
God Of The Omniverse

This story follows the rise of a regular small time criminal who had the odds against him his entire life. Just when things looked like they were about to come to an end for him, he received the power to turn his life around. Ambitious, Cruel, Manipulative, Cunning and now...Powerful. Follow his story as he makes a name for himself and grows as both a being and an organization by any means necessary, the likes of which the universe has never seen. Update Schedule: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. ....................................................................................................................................................................... Read ahead on patreon: patreon.com/GodOfBrutality Join the Discord server: https://discord.gg/U29paHWKEN *Disclaimer*: This fanfiction is a non-commercial work of art created solely for entertainment purposes. The characters, settings, and other intellectual property from the dc universe, marvel universe, and others referenced herein belong to their respective owners and creators. I do not claim any ownership over them nor am I affiliated with the studios or authors who created them. This fanfiction is not officially endorsed by any of the original creators or the studios that produced the original works. All rights to the respective characters and worlds are acknowledged and respected. This work is intended to pay homage to the original creations and to share a new story with other fans. No infringement is intended. All original characters and plots within this fanfiction are the property of the author. Please support the official releases and the talented individuals who create the original works.

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Chapter 91: The Price To Pay Part 1

That very day, around the same time Luthor was getting released. Arias sat in his office within the Markovic tower with a grin on his face. He could only imagine the sheer anger and humiliation Luthor was feeling right about now.

Even as a multi-billionaire, getting 5 billion dollars scammed from you would be angering beyond belief. With this move made, Arias was now sure that Lex would proactively try to ruin and or kill him.

But with Roulette now acting as his insider, he didn't need to concern himself with any plans that might threaten any of the projects he was currently doing. As for attempts on his life, he was even more unconcerned.

While he was relishing in the misery of others, Apeiro's gentle voice resounded in his mind.

[ I take it everything is going according to plan? You seem very elated.]

Arias continued to sit in a relaxed posture, not surprised by the sudden appearance of Apeiro. "More or less. I've managed to take over this city almost completely and the public still thinks I'm just another ordinary human."

[ The majority lack intelligence, while those that don't are too blind to recognize the greatness before them. I have to admit, there's something fairly enjoyable about watching you crush the dreams and beliefs of others while fooling others into following yours.]

"You'd be amazed just how many beings utilize such a method. Though, the higher you climb, the more dangerous it becomes if you lack the power to protect yourself. More often than not, people like me meet untimely and cruel deaths."

[ So, for you who does have the means…]

"I can't be stopped."

Just before the conversation could continue, a loud knocking resounded on his door and caught the attention of Arias.

"Enter." He said casually while adjusting his sitting posture to look professional. Apeiro said nothing more and her presence just faded once again.

After the door opened, the familiar figure of Slade appeared as he strolled into the room with his arms crossed. "You've got a visitor boss. That bold snake Lex is demanding to see you. He seems very pissed, its honestly pretty entertaining but its starting to cause a scene. Want me to just kick him out?"

Seeing that it was just Slade, Arias relaxed his posture again grinned before replying. "Invite him in, I'm curious as to what's got him so worked up."

Slade grinned back, able to tell immediately that Arias had indeed done something to Lex. Since Arias didn't wish to speak on it, Slade left it and didn't inquire more.

He left and returned a few minutes later with Lex and mercy in toll. Looking at his appearance, Lex had likely come there directly after getting released as he still look quite grimy with a foul odor.

Still, Arias played the role of a welcoming host and just smiled as Lex walked in. "Lex Luthor, glad to see you've been released. It's always nice when justice prevails don't you think? Anyway, have a seat."

Lex wanted to frown even more but his face had reached its limits on the amount of anger it could express. Despite how he felt, Lex was smart enough to not let his anger completely drive his actions.

Given the way Arias was acting, Lex considered the possibility of the room being tapped or having surveillance. He needed to be very careful with what he said.

So with great reluctance he swallowed some of his anger but remained standing as he spoke. "Our previous transaction… don't you think it was a bit.. 'unfair'?"

Despite trying his best to hide his anger, it was still very apparent in his voice. Arias feigned thinking by tapping his chin for a moment before snapping his fingers as if realizing something.

"You're absolutely right. It was completely unfair, I knew you of all people could understand Lex. The amount we agreed on prior simply isn't enough considering the contents of our agreement."

Arias's reply wasn't what lex expected. He wanted to yell and curse at Arias for being so twisted. How dare he say the deal was unfair on his part when he got billions for doing nothing?

