
Gojos life as a god (Greek mythology/percy jackson)

After facing defeat at the hands of sukuna gojo is reborn into a world more dangerous and mire expansive than the jujutsu world. Join gojo in his life as a mythological figure

Rayden_Combes · Anime & Comics
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After a long, drawn-out process and a vote. Me arty and Apollo were made Olympians. For the added factor, Apollo will head to slay the serpent that chased our mother.

But first, our dear daddy will be giving us our titles and divinity. It was an exaggerated process. I am the god of gravity, perception, and protection.

Arty is the goddess of the hunt. Childbirth and the moon. The last part she inherited from the now fading titaness of the moon. Seline. Once mortals. Humans. Begin to lose belief and faith in a titan or god said titan or god fades away.

Apollo has the most divinities being the god of sun and light, music. Prophecy and healing. I'm not jealous because my divinity is better no matter what Apollo tells you.

Apollo inherited the god of the son part from Helios. Another fading titan from the Golden Age. Apollo will now have to ride the sun up every day.

"You will do fine, bro." I pat Apollo's shoulder as he gets ready for his quest. He's the only one going on one due to his own choice.

"You have my blessing, brother. You will hunt and put an end to our mother's tormentor." Artemis adds her encouragement as Apollo gets ready to go after the serpents.

"Woah woah. I'm not worried. Bro. Sis. I'm stoked. I get to avenge our mother's fear and misery by torturing the thing that dared chase her." He smiles as he hugs me and Arty. This is nice. My closeness with Artemis and Apollo in this life is beyond that of my bond with Suguru, and we have only been siblings for a week.

Our bond seems to be unbreakable. I don't understand the science behind it, but our bond is heavy. I'm willing to kill for both my siblings. It's irrational, but it's feelings I hold for my triplet siblings.

Apollo sets off. Flying through the sky, leaving behind golden particles as me and Artemis watch him fly off. A smile graces my face. I have no doubt Apollo will triumph.

Me and Artemis head towards our new thrones. With our placements as olympians, just sitting on our thrones once has boosted our power by 10 times at least.

We went from unacknowledged minor gods to major gods of Olympus. Father explained it as the world accepting us. My confidence of beating every god in the room but 2 has gone from slight confidence to complete certainty.

The next step my siblings and I need to take is achieving our true immortal forms. Something that passes by me. As a former jujutsu sorcerers transformations are foreign to me as sorcerers don't do that with few exceptions and cursed spirits were too easy to kill before they do that.

Sitting on my throne in between the grey eyed dark brown haired goddes 'Athena' and the flaming eyed dark-haired musclehead ares. Two of my half siblings. I watch as my aunt hestia makes a hearth that follows Apollo.

While he slays the python, we will watch from Olympus. Lazing around in my newly appointed throne, I note everyone seems to remain silent as we watch Apollo encounter the python.

He's somewhere in the middle of delphi or something. Moaning in annoyance. I stare at the hearth in interest. I would strike up a conversation, but Arty is on the other side of the room next to the beautiful goddes aphrodite, and on the other side of her is empty. Apollos seat.

I don't think ares will hold much of a conversation. As he seems to ramble on and on random things despite everyone else remaining quiet. And athena seems more interested in the hearth than anything else.

Apollo trolls the python with a slew of flaming arrows from a mile away. The python writhes in agony as the burning arrows damage its disgusting form.

Feeling my nose scrunch, I frown. The snake looks unappealing from here. I can just imagine what it looks like in person. Large and disgusting. Worse than any cursed spirit by far.

I smile as Apollo ends the fight after a thirty minute torture session. The python pleading for 'gaea' so save it as father pulls Apollo away before whoever that is can get to him.

Me and Arty congratulate our brother. Father announces a celebration as things change quickly. Apollo wants to perform for all the nymphs' nature spirits and minor gods as I drown myself in ambriosa.

I unfortunately can't hold my alcohol as I begin to hit on any goddes in the area. (A/n gojo can't handle his liquor in cannon BTW XD)

Slurring my words, I babble on to the beautiful goddess aphrodite. My words come out barely comprehensible as I wobble in place.

She seems to enjoy it as she smiles at me. She speaks, but my mind tunes her out, and my vision blurs.


The next morning, I woke up absolutely smashed. My head hurts. It's the worst head pain I've had since I've overused my cursed technique versus sukuna.

