
God Of The Omniverse

This story follows the rise of a regular small time criminal who had the odds against him his entire life. Just when things looked like they were about to come to an end for him, he received the power to turn his life around. Ambitious, Cruel, Manipulative, Cunning and now...Powerful. Follow his story as he makes a name for himself and grows as both a being and an organization by any means necessary, the likes of which the universe has never seen. Update Schedule: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. ....................................................................................................................................................................... Read ahead on patreon: patreon.com/GodOfBrutality Join the Discord server: https://discord.gg/U29paHWKEN *Disclaimer*: This fanfiction is a non-commercial work of art created solely for entertainment purposes. The characters, settings, and other intellectual property from the dc universe, marvel universe, and others referenced herein belong to their respective owners and creators. I do not claim any ownership over them nor am I affiliated with the studios or authors who created them. This fanfiction is not officially endorsed by any of the original creators or the studios that produced the original works. All rights to the respective characters and worlds are acknowledged and respected. This work is intended to pay homage to the original creations and to share a new story with other fans. No infringement is intended. All original characters and plots within this fanfiction are the property of the author. Please support the official releases and the talented individuals who create the original works.

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Chapter 232: Just Business Part 1

Upon hearing Arias's response, the imperial guard gave a deep bow as a cold sweat run down his forehead. "Right away sir!"

He guard then hurriedly left the room, then after about a minute, the grand doors clicked open as Princess Tara Markov walked in.

Having seen the guards clear expression of fear towards Arias, she wasn't really surprised, but it made her more nervous than she already was coming here.

"Hey Dad…" she greeted in a stiff manner, unable to hide the nervousness deep within her.

A big part of that was due to Slade having rejected her offer, and a smaller part was simply due to Arias being Arias. The more she learned about him the more she began to realize just how frightening of a person he was.

Arias on the other hand seemed relaxed and bore his usual stoic expression, marked with a charming smile.

He looked at Tara and observed the body language she was giving off. With her hands placed at her sides like a soldier and her gaze avoiding eye contact, it was clear she was nervous, and Arias already knew why.

But this was an interesting opportunity, one he could use to play some kind games with her.

"Hello dear, you seem distressed. Is it the state of the country? Your uncle? Or perhaps the impending mantle you'll have to bear as Queen?" Arias asked, still casual in his expressions.

This made Tara a bit more relaxed as she loosened her arms and gave a hesitant nod. "Yea, a bit of everything I guess…"

Arias also nodded in response as if in understanding of her predicament. "I see."

He then reached out to a nearby stand and poured himself some whisky into the lone glass cup that rested on the surface. After picking it up, he swirled the contents of the cup as a smile emerged on his face. 

"Are you sure it's not your failed attempt at betraying me?" He asked, before taking a sip from the glass and letting out a satisfied sigh.

Tara immediately widened her eyes and grimaced as her body tensed up even more. 

"I-…" Her mouth opened quickly but she felt as if the her words were stuck in her throat.

Her worst fear came to be. How could she even defend it? Deny? Give a petty excuse? Even as fear overwhelmed her, she wasn't dumb enough to believe for one second that Arias would be fooled. The fact he said this meant he had evidence, which she knew she couldn't counter, so she simply remained silent and lowered her head, her eyes trembling in anticipation.

A brief silence followed but to Tara it felt like an eternity. She could practically hear her own heart thumping anxiously.



She suddenly heard a resonant thud and her body trembled instinctively while her eyes shut tightly. However she soon realized no harm befell her and she raised her head slightly, soon seeing that the sound came from a stack of papers Arias had thrown onto the table stand.

Her eyes bore curiosity but she was still too fearful to even inquire as to what those papers were. However she didn't need to, as Arias explained in the next moment.

"Well, although Slade strongly recommended I kill you, I'm somewhat hesitant to do that. Since what you wanted was to leave, sign those papers and you can do just that. You'll no longer be my daughter or hold any ties to Leviathan or any of its links. At least you're soon to become Queen so this shouldn't really matter right?"

