
Goddess Of Sex Lustful System

A Goddess of Sex is trying to destroy the world by draining all of the people’s vitality and letting them dry by having sex with them. This was something that must be stopped before all life on Earth would cease to exist. But how you may ask? By satisfying her lustful desire. The fact that she had sex with every person on Earth shows that there is no one could do that. But there is someone who could potentially control her sexual drive. A young man named William Zachary who had zero experience in it. He is the perfect candidate, but before he can do that, he must have sexual intercourse with every kind of girl and every kind of kink out there. Yes, every one of them. So that he is experienced enough to fulfill what Goddess Callista’s lustful desire. “This must be a joke. Am I really able to fuck them all and try all the different fetishes out there?” (You never know. Deep down, I know that you’re tempted by this opportunity, eh?) “Well, who wouldn’t want to save the world by having to enjoy yourself with girls?” ---- Anyways, expect a lot of sex, fetishes, and kinks (not the weird ones) in the story. A little bit of romance as well as comedy. I’ll try to update every day at 11 PM GMT+7 unless I’m sick or I’m busy with my real-life stuffs. But I’m planning to turn this into a long-running series.

Avalynez · Komik
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16 Chs

Chapter 13 "A Night Chat"

He smiled, feeling glad that she replied to his message. He knew he couldn't let this moment go to waste. Even though it was late at night, at least he could talk with her for a while to get their chemistry a little bit closer.

It might help him to get closer to her better later in the future.

After thinking about what to reply to her for a while, he responded, 'I told you I'm going to show it to you later when I'm home. It is a really nice one, but I barely use it and only use it if I'm not feeling tired or anything. What about yours? I assume yours are nice.'

Aria replied, and her response was what surprised him.

'Mine is nothing much. I usually play games on this one.'

Soon, Aria sends an image of her rig. William sees her rig, which is a lot more complicated than his. She has three monitors, her PC is on the left side, and her mouse, keyboard, and headset are placed on the right.

She has a nice-looking desk where her kinds of stuff are organized neatly. He couldn't help but feel amazed seeing her PC setup. There were also a lot of figurines that were neatly lined up on her desk.

(Wow, talk about hardcore.)

'Gah damnnnnn, that's a crazy one. You really went all out with that one, huh.' He replied

She sends a laughing frog emoji, 'Oh, this? This is nothing, trust me. I've seen people with better setups out there.'

He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Her rig was much more complicated than his, and the fact that she said this was nothing. It's not like he's jealous of her. He just couldn't understand how she played with such a complicated setup.

(Man, she really loves gaming and all that stuff, huh? Talk about being a huge nerd.)

William dropped her head down, "Come on, now. Everyone has their hobbies, and this is definitely something that she really does a lot."

(Alright, alright. I'm not gonna judge her anymore. Though I gotta say, she's an interesting one, someone like her is really hard to find. There's probably a lot, but you got lucky that you got to meet her at that nightclub.)

"That's true. It is pretty out of my expectation to meet her at that kind of place."

He started to type again, 'I'm really curious how much time and money you put into building that whole setup. It must have been a lot.'

Another message came from Aria, 'It took me like a lot of time, years even, and a lot of money to build this. But in the end, it was worth it, and I'm comfortable with what I have. I could basically kill everything with this setup.'

'I can definitely see that there's no doubt that yours are going to tread everything. Mine's is a bit short to yours.' He replied with a dead emoji.

They kept on messaging each other and chatting. He could see the conversation flowing between them, even though most of them were just talking about gaming and PC components.

He can see that she loves playing games a lot. Even though the majority of the time, she plays the same games, he could see how much time and effort she put into the game.

She is a big fan of strategy games and RPGs. While she played other types of games, those are the genres she likes to play the most. He could see why she was so passionate about these games, as she could play with the game mechanics and see the ways to make the best use of it.

She really is a big nerd when it comes to these games. She started to explain the reason why she plays a lot of FFXIV because of its game mechanics and everything. However, the explanation is too complex and hard for him to understand.

Even if he doesn't know about it, he was happy that he can listen to her and that he's learning new things from her.

(I swear, I have zero idea of what she is even talking about right now. Everything is just about tech and games stuff. I don't even know how to approach her.)

"To be honest, she's the easiest to approach, in my opinion. As for her friend? I don't know how am I to able approach her." He replied to Fay.

(Well, I guess both of you are made to be together then.)

'Oh, right! You played FFXIV as well, right? Do you want to join in and hop on to play tonight?' Aria directly asked him to play at this time.

(Well, that was something that I had not expected from her. She made the first move on you.)

William didn't expect her to invite him at this hour.

(What are you going to do?)

William scratched his head, "To be honest, I feel like it's better to just go to sleep instead of playing a game. But I feel like I shouldn't refuse her invitation."

(Then go ahead, do it. Maybe this will give you a chance to get closer to her. Who knows, this might be your first step in getting closer to her.)

"But it's like really late night, and I'm tired from today. What if I said yes but not at this time because of the time, and then maybe like tomorrow or something? Besides, I haven't played that game, and I need to catch up to her a little bit since I don't play that game that much." He replied as he was thinking of what the best course of action to do now.

(I mean, If you don't want to do it, it's up to you.)

His mind was clouded by his own thoughts. He was a bit worried that he might have missed this opportunity to get to know her better.

He stood up straight and replied, 'I would love to, but sadly, it's like 1 AM in here, and I have work later in the morning. But we could do it later tonight when I'm free since tomorrow is Sunday and I have nothing to do.'

There was a slight pause from her, but then a message popped up.

"Of course, just take your time, really. I'm in no rush and always up for a game or two whenever you're ready. Well, enjoy your night and rest." Aria replied, followed by several sleeping and moon emojis.

William smiled at her message, "Yeah, life sucks that you have to work in the morning, but it is what it is. Thank you, and enjoy your game as well."

There was only another sleeping emoji from her, and he decided to call it a day. It was going pretty well with her, although he wanted to play with her at least for a bit, but he basically had no energy left for tonight.

(That ended up well, I don't really understand how people like her had the energy to play at this time of night.)

He heard what Fay said while lying on his bed, and he just sighed, "Well, that's pretty common, not gonna lie. I'll see what I can do maybe tomorrow night with her."

Again, 12 AM is the best time to play games and everything.

Avalynezcreators' thoughts