The first thing I note is the goddes from yesterday laying down next to me. Clearly unconscious as I frown. A feeling of guilt pangs in my chest as I recall her being married to my handicapped brother hephaestus.

Even while drunk, I shouldn't have been acting that way. It's like she manipulated my desires or something. I'm not the type to sleep with anyone I don't know on a personal level.

Remembering my training from Uncle Lelantos. I teleport to a nerby pond. Nymphs gasp in shock as I bathe myself in the water.

My transportation in this life is different from my last. To teleport, I'd imagine a location and bring myself infinitely closer to that location. Now, I have to dematarialize my being and reform at my desired location.

I will be avoiding aphrodite for the time being. I assume her divinity is related to desire manipulation as there is no way I'd sleep with a person married to my brother. Drunk or not.

So it's logical to assume she manipulated my already drunken desires and slept with me. It's not that serious, in all honesty. I've come to accept the absurdity of my new life rather quickly.

Now, I need a base of operations. It's only my second day as an olympian, and I have literally nowhere to go and train. I'm essentially homeless.

So, to get things started, I decided to build my own place. It doesn't take me as long as I can telekinetically control stuff. A plus of being a god.

I make a large temple. The temple is infused with soked with my divine energy. Giving it a glowing blue hue.

As I'm making the furniture. Artemis and Apollo rudely interrupted my muses as they both teleported into my personal chambers.

"Woah guys, what the heck are you two doing here? This is my man cave." I bark as my siblings' deadpan stares at me.

After staring at each other for a few minutes, Artemis breaks the staring contest.

"Brother. Have you been taken advantage of by that whore of a love goddess?" Artemis asks as I feel my mouth open.

Before I can speak Apollo interrupted me by blurting.

"You sure move fast satoru. You've slept with the most desired woman in the pantheon and gained the ire of Hephaestus and weirdly Ares in just our first day." I wave my hands in denial immediately.

"Woah woah. I was drunk. It's not like I did anything intentionally. Also. If any of them have a bone to pick with me, they can come fight me." I grin as I palm my fist.

It's been a while since I've got into a good fight. If they are truly gods, surely they can dish out a few good hits. This excites me.

"So she did take advantage of you!? That whore!" Arty yells as I raise my hands towards her to calm her down. A smile is still present on my face.

"It's not that serious, Arty. Chill. There is no need to start more beef." I chuckle as my siblings look confused.

"Beef? Isn't that mortal food?" Apollo questions as Artemis nods. I shrug before continuing to construct my man cave.

"You two can leave now. I'm sure you both have your own buisness to get too. I'm just trying to finish up my totally better house than whatever Apollo can make home." I taunt my brother as he raises his head in fury.

"This place isn't better than what I can make! Don't make me laugh bro!" Apollo dissappears in a show of lights as Artemis fades away in a dance of silver.

Sighing I emerge myself into work.


Walking through the streets of Olympus, I smile at the respect the minor gods give me and the desire the nymphs show for me.

Heading towards my father's palace, I ignore the looks everyone gives me as I open the door. There, my father sits on his throne, leering down at the mortal realm. He scrambles up as he notices me.

"Ahem. My son. What do you need of me?" My father questions as I show respect normal in Japan with a short bow.

"Father. I've been hoping you can help me achieve my true immortal form. It passes by me as quite difficult and who better to ask than the strongest." I ask politely.

My father hums as he rubbed his beard a bit before nodding.

"Very well, my son. I can help you achieve the divine transformation. But not now. I have some business to attend to in the mortal realm so talk to ke about this in a week or two." With that father vanishes in a flash of thunder as I sigh.

Yea this guy is going to take forever to help teach me. My mother told me that by the time I'm at least one year old, it will come naturally.

But I'm going to try to get the basics of the transformation down before my father can help me later. He's probably down in the human realm fornicating with some woman. According to almost everyone he fucks literally anything.

If he continues this, he won't be the strongest for long. It's not like I have any plans for the throne. Even as a sorcerer, I never wanted to be in charge of things even while the undeniable strongest.

Feeling a prayer to myself I smile. On my second day I've been acknowledged by the people of Greece. My divinity of protection leading to people praying for it often.

When I were a younger jujutsu sorcerer. I didn't think the weak were worth protecting as they were weak. The older I got the more I realized with power comes responsibilities.

Silently giving the single mother of 4 my blessing for protection against disease and other afflictions for the next 10 years I smile.

"Whelp let's get to work." I rub my temples as I teleport to my temple.