Lex wondered this but didn't express it. He felt like Arias was purposefully trying to push his buttons so he didn't entertain those ideas.

Arias could see that Lex was on the fringe of exploding so he decided to do one final thing. "Hmm, don't believe me? See for yourself." He said confidently while reaching into a drawer in his desk.

From there, he took out a large folder and threw it on top of the table. Lex was hesitant but he picked it up before starting to flip through the pages. The more he flipped the grimmer his face became.

"Where did you get this…?"

The grim Lex had on the folder intensified as he spoke while the anger he once had was replaced by a completely different emotion. Fear.

Within that folder, Lex saw a compilation of proof about the numerous illegal operations he ran or had taken a part in it. It wasn't all but the sheer number of evidence contained within that folder was enough to have charged on numerous counts.

Murder, treason, human trafficking, alien trafficking, weapons trafficking, money laundering and many more.

Even with the best lawyers in the world, a life-or-death sentence was unavoidable. Not to mention the numerous powerful people who would want his life after they found out he was behind operations that affected them in a bad way.

The reason Lex asked how Arias got this was because Lex was always thorough in making sure no traces were left. But there was a problem. With every operation he did, the people he had do things for him would obviously know.

But him being arguably the smartest man on the planet, he had measures in place. Even if they had some information, it couldn't amount to much.

Unfortunately for Lex, Arias had three sources of information. Roulette, who now helped run many of his present operations. Barbara, who had memorized the entire criminal dossier on the bat computer while she was still batgirl. Within that dossier, batman had evidence he worked had to acquire through brilliant investigation and use of resources.

Last but not least, Lex's long-time lawyer. Because of their long standing cooperation, he had numerous records of many transactions Lex had done. These were of course supposed to be destroyed as he too would be charged if caught but the man needed to have a last resort incase things ever went south with Lex.

Three individual sources, alone the evidence wasn't enough to cause Lex to worry, but together, it painted a nightmarish picture.

Arias smiled at the flabbergasted Lex, before speaking. "Do you now agree that our deal was unfair?"

Lex could barely register what Arias said. Right now, his mind was churning in an attempt to piece together how Arias got this information.

The first thought was that Roulette had betrayed him but that wouldn't make sense. Because two out of the three sets of evidence were from operations he did years prior to even knowing Roulette. Furthermore, not only did Arias want her dead, the evidence present would serve as a problem for her too.

Mercy was a possibility but she lacked reason and intelligence within his mind to do this, after all she too would be affected, just like with Roulette.

The last was Lex's lawyer. He could be said to be responsible for one set without a doubt but he couldn't imagine the rest originating from him… so then how?

The more Lex thought about it the more confusing the entire thing became. For now though, he needed to deal with Arias.

"What do you want?" He asked, with a very heavy heart.

Arias smiled as he leaned back into his chair and replied, "the same amount… plus her." He added while pointing towards Mercy.

Both Lex and Mercy were surprised by this additional demand, especially mercy who couldn't help but protest immediately. "Hey assholes, I'm not some bargaining chip, okay!!"

Lex just frowned and ignored Mercy's protests. In his mind, she was definitely tradeable. Arias felt he should make things clearer so he spoke again.

"I just happen to need to secretary, who better than the woman who's worked for the world's most brilliant man. More importantly, my previous secretary was poached away by you in very unappealing manner, so I think this is fair. Wouldn't you agree?"

On the surface, it seemed like Arias was just greedy for money and was being petty with his request so Lex tried to counter offer. "Half the amount and I'll send your former secretary back. Do we have a deal?"

At that point, Arias laughed for a moment and showed a look of anger. "I'll get her back myself eventually, I have unfinished business with her so no deal. The same amount, plus her. If you don't agree then leave, but be ready for a storm."

Lex was not in a position to negotiate so, "we have a deal."

Hearing that, Mercy became livid. "What the fuck Lex!?"

However, Lex wasn't in the mood for her back talk so without hesitated, he smacked her with the back of his hand. "It's either this or everything's over. My life and yours… are you too thick to understand even that?" he angrily lectured.

Mercy, too shocked at the fact she was hit didn't reply back so Lex simply turned to leave the office with the folder in hand. "Send me the account details when you have time."

Looking at the situation, one would thing Arias was giving Lex a taste of his own medicine by taking away one of his most trusted assets. In truth, Arias knew that Lex had very few people who could trust.

With Mercy being left in Gotham, Lex would have no choice but to depend on someone else who was not only well aware of his operations but had little chance of betraying him… Roulette.

Donate stones so I can start releasing two chaps a day. We still got a long way to go goddammit

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