
Glitch in God’s Game

“Your World has been selected. Initialising synchronisation with hegemony.” [From this point on your world is no longer yours. Your world has been taken over by the game Hegemony and it will transform this world into a place where only the fittest survive. And please do keep trying to survive so God may enjoy your vain attempts to preserve your pathetic lives.] The world has been taken over by a game created by god and humanity, as inept as they are, are forced to fight for their lives. Some were able to awaken powers through picking their attributes during the awakening process but will they be able to help humanity survive. ... Dominic Dmitry, who has lost everything and is now a slave for the mafia, is the mc of this story. Though he used to be just a normal teenager, years of pain and torture forced his humanity out of him. He used the opportunity presented by the awakening to escape and his only goal is to get revenge and become powerful. He was lucky enough to uncover that this game is far from perfect and comes to the realisation that he could use this to his benefit. Now being as twisted as he is, due to his tragic past, how will he use everything and everyone around him to get stronger and climb to the top of the pecking order? Join him in his adventure as he paves the path to obtain power by any means possible, even at the cost of others.

Zealous990 · Fantasi
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12 Chs

Chapter10: Revenge

Dom laughed at him after seeing how pathetic he really was as he now held the life of this man in his hand.

His laugh, mixed with the screams of the man, vibrated deeper into the building attracting more men to his area.

What they saw when when they arrived was a scene straight out of a horror movie. Blood. Pools and pools of blood. One body lay on the floor without a head, but it was clear to see that he was given the easy way out. For the other body had lost all of its limbs. It was evident from glancing at his face that he was still alive when his limbs were dismembered, hence his face was clearly disfigured and contorted from pain.

This scene distracted the men enough that at first, they didn't notice the man that stood behind them. Clad in bloody clothes with his Devil mask on, he had truly become the incarnation of evil. Only after Dom moved towards them did they hear his footsteps and started to be on guard.

"Show yourself."

"Do you know who we are?"

Dom without responding continued to move towards them until he was clearly visible.

The men almost peed their pants when they saw him. Not only did Dom resemble the devil's incarnate, the intimidation from his mask and the intimidation he naturally emitted culminated into absolute horror for the men.

Though they were already weak in their knees, they tried to stand their ground and fight. This determination would however be in vain as they were quickly dispatched by the sword that Dom held in his hand. Even if he wanted to torture everyone, he knew that would not have enough time to do so.

After finishing up, he hurried through the door ahead to where his captors used to stay. He couldn't see anyone in the vicinity, but he could hear some voices originating from the room next to the one he was in. He even recognised some of their voices, which made his blood boil, but he didn't let this make him impatient.

Just to be safe Dom used his tracking skill which let him know the whereabouts of everyone in the building by showing their footsteps on the floor. He traced them do the room, but he decided to to wait instead of going in.

He wanted them to die while experiencing at least some of the pain that he had to go thorough and for that, time alone was needed with each of them.

Patiently, Dom waited for his first pray to come out and luckily the first person to walk out was one of the men responsible for destroying his life. After grabbing him by his collar, Dom forced his mouth close and dragged him to the other room.

The man naturally struggled but Dom managed to tie him up in a dark corner of the room where he could not be spotted. He found some Black tape that was also present in the room and after using it to cover his mouth, Dom got to work.

Drawing his sword, Dom cut the man many times, all over his body. They were not at all deep cuts, but they were just deep enough to bleed slowly. Dom then walked in front of the man to see his horror filled face, which brought him delight.

Now that Dom had had his fun with this man, he was ready to end it. After crouching in front of him who was still slowly loosing blood, Dom slowly took his mask off. Though the man could barely move, he was at least able to move his head to see the identity of his assailant.

Although Dom looked like a completely different person now, he still had a likeness to his past self and so the man was still able to recognise him. This would however be the last thing he sees as Dom, happy with his expression of shock, was ready to move onto the next person.


Dominic managed to pick off a couple more of the members when they were alone, but Richard and his group had noticed that something was amiss and got into a defensive position by barricading the door to the meeting room that they were in prior.

