
Gods' Magic System

In the year 2175, Vampires have come forward from the shadows to become part of civilization. They work alongside humans for the betterment of the Earth as a whole. Flying cities have been erected all over the world, above the existing, now called, Lower Cities. Alex is an orphan boy who lives at the bottom of Xeno Euro. A relatively new city, only 25 years old, that boasts the highest altitude among the flying cities of Old America. The city is run by a master vampire by the name of Earlan Bludfist. In this relatively safe city, humans don't have to worry about their safety, it is guaranteed. All thanks to the vampire soldiers that patrol its streets. In the year 2070, earth was invaded by aliens. They came from the stars and very easily took over key points of the entire world. War was waged, but that only lasted a couple of years. The aliens' technology was too advanced. But then, a miracle happened, a strange, magical energy, suffused into the earth and everything changed.

Trey_Lacer · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs


Galactic Year 2175, Xeno Euro Undercity

I stood in front of the window in my bedroom, looking out over the brightening land far, far below the underbelly of a flying metropolis in the sky. The sun had just begun to rise and I was intent on watching the sunrise to completion today. I stood bare chested in the controlled temperature of my bedroom, gazing into the horizon intensely. I squinted my eyes at the growing light as my reflection became clear on the glass. I suppose I could be considered handsome. I had a strong jawline, perfectly structured cheekbones, long, dark and smooth black hair and eyes that burned a bright burnt orange. The sunlight didn't bother me at all, in fact, I enjoyed sunlight very much. The sunlight, however, didn't like me very much. My skin burst into a rainbow of shining colors before the window automatically tinted itself.

I turned away from the window and faced one of the two corners of my room, where I knew the microscopic cameras were placed. There were many microscopic cameras placed in that corner in such a way that they covered the entire room. I couldn't sneak out, ever. They would know as soon as the cameras sensed my movement. I shook my head and put on my shirt before going to the door. Once I stepped in front of the door, it slid aside into the wall, allowing me to exit the room and go into the living area of my apartment. Standing at the counter, with a dat-pad in hand, was the Doc. I called him Doc 'cause he never gave me his real name. The guy was always nervous about something, if it wasn't about me, he was always nervous that his boss would sniff out what we were up to. Oh don't think that this is a story where I have no idea about my background. I know exactly who I am. I am Alex, and as far as I'm concerned, I'm a human. The rest of the story? Well I'll let that remain a mystery for now.

"M-Master Al-"

"I told you to stop calling me that, Doc." I cut Doc off before he could continue. I did not care about that part of my life. I was turning 16 today, and my so-called "Father" was nowhere to be seen.

"S-Sorry, S-Sir.." Ever one for formalities, Doc could never drop them. I rolled my eyes and turned back towards him.

"What is it today, Doc?"

"W-Well, it is your 16th birthday today and your...uhhhh....y-your f-fath-"

"Cut to it Doc. And you know, I don't have a father." I cut Doc off again, feeling ever more frustrated with the man.

"S-Sorry! H-He wants you to p-present your self in f-front of the f-family..." Doc managed to spit it out, although he became increasingly more nervous.

"Well come on then, Doc. Let's get this day's tests done. I have a birthday party tonight." I sighed heavily and walked with Doc into his lab. We did this every day, to monitor my growth, Doc said. But I knew there was something expected of me. Doc followed me into the lab and got to work. This was his domain, the only time Doc was never nervous. We ran blood tests, physical examinations, he even did a CAT scan and MRI. Every day. The last test, was to test for magical ability. I placed my hand on the machine and tried to circulate my Mana. As always, the results came back with zero and, like always, Doc frowned deeply before writing down the results. As I left the lab I could hear Doc muttering to himself.

"I'm so sorry, Master Alex..." His voice was quiet, too quiet for normal human hearing, so I ignored his mutterings for the most part. But, this time, I felt more than heard the words. This was bad and I knew my powerlessness was going to cause a problem for me tonight.