
God devourer

Do you know the legend of Leroy Brown you probably do but not this one I’m talking about the most famous fish in America right out of Eufaula Lake the large mouth bass who stood out atop the rest What if I was to tell all you angler’s out there that you only know part of old Leroy Brown’s legend Would you brush it off or would you take a leap of faith and see what old Leroy’s been up to lately

Grey_Mortem · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

This is not the end

"Where am I? Wait I can talk!!!!"

"Yes you can it would be quite difficult to have a conversation with you other wise"

"Who are you and why would I need to talk to you"

"Hahaha! Yes you are exactly what I'm looking for and as for who I am most know me as the god of water and aquatic creatures Poseidon and for why you need to talk to me is because you are weaker than me"

"Fine what does do you want with me oh lord almighty Poseidon"

"Haha! Yes you will do fine there"

"For gods sake are you going to get to the point or not!!!"

"Ah yes sorry about that you see me and my two brothers Zeus and Hades have come across a new world that has being in their that can treat us as flies the thing is that there's a barrier that keeps the two worlds apart and it's slowly but surely deteriorating and with that we can send stuff through from this end but they can't from their end we have calculated that there's roughly 40 years until it completely breaks down so us the big three are each finding one entity to send over there and grow strong so to be able to help us when the time comes while you're doing that we will reveal our existence once more to the world and help the beings of the world gain as much power as possible before then as of right now I've chosen you my brother Zeus choose a human and Hades also chose a human so you are carrying even more of a burden since you'll be alone without any help"

"Ok god damn it long winded much from now on I ask you answer for fuck sake"

"Right sorry about that go ahead"

"Ok I've pretty much understood everything except for one thing and that is how the hell am I supposed to gain power!!!!!"

"Oh right I haven't told you how to use the system yet have I well better late than never ok so call out system and you'll understand"

"I swear your a total let down as a god"


As soon as I said that out I a bunch of information started rushing into my head it wasn't until 10 minutes later that the head splitting pain I felt finally went away and I noticed the blue transparent screen in front of me


Name: Leroy Brown

Race: largemouth Bass

Level: 6 (Evolution at level 25)

Laws: N/A

Skills: Suction (1) (able to suck things into your stomach as long as their within a radius of 5ft) Digestion (2) (allows you to digest things faster) swim (4) (allows you to swim faster and with more control) Speech (max) (allows you to speak any language that you've heard before)


Str: 8

Def: 6

Agi: 11

Sp: 30

"Ok I understand everything on here except laws and why I don't have mp"

"Wait hold on you have laws instead of mp I can't be leave it hahaha I really hit the jackpot"

"Old man you going to explain or am I going to die again from waiting on your ass"

"Cough well you see the reason why you have laws instead of mp is that mp in a energy that can be used to manipulate or take on property's of laws for a little bit of time but you have the talent to comprehend and control laws so you have no need for mp but as you are now you are to weak to start comprehending and controlling the laws I'd say that you can only do that after you evolve at level 25 alright that enough talking for now we'll talk again in 40 years"