
Venom Follows

Elizabeth Woodville, The Queen Of England:

I walked the halls, I never thought I could be more angry than I am today. I am ashamed, and I am sad, but most importantly I am angry. Sad that my husband has such a horrible family, one that cannot be happy because he is happy, one that likes to rub their power in others faces.

Ashamed that I have to look at those people every single day. And angry because they still think they have power over Edward, Edward is a man, his own man, and he does not need them.

On my way to Edward's office, I find me the accomplice. George, he gives me a quick courtesy, along with the word "sister". But I shake it off, because I cannot stand it, and I walk into Edward's office.

Only being in his presence will I be able to calm down, and I will relax in my husbands company. But I did not forget about the anger I had for him. Anger is a very strong emotion, after all.

"More land for the traitors? I wonder that is does not make you sick." I walk over to pour myself a glass of wine, that will also calm me down.

"For the nobles, my love and this is what it is to be King. I give out wealth and favors or else they may wish good old Henry was back on the throne. Or his son, Edward. Or my brother, George. Or god forbid Margaret Beaufort's son, Henry Tudor. 'Let's have Lancaster back" Edward mimicked what that Margaret would say. The women is mad, but I do not think as mad as I am right now. However I believe I have cooled down.

"She surely cannot hope for him. There are many others before him." That Margaret was delusional, she thinks with gods will her child will be on the throne. She'll have to get through mine. Just as I thought I had escaped the venom in the party room. He seems to follow me where ever I go.

Warwick walks in, with that pride walk he loves to do so much. "Ah! Warwick there you are. I have something for you" Edward finishes writing his letter, and hands it over to Warwick.

I grab on to my necklace, hoping the curse starts doing its work. The necklace was the main tool I needed to do the curse, and it holds the curse inside it. By touching it I hope the curse does it's work.

"So how's the newlyweds hmm. Is your daughter madly in love for my troublesome brother, George?" I did not believe they Edward actually gave a care in the world for them.

"They give thanks that god has blessed them with a child so soon. They have hopes it may be a boy." So even in front of the King he still manages to tell me this one thing, he knows they might end up having a boy before me.

Well, who knows, maybe one of my beautiful daughters will take the throne one day. A woman has the ability to be more powerful than a boy[1].

"We all pray for sons" Edward said, that is when I really started to grab on to my necklace. I walked out. I was not going to pretend like I cared about Warwick, or his opinion. I would rather tell the whole world I hated him. But one can only pray for so.

Me, being a witch, can curse for so. And in hopes that curse, will do its magic, and release hell on Earth. Hell on Earth for the two people it was meant for, George Plantagenet, and Richard Neville.

I only wish to kill them. Then while I live in peace, only then will I have what I wanted.

[1] Hint for in which, Elizabeth and Edward's First daughter, is the one who gets the throne. Her husband being the most shocking of all.

Wanna know something scary, This chapter was exactly 666 words. Spooky *-*

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