
Global Awakening Re:Apocalypse Everyone is A Regressor

The apocalypse descended without warning, throwing the world into chaos. Monsters poured into the world, and the earth’s existing wildlife evolved and mutated into bizarre, flesh-eating creatures. But this wasn't just an ordinary apocalypse; it was a trial orchestrated by divine beings using a system designed to nurture a 'god seed.' There were also those who watched these trials unfold from across the cosmos—the ‘Constellations.’ These beings, one step away from godhood but failing in their quest to achieve it, found themselves trapped in their state, desiring escape or a solution. Some Constellations wanted to use humans to make their legends known, others to boost their forces if they reached the end, while some saw humans simply as a source of entertainment. Humans, unaccustomed to war for hundreds of years, inevitably perished under such extreme conditions. Ji-Hoon, the last surviving human of this trial, ultimately perished at the final stage. This caused the trial to end, with none of the humans making it to the end. But what is this? Ji-Hoon awakens in the past before the apocalypse began! This time, he hopes to reach the end along with those he holds dear. However, he soon realizes he wasn't the only one given a second chance. This is the story of a world thrown into even more bizarre chaos, where every human is a Regressor. In this world, trust is a relic of the past, bonds are weapons of exploitation, and violence is the only effective way of communicating with others.

Zurbluris · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
69 Chs

• Decent Of Madness

Ji-Hoon momentarily stood there, frozen as he gazed at the bizarre scene before him. Everyone in the college building was rushing out in a panicked frenzy - students, teachers, and staff alike.

It looked like they were all running from something, or perhaps they were aware of some sort of doom that loomed on the horizon.

But that was not the only thing that made this sight peculiar; some people were engaged in extreme acts of violence.

One female student appeared to have already murdered a teacher with a fire extinguisher, continuously bashing his head despite the fact he was already motionless. While she did so, she seemed to wear this bone-chilling look of satisfaction.

Some buildings in the distance were already engulfed in flames, and it appeared as though the world had been thrown into utter chaos.

Ji-Hoon gritted his teeth. Although he didn't say anything, he was smart enough to understand what all this meant.

'I'm not the only one who regressed.'

"Come on, Seo-Yeon, let's head for the stairs. I'm sure the elevators will all be in use by now," Ji-Hoon's voice boomed as he proceeded to pull Seo-Yeon along as he ran.

'Shit, shit, shit, what the fuck is all this?'

'I thought maybe this was a chance given to me because I was the last surviving player. Hell, I was hoping with this chance I would be able to change the future, but if everyone knows the future then...'

As he arrived at the stairs, he saw bodies littered all around, bones protruding from flesh, and limbs bent at unnatural angles, blood splattered on the walls, and it even appeared as if some people had used the blood of others to write words on the wall.

~It's the end of the world.~

~Sweet revenge.~

~I miss mommy.~

~It was all her fault.~

~I wish... I wish...~

~This is all just another nightmare.~

Even drawing strange symbols of a world in flames. All in blood!

Ji-Hoon gritted his teeth as he thought further.

'This world will be thrown into absolute madness, far worse than the first time.'

He narrowed his gaze as he continued to pull Seo-Yeon down the bloody stairs and past the dead bodies.

They continued going down the stairs until they finally reached the cafeteria on the bottom floor, their shoes stained with all the blood as they walked past, now creating bloody footprints as they walked.

Upon arriving at the cafeteria, Ji-Hoon and Seo-Yeon found themselves in a group of other people, all exchanging questionable looks at each other.

The apocalypse was yet to descend, yet you could clearly see the look of distrust in everyone's eyes. The cafeteria staff appeared to have knives in their hands, standing guard by the serving area – obviously, they were working together and had decided they wouldn't let the food be taken by others.

Small alliances like these often went up in smoke as resources dwindled.

Some looked frightened, while others seemed numb, as if they were still trying to understand the chaos unfolding around them.

Wimps like this were the first to die the first time, and it didn't look like regressing did anything for their mental fortitude.

Ji-Hoon quickly took a look at the group, noting the mix of fear and uncertainty in their eyes.

"Twenty-five people."

He muttered to himself, his mind racing with possibilities. In his mind, his thoughts raced.

'Seems they were the ones smart enough to realize they would need to conserve energy since the apocalypse would be starting soon.'

In the early stages of the apocalypse, one would believe the smartest move would be to get resources as fast as they could – it was a logical approach but in a world where everyone knew the apocalypse would be descending soon, an all-out battle royal was inevitable.

People would throw punches, the authorities would resort to a more personal use of their firearms, and any object could literally become a weapon.

If one wanted to step into such an environment where everyone would be out to get you because they thought you were going for the last box of cereal on the shelf, they would have to be ready to fight to the death.

And such an exhausting activity before the apocalypse would then descend was practically asking for a swift death when it did because the humans wouldn't be getting their skills and classes anytime soon, so for the most of the time mutated animals, plants and invading monsters would slaughter humans.

Seo-Yeon clung tightly to Ji-Hoon's arm, her own expression strangely calm and somewhat cold.

"Do you think it's safe here?"

She whispered, her voice barely audible over the din of panicked voices.

Ji-Hoon took a look at Seo-Yeon.

"I'm not sure."

"But it's better than being out there in the chaos. For now at least."

"Damm, I'm surprised you're still alive, pretty boy. I was sure one of the psycho girls on campus would have already knocked you out and pulled you away by now."

A voice suddenly boomed behind Ji-Hoon and Seo-Yeon, causing them to turn toward the source.

send some power Stones pls⊂⁠(⁠(⁠・⁠▽⁠・⁠)⁠)⁠⊃

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