her feet gracefully. Her hunters looking at me in clear fear. They have PTSD from normal men and I'm a male god stronger than their lady. It's natural for them to be fearful. After all male gods are pretty fucked up in the head.

I have no doubt Apollo would lust after our sister's hunters if they weren't our sister's hunters. Regardless that's probably barely stopping my brother as he moves fast. He's a soon-to-be father at a week old.

"All right, see you, arty. I was just checking up on my adorable little sissy. Make sure you tell me if any god bullies you, and I will be here in no less than a flash." With that, I teleport away. Back on Olympus as I head towards Father's palace in the center of Olympus.


"Perfect my son. Now pull on that feeling of strength. Bring your truest form to existence. Your close just a little tug." My father's voice is soothing and commanding as I follow his instructions with some effort.

Yanking on the string in my body I feel energy explode out of me in droves as I open my eyes. Blinding light covers the area as my father looks at my true form unflinching. I feel 100× stronger than normal and my connection to my domains seems amplified by 20.

My eyes see colors indescribable and my passive barrier becomes unbreakable. I drop the form after a few seconds. My father smiles with pride as I grin ear to ear.

The feeling of entering my 'truest form' is beyond the feeling of a black flash. In my divine state, I'm closest to taking the shape of my soul.

"It seems you have done it, my son. I'd say you could beat most titans from the war against my father. Rather impressive. Though now that you have achieved this, your progression will slow." Father explains as I nod.

"I'm just happy to get a power-up," I admit as Father laughs. Thunder rumbled in sync with his laughter before he disappeared.

Smiling, I decided to pay my brother Apollo a visit. Can't play favorites with him and Arty now, could I?


Teleporting into Apollos' domain, I grin as I hear moaning coming from his bed chambers. It's time to blueball my brother.

Knocking on his chambers door, I yell.

"Oi! Room service!" I laugh as the sound in the room stops before Apollo bursts out of the room coated in flames.

"WHO DARES! - oh. It's you, brother. You couldn't have chosen a worst tike for a visit." The flames stop as I look inside the room. Noting a minor goddess on the bed covering herself as I wave.

"Sup, bro. Looks like you have been getting busy lately. Just wanted to let you know I've attained my true divine form. You know. Cause I'm the most awesome brother of Artemis." I taunt as he frowns. His eyes glowed fire as he glared.

"I'm the better one!" He retaliates as we enter a rock of rock papers scissors. Something I've shown Apollo so we could see who was smarter.

I win naturally as my eyes tell me hid every move. After hid sulking at losing, he enters the room. Sticking his tongue out mockingly before slamming the door. I'm already teleporting away as I laugh.

Now that I've hot step one down, I'm feeling rather unsatisfied. I may go pick a fight with another god or take aphrodite up on her offer.