
Global Game: Ten Billion Spirit Energy Coins From The Start

An alien civilization invades, prompting a global Spirit Power Awakening, with a new game arising to combat the alien civilization... What? All transactions in-game can only be conducted using spiritual energy coins? Without spending a large sum, it's impossible to quickly improve your strength? Standing next to the largest Spiritual Spring Eye in the world, Su Yu reveals a smile. I have ten billion spiritual energy coins! Are you scared? ...... PS: I have a completed old book with 1.6 million words, it’s a testament to my credibility.

Dull Fireball · Game
Peringkat tidak cukup
620 Chs

16, Forum Controversy_1

Penerjemah: 549690339

Upon entering the official forum, Su Yu immediately saw the bold, brightly highlighted pinned post - "1V100! Mysterious player sweeps aside the tyrannical Zhan Tian Guild, the results are thought-provoking."

Opening the post, Su Yu saw a complete third-person video footage where the "Zhan Tian" Guild was charging an entrance fee to the village and having a dispute with ordinary players, eventually leading to a massacre.

The player who posted the video was very considerate, meticulously describing the causes and consequences of the incident.

At the end of the post, they called out, "The Zhan Tian Guild's actions have reached an intolerable level! If they dare to charge an entrance fee just after the server opened, what will they do next? Will they monopolize game resources?"

"We must stand up and resist the Zhan Tian Guild! The Zhan Tian Guild must apologize! They must compensate the players that were harmed!"