Arias still kept a stoic expression with a smile as he spoke, but his words rang harshly in Tara's ears, causing her to feel a distasteful feeling within.

On the surface, Arias's offer looked more than appealing for someone who wanted to betray him, but the psychological impact hidden within was deep.

For Tara, who lacked memories of her proper childhood, she couldn't imagine herself living a "normal" life, away from all the plotting, killing and fighting.

A life away from everything she knows, from Slade, Arias and the environment she had just been getting accustomed to.

To her, being princess or queen was nothing but a cover and she felt deeply pleased with that. 

It was the same with how the Joker got pleasure from causing Chaos, or Catwoman from stealing. 

They were numerous examples of people living a life of crime who had numerous chances to change but didn't do so, simply because they enjoyed it, it was an inseparable part of them. 

That was case for Tara, only now it seemed she was helpless to choose.

"I didn't want to leave! I just… I just…" Tara protested with great vigor, her eyes looking somewhat fierce, but she was unable to give a reason why.

Why did she do what she did? The answer was obvious, but she couldn't bring herself to say it.

She loved Slade, a feeling that bordered on obsession.

This honestly didn't surprise Arias, Harley was a prime example of how a twisted love could blind someone. Although perhaps not the best example given the sanity that she lacked.

For Tara, it was more pure, a crush if you will. And she was willing to risk betraying even Arias if it meant a chance at securing the one she loved.

Arias found it almost comical how dedicated she was, he could only aspire to do the same to a few of the young assets he was grooming.

Not for love but the loyalty that came with it. 

"You just love him, yes?" Arias nonchalantly stated what Tara was finding so hard to say, and it made her body tense up even more.

What made her most uncomfortable was the fact he hadn't yet raised his voice or showed any signs of anger, if anything, he looked like he didn't care.

In the next moment, he heaved a sigh and shook his head.

"Well, I'm not really surprised. I've known for some time, but as long as something doesn't interfere with my operations, I couldn't care less, but that's not the case now is it?" 

Arias turned his head to a tablet resting on the unoccupied cushion to his left.

He quickly turned it on and placed it at a leaning angle facing Tara, before it flashed to life, revealing the image of Slade in his Gotham office.

Slade's figure could be seen resting his hand on his head as he shook his head and sighed before his voice resonated from the tablet.

[ Right. Listen closely Tara, in our line of work, when someone becomes a liability, we either kill them or if we're merciful, we cut them off. But since the Boss has already invested a lot in this, it seems neither option is good, so we'll do a third. The truth.]

[ I don't know if you're just stupid or really just this naive] Slade suddenly switched from a casual to a very harsh tone, prompting Tara to look at the screen in fearful shock.


[ Since you couldn't figure it out on your own, I'll spell it out for you. You were an investment. I didn't rescue you from that fighting ring you were in, I found out you're some lost princess and the boss here told me to rescue you and look after you.]

[ How I did that was up to me. And what better way to look after a young brat than to use her trauma against her? Oh don't look so shocked, how many times have you seen kids who were in the same situation as you lied to and raised as killers or assassins?]

[ You were a job Tara, a job that ended the day the Boss here decided you worth a damn. That's just how it goes, either suck it up or leave, it's nothing personal, I don't hate you, it's just business. ]

[ But if you want to continue living in fairyland and jeopardizing operations, I'll kill you regardless of what the Boss says. I'm not as patient as him.]

With a speedy flash, the screen off and a heavy silence engulfed the room. Tara was now in tears as her lips trembled ever so slightly, unable to mount a response.

Arias ignored her pitiful expression and just finished his glass of whiskey before placing it down on the table stand and standing up.

"Well, I hope that resolves the matter between you two. If you sign the papers, just hand them over to Mercy, if not, burn them."

Saying nothing more, Arias stood up and left the room. Outside, he found Mercy leaning against the door shaking her head.

"Pretty harsh for lovestruck kid. Want me to go in and say something?" She asked half-heartily. But Arias shook his head.

"No need. Let her be depressed for a week or so. It builds character."

Happy Holidays fellas

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