
God Of The Omniverse

This story follows the rise of a regular small time criminal who had the odds against him his entire life. Just when things looked like they were about to come to an end for him, he received the power to turn his life around. Ambitious, Cruel, Manipulative, Cunning and now...Powerful. Follow his story as he makes a name for himself and grows as both a being and an organization by any means necessary, the likes of which the universe has never seen. Update Schedule: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. ....................................................................................................................................................................... Read ahead on patreon: patreon.com/GodOfBrutality Join the Discord server: https://discord.gg/U29paHWKEN *Disclaimer*: This fanfiction is a non-commercial work of art created solely for entertainment purposes. The characters, settings, and other intellectual property from the dc universe, marvel universe, and others referenced herein belong to their respective owners and creators. I do not claim any ownership over them nor am I affiliated with the studios or authors who created them. This fanfiction is not officially endorsed by any of the original creators or the studios that produced the original works. All rights to the respective characters and worlds are acknowledged and respected. This work is intended to pay homage to the original creations and to share a new story with other fans. No infringement is intended. All original characters and plots within this fanfiction are the property of the author. Please support the official releases and the talented individuals who create the original works.

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Chapter 135: Choose Your Enemies Wisely Part 2

Arias awoke the next day to a lone bed and serene morning. He was getting more familiar with this new life of his and enjoying it quite a bit.

Apeiro was still in a state of silence, having not appeared for the past few days for whatever reason.

He didn't think too much on this and chose to just wait, especially given the lack of knowledge he had in terms of her and now his full capabilities.

His focus soon turned elsewhere when he remembered the uninvited guest he had yesterday in Superman.

Ever since taking Lex's knowledge, Arias knew more about Superman than anyone alive. His real identity, his weakness, his hideout and even some of his history.

To say Lex was obsessed would be an understatement. From the start, Arias had the advantage on two fronts.

The first being that he could kill Superman with ease and the second being he could absolutely bring his entire world crumbling down.

Arias didn't even need to weigh his options. A quick death wasn't sufficient due to the many cons that would arise with it if not done right.

The real question now was, did Arias need Superman alive for any of his projects in the future.

Given the uniqueness of Superman and his major willingness to protect humanity at all costs, he could actually be of use.

'I suppose I'll come to a decision once I'm in metropolis.' Arias smirked while staring out into the city before reaching for his phone and making arrangements.

By noon, Slade, Mercy and him were all on a flight toward Metropolis.

Inside the lavish private plane, Slade was the most laid back, just relaxing in his cabin while staying alert in case of anything.

Mercy and Arias were in another cabin that matched the look of a minor office or workstation.

She was in front of her laptop while he just stared out the window. Ever asking himself more complex questions about reality itself.

The subtle silence that was in the cabin was broken only by Mercy when she spoke. "That Rachel Roth kid you asked me to look into. She has one hell of a messed up past. Born to a mother who was raped and impregnated by some cult, bounced from orphanage to orphanage due to her 'unstable mood and emotions'. I couldn't find anything on a father."

"Maybe he's some powerful underground kingpin who had a change of heart about his daughter. It doesn't matter, if he's that determined then he'll make a move. It's 50/50 really, this whole situation doesn't make much sense." Arias expressed while showing a small smirk.

The information Mercy provided didn't reveal anything interesting so his curiosity toward Raven had all but ceased in that moment.

Mercy then went on to bring up another question. "By the way, of all the reporters and journalists you could've booked to interview you, why Lois Lane? That bitch only cares about getting big scoops from big men… maybe even literally." She said in a bitter tone.

This didn't come as a surprise to Arias. Given it was publicly known that Lois Lane had once dated Lex Luthor, although briefly.

Arias could only assume Mercy was ranting because of her past jealously. Perhaps even fearful that Lois might woe Arias. The exact reasoning for some of women's actions eluded even him.

The flight didn't last long with the two cities not being far from one another. Upon arrival, Arias immediately sent Mercy away to prepare rooms for them and organize a few things for later.

She herself also had business at the Lexcorp headquarters and insisted he come along so there was that as well.

Left just the two of them and without a car, Slade was a bit curious as to what was going on. Arias though didn't explain and soon another luxurious car appeared on the runway and drove toward the plane.

When the car stopped, Arias finally spoke. "Go up front and follow my lead." He explained vaguely.

Arias opened the back door and and was immediately greeted by the sight of a nervous Roulette.

He didn't glance at her long and just sat down. Immediately, she began to pour him a drink. As she did so, he looked at her and asked. "Did you manage?"

Roulette finished pouring him a glass and nodded while reaching into her purse. Slade observed this exchange from the rear mirror, just in case anything went south and in order to be ready for whatever Arias meant.

She retrieved a flash disk from her purse and passed it to Arias with quick haste. He took it casually and placed it in the pocket of his blazer before shaking his head.

"It's a shame really, I had big plans for you." He said in a low and cold tone, causing Roulette to show concern.

But before she could react, Arias leaned back into his seat and gave Slade a nod. "Ice her."

Without wasting time, Slade had quickly unsheathed his hidden gun at a speed no regular human could match.

Roulette was ready to jump out of the car but Slade was just to fast.


A silenced and barely audible shot was fired and Roulette's body immediately went limp. The shot was clean and accurate, the work of a pro.

The driver looked ready to panic but Slade simply needed to point the gun his way to make him behave.

Arias looked at the driver who was already sweating bullets and spoke. "Drive me to the Trambol Restaurant, I can't be late for my appointment now can I?"

The driver obliged but the absolute fear in his eyes was apparent for any and all to see.

Upon arriving at the designated location. Arias looked out of the window and nodded approvingly at the driver. "Good job." He muttered before looking towards Slade and nodding. "Leave no evidence."

Slade nodded in return while the driver just looked beyond pale.

Arias's cold expression was replaced with a charming one as he walked away from the car just as it was driving off.

Near the restaurant, he could see the familiar face of the woman he had made an appointment with, Miss Lois Lane.

He approached her casually and spoke only when in audible distance. "Miss Lane?" He asked, causing the seemingly distracted woman to look at him surprised.

"Oh, Arias Markovic. I was expecting you to come in a more flashy way you know? Cameras and all, maybe even a red carpet just for you." She smiled and complimented, already using her journalistic charm to try and soften him toward her.

Arias gave a small smile at the corner of his lip at her words and gestured that they enter the restaurant. "I may not look it, but I'm more suited to quite life." He replied before pausing at the door to look her over but say nothing.

Lois was perplexed by this. Did he like it, did he not? She couldn't know. His look wasn't that of someone who looked lustful so she began to doubt. Not knowing he was simply chipping at her confidence before they spoke.

'Getting him to talk isn't going to be easy. But when have I let that stop me. Shit! I better do this quick, Clark promised me he could get me to where Superman can be found. First this interview and that one all in one week, sometimes I amaze myself.' She smiled and followed Arias, unaware of just what sort of scheme he had placed her in.

A/N: Leave all your stones here. Also enjoy the chapter, will do a bonus if we surpass 1.2k stones before I sleep. Roulette will not be missed, for those few sickos who wanted a parody chapter with her that rhymes with grape…I'm not saying it exists but if it did… it's probably on discord or will be on discord.