Although Dom would've liked to have more time with each of the culprits, it was all the same to him as he was strong enough to easily fight and kill all of them.

Dominic, after coming to the conclusion that they were not going to come out decide that it was about time.

Inside the room, Richard was discussing their next courses of action but some of the men seem to be a bit rattled by the situation. After all who wouldn't be scared if some unknown person came and started to kill their people.

Suddenly a noise came from the outside which alerted them.

"Get into position and shoot what ever comes through those doors."

Richard as the leader of this group was not at all scared. He had been in many dangerous situations such as this and so knew the course of the action they should take.

Richard was also someone that had awakened, and this meant that his position in the mafia had increased. This plus his newly obtained Strength gave him the confidence to defeat anyone.


The door burst open with an explosive sound and splinters of wood flew everywhere. A normal door would never be able to stop Dom and without waiting he dashed to the first person he saw.

Richard who was so confident in his strength was shocked at this sight. He though that after having escaped human bounds he could do anything but this simple movement from Dom was able to prove him wrong. Not only was he unable to follow his movements, but he also didn't even catch a glimpse of the sword in Dom's hand, at least not until it came to a stop after having already decapitated one of his men.

"Who the f*** are you?"

The man in front of Richard tried to question Dom to try and gleam even a sliver of information that could help them in this situation.


Now that Dom had come to a stop, Richard, without wasting this opportunity, took aim and shot him using the handgun that was kept in his side pocket.

"You had me worried for a sec there."

"Your best bet was to use your speed to kill everyone. So, your stupidity of trying to show off was what ultimately got you killed."

Richard chuckled in victory thinking that he had successfully incapacitated the intruder. Dom on the other hand, was quite shocked as he had not expected to be shot and it was a mishap on his part. Otherwise, the bullet didn't penetrate at all, but it still hurt like a bitch though.

Dominic who was holding his abdomen stood upright like nothing happens and the bullet fell to the floor. At the sound of metal hitting the hard floor Richard shouted in disbelief.

"What the f***, ho ow are you still fine after that?"

Having lost his patience after getting shot a couple of times, Dom grappled a man into his grasp and tightly clasped his hand around his head. The man screamed and begged to find anyway to save his life. He even pleaded from both sides to let him live but while Richard and the others left had no way to do so, Dominic decide to ignore him and enjoyed his screaming.

The only sound that permeated the room was a loud pop as the man's head exploded from the shear pressure that Dom had applied on it. This was the moment where the methat worked for the mafia lost all hope. After dropping to their knees, they placed their weapons on the floor as a sign of surrender.

Seeing this, Richard was helpless as he knew that he would not be able fight this man alone. But he had not given up either.

"I just need to wait till he lets his guard down and I can swiftly slice his neck."

Richard thought as he was getting ready to reach for the knife that he held in his back pocket. Dom, on the other hand, felt no need to show them mercy at all. So, he went and killed most of them in one swing which left Richard and one other man left.

The man who had now realised that no mercy will be shown to them tried to get up, but his legs buckled from fear and Dom grabbed his neck and laughed like a predator that had caught his prey. Richard, who knew that it was now or never, reached into his back pocket and clenched his knife. He had seen how Dom was not at all harmed by bullets so it was common sense that a knife would not do anything. But this was on the condition that Richard was a normal human, which he was not.

Richard being a veteran in the mafia, was extremely adept at fighting and had also survived many dangerous situations and was lucky enough to awaken. Naturally, since he was way more experienced at fighting people, he did quite well in the system training even when he didn't get a special attribute. Having reached level 9 his physical capabilities had far surpassed any human so he was confident that he could at least slice through this mysterious man's skin.

While Dom was busy giving the other man a painful death, Richard lunged at him after brandishing his knife. He Swung it with all his strength, aiming for Dom's neck.

The knife, when it was just about to slice into Dom's flesh, was caught by his hand. Without even looking surprised and ignoring the slight pain in his hand from getting cut, he yanked the knife out of Richard's grasp.

