
Git Gud Or Die Trying (hiatus)

In the epic and unforgiving world of Elden Ring, a young gamer's obsession with defeating the notorious boss, Margit The Fell Omen, reaches new heights. After countless sleepless nights and relentless determination, he finally emerges victorious, but at a great cost—exhaustion claims his life. But instead of finding himself in the afterlife or facing a Game Over screen, he wakes up inside the very game only just began conquer. Armed with only his knowledge of the starting area and the basic necesities, the young man sets out to find meaning and purpose in his new world. ... Alright, let's quickly go over everything you need to know before diving into the story. Just like any other Souls game, the lore of Elden Ring is famously vague and complex. So here's the deal, I'll be throwing in some theories about the lore that YouTubers have come up with, or maybe even a few of my own, to keep the story flowing. Some of you might agree with these theories, and some won't. But honestly, I couldn't care less either way. Now, fair warning, this story is gonna be slow-paced. Like, really slow. There's a bunch of sights and explanations I need to cover, since not everyone knows the ins and outs of the world and lore of Elden Ring. Plus, I happen to enjoy taking my time when it comes to storytelling. But hey, if a slow burn ain't your cup of tea, do yourself a favor and find something else to read right now. Oh, and here's the best part: it doesn't matter if you've played the game or not. I'll do my best to explain the story and describe the world in the most vivid way possible. That's another reason why I'm taking it slow. So sit back, relax, and get ready for a leisurely journey through the mysterious realm of Elden Ring.

Wicked132 · Derivasi dari game
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs

Glimpses Beyond the Gates #11

Author's note: I'm not seeing any increase in power stones, my dudes. The story currently has over 1k readers (as in people who added the story to their libary). If each of you donated one power stone for just one day a week, it will send the story all the way up to top 10 in ranking, which will give it all the exposure it needs to get new readers.

So yeah, if you like the story, and want it to succeed and continue, donate friggen power stones. It's that simple.


After the process concluded, Adrian cautiously released Melina's hand and flexed his fingers, marveling at the slight surge of power coursing through his body. He had expected the familiar sight of a stat menu, where he could allocate the runes into his various attributes, like in the game, as if purchasing upgrades.

However, no such visual interface materialized before him. Instead, he felt the ethereal energy of the runes infusing his being, enhancing his physical capabilities.

Melina, ever observant, noticed the flicker of curiosity in Adrian's expression but remained silent, allowing him to process the experience on his own terms.

"That was... strange," Adrian ventured, his voice tinged with awe and intrigue. He found himself captivated by the enigmatic nature of this transformation. It was not a discomforting sensation but rather an unfamiliar one that sparked his curiosity.

Melina, her countenance unwavering, offered a measured response. "You'd do well to embrace it..." she replied, her tone calm and serene. "You'll need all the strength you can get if you are to become Elden Lord..."

Adrian absorbed Melina's words and nodded. He wasn't interested in becoming Elden Lord or anything of that nature. He felt no responsibility toward the strange, harsh world he found himself in.

His one and only priority was to survive, and for that, he needed strength.

With a lighthearted tone, Adrian quipped, "Maybe, but I think I need a good nap more than anything else right about now..."

Melina nodded before dissipating into shimmering blue particles, leaving Adrian alone at the tranquil Site of Grace. A sigh escaped his lips as solitude settled upon him again.

Reaching into his pocket, Adrian retrieved the ring-shaped Spectral Steed whistle, its golden hue gleaming in the soft light. He slid it onto his finger, admiring its intricate design for a moment, his mind filled with excitement and apprehension.

With a hesitating breath, he brought the whistle to his lips and blew into it, a resounding whistle echoing through the air.

In an instant, reminiscent of Melina's disappearance, a majestic steed emerged from thin air, its form enveloped in a cloak of shimmering blue specks.

The steed possessed a sleek coat of light gray fur, a long white mane flowing down its neck, and two graceful horns adorning its regal head. Adrian's smile widened as he extended his hand toward the magnificent creature.

As if understanding the unspoken bond between them, Torrent approached with elegance, gently pressing its warm nose against Adrian's palm. Adrian spoke softly, his voice filled with genuine warmth, "So, you're Torrent, huh?" The steed emitted a gentle snort in response, affirming its identity and their forthcoming partnership.

Adrian's smile transformed into a grin as he spoke again, his voice laced with anticipation, "Well, it looks like we'll be traveling together for the foreseeable future. Let's get along, shall we?" Torrent let out a contented neigh, a gesture of agreement, before dissolving into a mesmerizing display of luminous particles, blending seamlessly into the surroundings.

With the companionship of the spectral steed secured, Adrian returned to the familiar haven of the Site of Grace. He lay down on the soft grass, gazing up at the expansive canvas of the starry sky.

With the rhythmic sound of his steady breaths blending harmoniously with the gentle rustling of the grass beneath him, Adrian allowed himself to fully immerse in the peaceful ambiance of the Site of Grace. The soft blades of emerald-green cradled his tired mind, providing a comforting embrace that eased the weariness accumulated from his perilous journey.

As he reclined, Adrian's gaze wandered upward, drawn to the vast expanse of the night sky that stretched infinitely before him.

