
God Of The Omniverse

This story follows the rise of a regular small time criminal who had the odds against him his entire life. Just when things looked like they were about to come to an end for him, he received the power to turn his life around. Ambitious, Cruel, Manipulative, Cunning and now...Powerful. Follow his story as he makes a name for himself and grows as both a being and an organization by any means necessary, the likes of which the universe has never seen. Update Schedule: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. ....................................................................................................................................................................... Read ahead on patreon: patreon.com/GodOfBrutality Join the Discord server: https://discord.gg/U29paHWKEN *Disclaimer*: This fanfiction is a non-commercial work of art created solely for entertainment purposes. The characters, settings, and other intellectual property from the dc universe, marvel universe, and others referenced herein belong to their respective owners and creators. I do not claim any ownership over them nor am I affiliated with the studios or authors who created them. This fanfiction is not officially endorsed by any of the original creators or the studios that produced the original works. All rights to the respective characters and worlds are acknowledged and respected. This work is intended to pay homage to the original creations and to share a new story with other fans. No infringement is intended. All original characters and plots within this fanfiction are the property of the author. Please support the official releases and the talented individuals who create the original works.

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Chapter 63: Sister Steven Despairs Part 2

Because of the noise, the door soon opened as Steven wanted to check what was going on, only to find one of his assigned men suffering from electric shock, and another crying while trying to break free from the grip of a composed man who didn't even look like he was trying.

"You…" Steven frowned upon seeing Arias but before he could express this displeasure, Diana appeared hovering behind. "Oh Arias, you're here, good. Please tell sister Steven he needn't treat me like a child and that you are a man of character who poses no danger to me."

Diana was upfront about why she was delaying. What Arias didn't know was whether this was because of the man named Steven himself or the government as a whole not wanting Diana to interact freely with others.

Whatever the case, Arias played along and let go of the man's hand before smiling. "Does he have proof of this? I find it a bit unfair to judge me this way when I haven't shown such a character…"

Arias feigned confusion at the accusations and took on the role of the victim, making Steven look bad. He of course didn't plan to take this lying down. "Then you will have no problems letting her use the lasso of truth on you?"

"Lasso of truth?" Arias once again feigned ignorance, this put a smile on Steven's face but Diana refused.

"It is rude and unjust to doubt a friend with no proof, I will not perform such an act."

Arias had no problem with either but if he were to turn the cards in his favor, he needed her to do this, so he accepted. "Thank you for your trust in me Diana but Steven is someone you consider trustworthy so I'd like to clear his doubt towards. If using this lasso of truth helps convince him then so be it."

He played the underdog role through and through but since he agreed, Diana didn't argue. "An innocent man has nothing to hide indeed, so be it."

She stepped away for a moment to get her lasso and in that time, Steven checked on his men and called help for them before warning Arias. "It's against the law intervening in official government business and harming officials as well. Be prepared for a court date."

Arias stopped playing innocent and looked down at Steven with confident grin. "Firstly, Diana can attest that we had a meeting arranged, it is you who got in the way. Secondly, I acted in self-defense, the hallway cameras are proof of that. I only held this man's hand while another attacked and almost tased me, luckily it was faulty and hurt him instead. Either way, you have nothing on me."

Before Steven could argue, Diana returned. He could only frown at Arias and as Diana placed the lasso gently around him.

Now came the questions. "Arias Markovic, do you have any ill intentions towards me?"

"No, I do not. I seek genuine friendship with you and wish to learn more from you while showing you the fun things of our culture." He answered in a daze like manner, bringing a smile to Diana's face after.

Steven could see his plan falling apart on him but there was still hope. "Ask him if he has a criminal past."

He had done a background check on Arias and found him to be very sketchy, even if his intentions with Diana weren't bad. If he could expose him as one of the things she hated, then maybe she would stop trying to interact with him.

Diana was hesitant to agree but since Arias didn't protest, she asked the question.

"I do."

Steven was ecstatic and Diana frowned, but Arias continued on to say. "I killed my own father as a child when I witnessed him murder my mother in cold blood."

In actuality, the lasso had no power over Arias. Like all things in life, it was bound to certain laws that made it function the way it did, making it useless on him.


Both Diana and Steven were unsure on how to comment on such a heavy revelation. His answer made Steven feel bad and childish for what he was trying to do while Diana also felt bad for doubting her new "friend."

"Is this enough proof for you sister Steven, or will you call his act of vengeance a crime?" She was also very upset with the one person who kept pushing those doubts onto her.

Steven had no words to defend himself. But Arias wasn't done just yet as an idea came to mind.

"It's fine Diana, I'm just glad the truth is out. But if I'm being honest I don't trust someone who accuses others without truth, it's only fair that he also answers to your lasso."

"!!" Steven was worried, but also didn't argue, he knew if he did Diana would lose trust in him.

He knew his intentions were clear but he was concerned that his feelings for her might come to light. Regardless, he was powerless to argue since Diana didn't oppose it and began placing the lasso on him in the next moment.

After doing so, she was about to ask the same questions she asked Arias but he interjected.

"Ask him if he's really doing what's best for you or if he just following the orders of his leaders to use you."

Steven panicked, but it was too late and Diana asked that very question. He resisted for a moment but he was powerless against the lasso's power so an answer soon came.

"I-It's not what's best for her but my superiors told me if I didn't follow orders then I would be arrested and another guide would be assigned to Diana."

Diana was shocked, feeling betrayed and angry. Without Arias even urging her, she frowned and questioned more. "What orders were you given?"

Steven struggled more, but it was still fruitless. "To report back everything worth noting that you told me about yourself or home and also to convince to carry out tasks for the government like being Washington's hero and secret line of defense to the Whitehouse should things ever go wrong."

Anger… pure anger took over Diana as Steven admitted to betraying the trust she placed on him. Suddenly, she gripped him by the throat and began to choke the life out of him.

"You betrayed the trust I placed on you! As per Amazon custom, any sister who betrays the other, deserves death!"

She wasn't joking. Unlike most heroes who had a moral compass as straight as an arrow, Diana came from a culture that had it's own sense of morality.

To her, killing enemies and traitors is the normal thing to do. Though she as well is against harming the innocent. In this case, Steven was no longer friend, but traitor.

This escalated far more than Arias thought so he needed to step in. He quickly came to her side and pulled her hand away from Steven with strength that far surpassed her own. "Diana stop, if you kill him then you'd only be endangering your home by making an enemy out of the country. If not for that, then do it in regards to me, for doubting my friendship without proof."

Although only held for a moment, Steven was seconds away from death because Diana had the strength to snap his neck with a simple flick. She still glared at him angrily but was held back by Arias.

Thankfully after Arias brought up the doubt she had for him, she felt guilty and stopped trying to end Steven's life.

"Fine, I will spare his life as atonement for doubting you who had no malice towards me. But know this, Steven Trevor! Should you try approaching me again, I will forget your laws and take your life. I princess Diana swear this on Hera! Tell your leaders I do not a guide or fake hospitality, I will place my trust on a real friend, like I should have done before. Let us go Arias Markovic, let me just retrieve my sword."

As Diana left to get her sword, Arias looked down at the shocked Steven and grinned. "You only have yourself to blame."

Diana soon returned and Arias even held her waist while directing her to the door. As Steven watched this, Arias placed his hand firmly on her ass while she was walking out.

Steven was shocked, not knowing Arias's hand in that moment had no weight, so Diana felt nothing. Arias did it only to add salt on the would before saying.

"Tell your leaders she's in good, trustworthy hands."