
God of MMA (Dropped)

Hello everyone! I am here to present you bad news as I am going to drop this novel due to my shit plot. Not gonna lie I started this book with no structure, a bad main plot and side plots. I just started writing as a passion and realized that it takes a lot more planning to construct a full fledged novel. So I will be dropping this in order to focus on my next. To the people that actually liked the novel somehow and donated power stones I must thank you for your generosity. Do not worry as I will release something spicy soon so stay tuned!

VanTan · Action
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Press Conference

"Ali.. you know what to do right, " the man asked on his phone.

"Of course, leave it to me. I'll teach this dog who's the owner, " Ali Zane replied.

"Make sure to completely devastate him. We need loyalty," he continued.

"Understood," Ali replied and ended the phone call.

"I don't know who you messed with Leon. However, this is the end of your foolish rant," Ali said, excited about demolishing a newbie fighter.


"Before I enter the training room, I should stir some drama first," Leo murmured.

He then proceeded to make an SNS account and an Instagram account for people abroad. He then took a photo from a photographer who took a photo of him when he won and put it as his profile picture.

"I should get on his nerves. It should be funny," Leo thought and sent his first post.

"Ali Zane must be pregnant. Look at his stomach!" Leo wrote and added a picture of Ali. He also sent some skull emojis.

Leo was referring to his stomach when Ali was on steroids, which is usually a side effect. You can often see it in bodybuilders when they pose.

"I don't know if this will work however hopefully the fight will gain some popularity," Leo murmured and went inside the training room.

It was time for Leo to try the SS+ Boxing training dummy. After all, experience is the best training.

"System enter training room," He thought.

Leo then got teleported to the training room and stripped down to his underwear. He then put some gloves on and, of course, got the music running too.

He then clicked the button and thought of SS+ Boxing.

[Initiating SS+ Boxing (offensive mode)]

"Well, here we go," Leo thought.

The training dummy had a southpaw stance, which Leo had never met before in the ring.

The southpaw stance gains greater ring control due to the orthodox's weaker defense. It can also make the opponent fall off balance due to the lead foot confusing the opponent.

"Shit, this will be a tough one," Leo murmured and waited for the dummy to approach.

Leo tried backing off. However, the dummy kept pressuring and switching angles to get more shots in. Eventually, Leo got hit on the chin by a hook and dropped to the ground while being dizzy.

"System stop!" Leo shouted when his butt hit the ground.

"God damn that's tough. But I have some free time, so I might as well practice until I switch to Orthodox, " Leo murmured and got up again.

After 40 minutes of continuous fighting, Leo has managed to get 6 punches in. He took a 15-minute break to rehydrate and stretch before moving on to the orthodox mode.

The SS+ orthodox was fairly the same. However, had a 40% speed increase and better technique.

After an hour of training with the orthodox dummy, Leo finally decided to leave for the day. He was curious about dirty boxing and left early to research about it. He watched some YouTube videos and concluded that it wouldn't be a problem. The fighters would be fairly distant from each other, unlike in boxing, and if Ali decided to get close, Leo could just kick or try to take him down.

"Let's check how the accounts are doing." Leo thought and opened his phone.

There were a few comments. However, most of them talked shit about how it was a fake account and that Ali would knock him out.

"Guess it failed.. hmm.. I'll announce my account names at the press conference then," Leo said and dropped the phone onto his bed.

The press conference was in a few days, and the weigh-in was the day after.


Ali Zane was training again at the gym he got kicked out of. He was in his late twenties. However, he looked like he was in his thirties due to his Arabic genes coming into play. He got kicked out due to his rude behavior. The owner of SFC tried to keep him, but the media started criticizing him after he lashed out and attacked a reporter. Apparently, the reporter asked him a "dumb" question, and he punched him.

5 days later...

"It's time for the press conference," Leo said excitedly.

It was time to unleash his foul American mouth onto the steroid user. There were many articles concerning the fight. It was mostly about Ali and how the owner of SFC let him come back after getting some treatment.

Leo then drove to the press conference with his tank top and jeans on. He also had a pair of sunglasses, making him look like a buff model.

Leo then arrived and parked his vehicle. He then walked into the arena and was met with a wave of reporters taking photos of him. Leo jogged through them and went to sit in his seat. There was a water bottle and a few energy drinks on the table, and he took a sip. He then waited until Ali Zane would apparently come. After about 15 minutes, Leo spoke. He grabbed the microphone and patted it before talking.

"Ali must be late. Maybe he slept in or took a syringe of steroids," Leo said and showed a wide smile on his face.

The interviewers were shocked at Leo's bold remark and looked at him like a madman. The conference was also aired live on YouTube, so they couldn't edit anything out.

10 minutes later, he finally came dressed in a fancy suit with slicked-back hair. He then sat down without sparing a glance at Leo. Then the reporters started asking questions.

"Ali, how do you feel about being back in the octagon?" A man asked.

"I feel amazing it is an easy fight after all," He said and started laughing.

He was enjoying himself until Leo interrupted.

"Maybe because you take steroids and foul like a pussy" Leo shouted and started laughing his ass off.

Before Ali could continue with a reply Leo cut him off again.

"I just want all my fans to know that my pro debut won't be ruined by a little bitch, so don't worry kekeke," He said and snickered.

The live chat was going wild at Leo's bold statements and started spamming laughing emojis. It then climbed from 2k viewers to 15k after people started clipping the event and putting it on social media.

"What did you just say?" Ali said and stood up ready to fight.

"Woah! Calm down big guy, I know you take steroids and all but that doesn't mean you can bully me!" Leo shouted sarcastically.

Ali then threw a water bottle which Leo dodged and attempted to throw the chair on him until he was stopped by the owner standing in the middle.

"Glad you guys calmed down that wild dog, he's insane I tell ya!" Leo then replied while leaning back on his chair.

Before the reporters could even question Leo, Ali stood up and ran towards him. Leo stood prepared with a microphone in his hand.

Ali threw a sloppy cross and Leo weaved under it before hitting him on the head with his microphone. Then the guards finally came in and held Ali back.

"All bark no bite pussy" Leo shouted into the microphone.

The owner started fuming in the middle and decided to end the press conference after seeing Ali's wild behavior.

"Let's end it! Everybody out!" He shouted.

"It was just getting started though?" Leo said sarcastically into the microphone before stepping out.

Leo had just completed the first phase which was to gain the fight some popularity. Now onto phase 2.