The twinkling stars dotting the celestial canopy like fragments of enchantment captivated his attention. Yet, something peculiar danced within their stellar dance—time seemed to stand still in their realm.

The enigmatic sight ignited a flicker of curiosity within Adrian's mind. Questions danced like specters in the recesses of his thoughts, begging to be explored. Was it a mere illusion? Or did it hold a deeper meaning?

With each passing moment, the allure of the stilled stars grew, whispering promises of hidden truths and profound revelations.

Yet, exhaustion settled upon Adrian's weary frame, his eyelids growing heavy with the weight of his endeavors. The tendrils of fatigue wound around his consciousness, gently tugging him toward the realm of slumber. Relinquishing his musings, he surrendered to the night's embrace, allowing the symphony of dreams to weave its ethereal tapestry.

As the first rays of dawn painted the sky in hues of warm amber and soft pastels, Adrian stirred from his restful slumber. His eyes flickered open, adjusting to the morning light that filtered through the canopy of trees surrounding the Site of Grace. His gaze swept across the area, scanning the surroundings for signs of imminent danger.

A sigh of relief escaped his lips as he realized that the Godrick Soldiers had not magically re-appeared. However, Adrian imagined it was a matter of time before another contingent of soldiers would take their place.

Regardless of game logic, it made sense more soldiers would arrive to guard Stormveil's gate front on Godrick's behalf, as it was a strategic position that needed to be secured.

Eager to continue his journey and make the most of the precious moments of respite, Adrian stretched his limbs, feeling the satisfying tension release from his muscles. His attention then turned to the imposing armored carriage near the Site of Grace.

Approaching the carriage, he unlatched a container at its back, revealing a gleaming greatsword nestled within. He retrieved the weapon with practiced ease, his grip firm and assured.

Depositing the greatsword into his inventory, a mystical repository that contained the tools of his trade and the artifacts he had acquired thus far, Adrian shifted his focus to an obelisk that stood proudly ahead.

Its weathered surface bore the weight of countless tales etched upon it. Adrian caught sight of a paper affixed to the obelisk as he drew closer—a map of Limgraves' west, his current location.

Sitting upon the grass, Adrian crossed his legs, positioning the map before him. His gaze traced the intricate details of the parchment, its surface marked with the ebb and flow of rivers, the silhouette of towering ruins, and the delicate lines delineating paths known and unknown.

As his eyes traversed the map, a flicker of intrigue danced within him, for golden circles materialized upon its surface. Adrian raised an eyebrow, but it only took him a moment to realize they represented the Sites of Grace he had already visited.

His attention shifted to the depiction of the Gatefront Site of Grace, where he had woken up moments ago. A surge of curiosity surged through him, compelling his hand to reach out and touch the golden circle representing that sacred space. Instantly, a radiant golden light engulfed his vision, his senses overwhelmed by a sensation akin to being gently pulled and tugged.

Gradually, the luminous radiance subsided, unveiling the familiar surroundings of the Site of Grace once again. Adrian stood in the very spot where he had awakened earlier, the transition seamless and without a discernible time lapse. Now securely tucked away, the map seemed to pulse with newfound energy, its secrets awaiting his further exploration.

"Hut... neat..." Adrian muttered to no one in particular, following his instincts as he inspected his limps. He couldn't help but sigh in relief as he found them all attached.

Adrian's gaze shifted towards the colossal gates that stood defiantly in the western direction. Their imposing presence seemed to guard a realm of untold challenges and treacherous terrain. Intrigued yet aware of the dangers beyond, he found himself drawn to the narrow stone road that stretched forth from the entrance. The path, slightly dark and steep, beckoned him with an air of mystery and uncertainty.

As Adrian approached the gates, his eyes surveyed the surroundings, taking in the scene before him. The stone path unraveled like a serpent's trail, flanked on both sides by overgrown weeds and small trees that reached out with gnarled branches.

Nature had claimed its space, weaving a tapestry of vibrant greenery amidst the ruggedness of the terrain. It was as if a natural valley had embraced this passage, creating an alluring yet foreboding pathway.

Through his trusty telescope, Adrian meticulously scanned the area beyond the gates, his vision penetrating the distance. His gaze settled upon blockades strategically placed and soldiers standing guard, their presence a testament to the challenges that awaited him. Their rigid postures and watchful eyes revealed the unwavering loyalty they held to their cause.

With a sigh of resignation, Adrian carefully folded his telescope and stowed it away, knowing that further observation would yield little more than what he had already gleaned.

Summoning the power of the golden whistle, Adrian raised it to his lips and blew gently, releasing a resounding tune that resonated through the air. In response, the ethereal form of Torrent materialized before him, a vision of grace and strength. The steed's light gray fur shimmered, its long white mane billowing in an otherworldly breeze.

"Whelp... I really don't like this, but we'll have to blow past them, buddy," Adrian muttered with a mix of determination and resignation, his voice laced with a touch of humor. He swung onto Torrent's back, settling into the saddle with practiced ease.

As if understanding the weight of their mission, the spectral steed let out a reassuring neigh as if to say, "Leave it to me..."


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