I wrote things for two reasons. Because I can, and because I'm horny (which happens most of the time lmao). More books at Рatreon.com/Avalynez !
Membaca buku-buku
Don't worry, I'm cooking it real good to perfection.
In the 3rd chapter, Echo said there is someone behind all of this that is happening in his world. In the draft I have, we will get more information regarding this "third party" that brought the characters here. While currently now on the SxF Arc, it is not much of a big problem, but once the MC enters the OPM Arc (which is next after this), things are getting leveled up later in terms of "wreaking havoc". Maybe I'm having a pacing problem with how slow it is, but I'll try to fix that lmaoo. Also, as for the avatar thingy, he doesn't need to use it all the time. Although in the SxF Arc he uses it, but in the later parts, he'll use it for strategical uses like concealing identity or anything like that. Since it would be better for the MC have a more interpersonal relationship with the characters rather than pretending to be one with the character he changed to.
I deadass wanted to put the more "suggestive" pics of her here, but I don't want to get banned lmao, so yeah, might post the more spicy ones on my Patreon
I actually been thinking about MC using his true appearance rather than using his fake avatar, for strategic purposes and romantical purposes. I might experiment with it later since it's doable. I just need to cook and plan it really well for it not to be weird both for the characters and the readers.
Glad that you're interested. It is something else and I wanted to make it a different way rather than the MC going to the world itself, why not put the characters in this world and have their conflicts here? The idea of a Demon Slayer characters being thrown into a modern world would be interesting enough later for the story and there's more room for creativity 👍
He will get more powers and everything as the story progresses and the more he build a relationship with the characters
HASHHAHASH I DON'T BLAME YOU NGL. Hence why people just call me Ava for short since it's easer to remember
Sadly yes 😔 but don’t worry, I’ll make sure that they’ll have a memorable experience when they’re here before parting away