
God of MMA (Dropped)

Hello everyone! I am here to present you bad news as I am going to drop this novel due to my shit plot. Not gonna lie I started this book with no structure, a bad main plot and side plots. I just started writing as a passion and realized that it takes a lot more planning to construct a full fledged novel. So I will be dropping this in order to focus on my next. To the people that actually liked the novel somehow and donated power stones I must thank you for your generosity. Do not worry as I will release something spicy soon so stay tuned!

VanTan · Seni bela diri
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40 Chs


After Leo's intense flaming session with Ali Zane...

There were a lot of controversies regarding the fight and people were more excited than ever now. The amount of money Leo would make from this fight was remarkable. The YouTube video of his trash-talking received a record of 2 million views on SFC's YouTube channel. Even Dana White took notice of it and laughed.

Apparently seeing an 18-year-old talk shit to a grown man was funny to people.

Although many people supported Leo and his statements the vast majority of the viewers thought he was gonna lose. After all an 18-year-old winning a fight against a veteran fighter was unheard of.


"How dare that brat humiliate me! I will show him who he messed with at the weigh-in" Ali Zane shouted that evening.


"Hahaha, I'm starting to like him even more! Isn't that right Hannah" the old man said while groping her.

"Yes..." she replied and tried smiling.

"But honey, why do you want to meet him" she asked with a puppy face.

"Obviously to sponsor him, fighting is my hobby" he replied.

"Have you contacted him?" He asked with a hard gaze.

"...No.. I'm still trying, bear with me.." she said ready to meet his fury.

"How hard is it to contact an 18-year-old? You dumb woman!" He exclaimed regretting giving her a task.

He then stood up and left the suite leaving Hannah alone.

"Fuck what do I do.. I need to do something" she murmured trying to think of a way to convince Leo.


The next day at the weigh-in...

Leo was prepared to weigh in and then face off against Ali. This was gonna be a funny one.

He quickly prepared his large gym bag and went to his car. After packing his things into the car he started driving towards the arena yet again. Leo was oblivious to the amount of reporters at the weigh-in, it wasn't a thought that crossed his mind at all.

After 10 minutes of driving he arrived.

"Shit they are like zombies... it's just a weigh-in tsk" Leo said and put his notorious sheisty mask on.

He then left the car and walked to the entrance with a butt load of reporters. Leo walked by like it was another day at the job after getting used to them. With the bright lights flashing at him Leo was at the entrance. The security guard asked for ID but Leo looked him dead in the eye and then got permission.

With his hands in his pockets, Leo walked as if he owned the whole arena. This time Ali Zane wasn't late, he was prepared now. Leo also noticed the great amount of guards standing beside Ali. He saw that the big camera was broadcasting live and took the opportunity to humiliate him yet again.

"Haha, where you that scared you hired some guards?" Leo shouted across the arena.

After an eerie silence, Leo spoke up again.

"Guess that microphone made you gain more brain damage" He shouted again before entering the back to change.

Leo changed into his brand new vanum-sponsored shorts with the name "PIERCE" on them. He was practically a UFC fighter now.

When he walked out people immediately started taking notice of his sponsored shorts. A lot of the fighters in SFC were not sponsored due to Vanum not seeing anyone worthy. However, that changed when Leo won the competition that was hosted by them.

"Ali Zane step up!" The owner of SFC shouted.

Ali then stepped onto the weighing scale to determine that he was eligible to fight.

"82.4kg! Pass" He said.

Ali then stepped back and awaited Leo's turn.

"Leon Pierce!" The owner of SFC shouted.

Leo then walked to the platform and stepped onto the scale.

"80.2kg! Pass" He said.

Although Leo weighed less he could make up for it with his dominating height.

"Bring the fighters to the middle!" The owner said ready for any accident to happen.

Finally, they stood face-to-face with each other. The only difference was that one was looking down and the other was looking up.

Leo gazed down at Ali with a deadly look. He didn't back down and looked back up towards his opponent. They then raised their fists.

"I guess yesterday made you shit your pants?" Leo taunted with a smirk on his face.

Ali tried holding back as advised by his "superior" the day before.

"I can't wait to knock your ugly face out, not gonna lie that shit hurts to look at" Leo proceeded to talk shit.

Ali tried calming himself down, however decided to push Leo in an act of revenge.

"There we go, now everyone knows you started it," Leo thought and immediately retaliated.

He activated his deadly punch skill however didn't make a fist and used it as a push. When it hit Ali he flew 2 meters back and landed on his guard's shoe with his ass.

"Don't push me ever again" Leo shouted showing his strength.

Only now did Ali realize that he was the prey and Leo would hunt him until he died.

When Leo pushed Ali with such strength it surprised every human being in the arena. It was a small push however made Ali fly back like he got hit by a car.

Leo tried to approach Ali but was stopped by his bulky guards.

"Just because you hired some more steroid users doesn't mean I'm scared Ali" Leo scoffed.

The foreign guards stared Leo down until Leo backed down to change clothes. He was now finished and would get his final rest for the fight tomorrow. However, that wasn't the end.

When Leo dressed back into his clothes and went back to the arena he was met with the same foreign guards.

"What do you want?" Leo said wondering why the fuck they were blocking his path.

"We have a problem," the bulky black man said.

"Wow you must really enjoy babysitting, what's the problem then?" Leo asked.

"You won't get out of here until you have apologized to Mr. Ali" He demanded and stood firmly.

With 6 guards blocking his path and the owner not doing shit, Leo had to do it his way. He knew this was a setup by the owner and the broadcast had already ended.

However luck was on his side as he saw a person in the stands recording the ordeal.

"I'm warning you now, leave me the fuck alone" Leo shouted and tried walking by.

When trying to walk past the bulky guards someone grabbed onto his wrist.

Leo enraged now went for the kill.

"Activate lightning touch," Leo thought.

After a 3-second brief silence, the guard started shaking.

Leo threw a wide hook onto his chin which he couldn't dodge. Leo started running until a guard blocked his path. The guard raised his fists and waited for Leo to strike. However Leo wouldn't do that, instead he went for the waist and picked the small guard up. Leo then ran for a bit before throwing him onto the ground. He made his grand escape to the car and drove the fuck out of there.

It left the owner shocked seeing Leo do what he want. He now realized that he wouldn't be able to control him a single bit.