

The beginning of my journey, a god. OK OK . ex-god. It's temporary I tell you. .......... I swear!!!! ..... fine then, don't believe. You'll see. Just you wait

eternalotaku · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

Oh. What a coincidence

Tracking down this so called "God" was much easier than expected. Apparently people can choose to upload their location along with pictures they post. Of course I wouldn't do such a rookie mistake but my copy cat? Well to our dismay, he wouldn't either.

But of course, there's always a way. Devy introduced me to this thing called stalking. Apparently by seeing all the pictures someone posted, we might be able to figure out where he's from.


My god! How much does this guy post! and finally we reached his very first post. The caption read- "A place like home." and the picture was of a tall dark skinned, brown haired young man. Arguably more good looking that Devy, standing on top of a sand dune. and in the backdrop stood a 3000 year old monument, a remnant of the old world. Something only one place could have.

The Pyramids of Giza.

"Egypt." Me and Devy said in chorus.


This..... could be a slight problem.

"Hey Devy, I don't have the kind of cash to go to Egypt." I said, Devy was sitting beside me now on the bed and staring at the screen. He smiled at me, and put a hand on my shoulder. I felt relieved. I trusted the Devil lords goodness. He'd help me out. He helped a stray cat I've got to be better than THAT at least.

Devy looked me in the eye and said the golden words

"That makes two of us"

Those were definitely not the golden words I was expecting. It seemed I was less important than a stray cat (〒︿〒)

"I thought you worked and stuff!"

He looked at me the same way I was looking at him last chapter.

"Yes. I work. But I also eat. Don't you?"

"Uhh I guess." I replied. Was I going to have to work. A god. Work? For someone else?

Oh the horror!

"I suggest you find work first if you're planning on going to Egypt. Or live at that. "

He really was the devil after all. I was already cursing last chapter me for thinking otherwise!

"I can stay here for now right?" I asked, trying my best to make puppy eyes.

"There's not much space, I have Ketchup as well, his premium brand pet food is expensive." He paused. Looked at my puppy eyes,


"I'll let u stay for a couple of days until u find a job and an apartment."

I did a victory dance in my head. I guess Devy liked both cats and dogs. Anything cute goes with him huh. But seriously, Ketchup gets premium brand cat food and me? a couple of days till I find work? When a cat has better life than you (〒︿〒).

"So regarding the job, I'd do something at Walmart for you but there's no empty spot. You should try out some convenience stores around town."

Wow. Convenience stores. Random people ordering me around on a regular basis. Devy's doing this on purpose isn't he?

"Let's go" He said suddenly

"Where?" I could pretty much guess where but I didn't like what I guessed.

"To get you a job what else."

Aah man! Humans sure have it rough don't they?


"So you say your name is Jesus. Jesus Christ?" The interviewer raised an eyebrow. He was in charge of this particular convenience store.

"That's right" I replied. He frowned.

"Sir" I added hastily. This was by far the most humiliating experience I had ever gone through. Well not counting Brutus, because I'll deny that ever happened.

Brutus who again?

I thought choosing my son's name would make it easier for humans to like me as he sacrificed his life for them. But clearly I was was wrong. It just made then think I was crazy.

"My parents were deeply religious" I said, which wasn't exactly a lie. If I did have parents they'd probably believe in me. Thereby believe in god.

"So....I can pretty much guess but do you have any previous work experience"

I smiled. This was what I was waiting for. This would seal the deal. Once he hears my feats, he'll be bound to hire me.

" I was a God for the last few of centuries, so I was involved with the usual process like creating the earth, sun, light etc. But after that the 7th day's been going on since a while now. You know how it is, once you rest it's impossible to get back up."

Yep. That's the look. Of awe, wonder... disbelief, anger, disgust ...wait a second that can't be right.....

"That was a joke. I hope"

"Of course not." I stood up now to my full height. An astonishingly average 5"7. "I was a God." I expected him to fall to my knees now but he just put his face in his hands.

"THAT, " He said, pointing to me standing with my chest pumped out, "Wasn't what I had guessed. So will you get out or do I gave to call the police?"


"Joke! My dear sir! Of course it's a joke! What else would it be? I don't even believe in god!! God who?" He nodded. "You start tonight. If u screw up. You're out. Got it, GOD?" He stressed on the word 'God' and I nodded silently. I had one thing going for me, that I was an ex god and this guy's taking that away from me too!


Difficult to say now. Which was more humiliating. Brutus or this.

Oh wait. Brutus who again?

Those were my thoughts as I was sitting in the store room of the convenience store. Being interrogated by the manager, when the door opened and my worst nightmare walked in. You'd think it would've been Devy. With us being God and Devil, arch enemies and all. But no. My worst nightmare. My greatest fear. Someone I got to know after Godfall. That's right fellas, Wearing the Convenience store uniform, with a green apron and all, with the name:


typed in italics at the centre. Followed, of course, by the sounds I had gotten quite used to hearing, for some reason. "Mommy! You've come for me!"

"Oh. What a coincidence."

Now I knew why the manager had hired me without too much thought. Even if I was crazy(which I'm not), I wouldn't be the only crazy one.

These were the things going through my head, as Brutus snatched me into a bear hug. Making me unable to breathe. And when I did sneak in a breath, he smelled like lavender for some reason.....

That night I dreamt of Lavender flowers growing limbs, and capturing me in a bear hug.

Am I allowed to quit on my very first day?


My first time guys so please leave a review with your honest opinions. If ur honest opinion is 5 stars that is. Jk jk. Thanks for reading!

eternalotakucreators' thoughts