"But. H-How?"

Richard struggled to comprehend how his plan was thwarted so easily as if Dom had known all along.

"You think I don't know what type of person you are?"

"And yes, I did in-fact know what you were planning from the beginning."

Dominic was again grateful for having the awareness skill, which he used to keep track of Richard's movements when he was busy dealing with the other man.

Slowly he reached for his mask. After gently pulling it down, Dom decided that he would like to have some alone time with the orchestrator of his family's brutal massacre. So, he started by ending the other Gangster's life by squeezing it out of him.

"Oh, why do you look so frightened?"


"Lost for words, are we?"

Dominic broke into a sinister laughter as he found this situation amusing. He enjoyed being on this side much more. Rather the torturer than the tortured.

"It's you!"

"How did you get this power?"

Richard was still being greedy, even when his life could end at any moment.

"What makes you think I will tell you that?"

Dom decided to play along with Richard because he had nothing better to do.

"Know your place."

"If you don't want to die a gruesome death like your brother and parents, get on your knees and beg."

Richard had though that Dom was still the timid slave that did everything that they asked of him without complaining.

But this was where he was wrong. Dominic was nothing like what he had portrayed himself to be. Sure, he really was timid at the start but as time went on, he had to endure many things that had twisted him into something else entirely.

And hearing Richard's haughty tone, Dom couldn't bare his anger at the mention of his family, grabbed his face and pulled it close to him. Dom stared into Richard and his eyes delved deep as if staring into his soul.

Though this only lasted a few seconds, for Richard, it felt like hours had passed and after the experience, he seemed visible withered.

He felt unimaginable horror. Due to Dominic's intimidation and his natural bloodlust, that poured out infinitely as if it were the wrath of the heaven itself, Richard started to finally feel fear. He finally realised the weight of this situation. Dom was not the slave he knew, and he was fully planning on ending his life.


And an arm dropped near Dom's feat and blood oozed out of the nub that Richard now had for a left arm.


It took a second but finally, reality had kicked in.

"No, please."

"Please stop the bleeding."

"It won't stop."

Richard begged for help, but Dominic didn't even budge. In fact, he was actually enjoying this.

He didn't plan on stopping here either, he wanted to destroy Richard's spirit. Why you ask? Cause for Dom, it was way more fun that way.


After kicking his face and seeing his body smack into the wall, Dom came to the conclusion that he would need to control his strength if he didn't want to kill this man prematurely.

Seeing him lying there with blood oozing out of every orifice, an arm missing, lying next to teeth and pools of blood, which were presumably his, most would start to feel sorry for this man. But Dom as the creator of this scene, embraced his masterpiece and this moment was something he would never forget in his life.

"Now then, would you like to enlighten me as to why you went after and killed my family."

Dom pressed Richard, hoping that he would break.

"Please spare me and I'll tell you."

Richard begged as he was nearing the end of his tolerance. But Dom had no plans to agree with him at all and decided to keep using pain as a way to convince him.

Blood spluurted out as he used his sword to dig into Richard's left shoulder and by twisting his blade by small amounts each time, Dom made sure that he didn't have any time to rest.

"Aargh, it was someone from that held a lot of power with a connection to the government. We were only commissioned to do this by them. Naturally we didn't ask any questions, as we have to uphold our integrity."

Richard, not being able bare the pain any longer, had caved in and spat out everything that he knew about the people involved.

However, this answer was not able to please Dominic.

The blade in his right hand warped through the air and another limb fell off of the already broken body that had its parts strewn across the floor.

"Please stop the pain!"

"Just end my life. Please just end this pain."

It didn't take much longer at all, just a couple more limbs and some patience.

The intense pain that coursed through every part of his body compelled him to want to end it. But what could he do? Richard had no limbs and though he would die soon from loosing blood anyways, soon was way too long for him.

"Now, why would I do that do?"

Dominic had no plans of giving him what he wanted.

Soon the screams died down and Dom stared into Richard's eyes as any signs of life drained out of him.