
A Pact in the Night #10

Auhtor's note: I have good news! With this release, my p-word ( p aa tt rr i o n)page is officialy 20 chapters ahead of WN! So if the low number of chapters had been a turn off, then now is the best time to subscribe, and GIVE ME YOUR MONEY. I still got some steam, so patrons can expect regular double releases too.

As for double updates for the rest of you broke and/or stingy commoners here, you already know the drill. More power stones= higher power ranking= higher exposure=more readers= more motivation for me= more chapters for you to read, so get to it!


As the minutes turned into an agonizing hour, Adrian's body continued its arduous crawl, leaving a macabre trail of blood in its wake. Now on the verge of descent, the sun cast long shadows that stretched ominously across the rugged landscape. Darkness crept closer, threatening to engulf the weary warrior and his fading consciousness.

Adrian's vision had become a haze, his surroundings blurred and indistinct. The pain resonated with each labored breath, the world around him reduced to a series of muted echoes. The only semblance of clarity remained in his eyes, fixated on the radiant golden rays that emanated from the Site of Grace, a beacon of hope in the encroaching darkness.

His struggle became increasingly desperate, every movement draining him of his life force. Fatigue weighed heavy upon him, threatening to extinguish the flickering flame of his consciousness. Despair clawed at the edges of his mind, a constant reminder of his impending doom.

As Adrian's resolve began to waver, a miraculous sight unfolded before his weary, unfocused eyes. Ethereal blue specks of light danced in the air, twinkling like stars on a moonlit night. Slowly, they converged, forming the outline of a transparent figure—a woman cloaked in heavy black attire.

The mysterious woman, her features obscured by a hood, knelt beside the wounded warrior. Her presence exuded an otherworldly aura and a sense of ancient wisdom and power. She extended her hand, offering solace and aid to the beleaguered Adrian.

Summoning the last vestiges of his strength, Adrian reached out, his trembling fingers yearning to grasp the woman's hand, a lifeline in this dire moment. But as his fingers brushed against hers, his grip faltered, and his consciousness slipped away, succumbing to the abyss.


Adrian's heavy eyelids fluttered open hours later, his head finding respite on something soft beneath him. He caught the delicate fragrance of hellebore, their sweet scent tickling his senses as he slowly opened his eyes.

To his surprise, the first thing Adrian saw was the face of the hooded woman, looking down and watching over him, her enigmatic presence unyielding. Alarm surged through Adrian's veins as he recalled his plight, his instincts urging him to react swiftly.

He scrambled to his feet, his eyes darting around the area, franticly searching for potential threats. Relief washed over him as he realized that only the woman remained, her figure a solitary guardian in the stillness of the night.

A wave of gratitude washed over him, thanking the cosmos that enemies did not possess the ability to reappear magically like in the game's world he knew so well.

Taking a moment to steady himself, Adrian settled beside the Site of Grace with a sigh of relief, finding solace in the familiarity of the place. It felt akin to sitting by a comforting bonfire, the gentle crackle of flames replaced by the soft ambiance of the surrounding night.

The woman's voice, slow and deliberate, pierced the silence, carrying an air of ancient wisdom. "Greetings, Traveler from Beyond the fog," she spoke, her words resonating with serene grace. "I am Melina."

Adrian, still cautious but intrigued, felt compelled to respond. "My name is Adrian," he offered, his voice tinged with gratitude. "Thank you for saving my hide..."

Melina's expression remained impassive, her tone unchanging as she replied, "It is too soon for gratitude..." With a fluid motion, she removed the hood, revealing cascading locks of light red hair, almost pinkish in hue. "I offer you an accord..."

The woman's eyes, one of which adorned with a curious marking on its closed eyelid, gazed at him with a dulled golden intensity, but he opted to remain silent, knowing what came next.

Melina's gaze remained fixed on Adrian, her expression unchanged as she posed her question in her signature blank and calm demeanor. "Have you heard of the Finger Maidens?"

Adrian's brow furrowed slightly, his mind grappling with fragments of information he had from playing the game. "I don't know much," he admitted, his voice laced with uncertainty, "but I do know that every Tarnished needs one to accomplish anything..."

Melina nodded ever so slightly, her eyes momentarily flickering with a hint of recognition. "The Finger Maidens," she uttered softly, her voice trailing off before continuing. "They serve the Two Fingers, offering guidance and aid to the Tarnished."

Melina's expression remained unchanged, her voice devoid of inflection as she replied, "But you, I'm afraid, are maidenless..."

A hint of bemusement flickered across Adrian's face as he rolled his eyes. "So I've been told, in this life and the previous one," he muttered to himself, his words tinged with sarcasm and resignation.

Melina remained unperturbed by Adrian's grumbling, her blank expression unchanging as she continued to speak. "I can play the role of a maiden..." she stated calmly, her words resonating with a sense of purpose. "...Turning rune fragments into strength. To aid you in your search for the Elden Ring..."

Adrian's eyebrows lifted in intrigue, his annoyance momentarily giving way to curiosity. He cast a pointed look at Melina, trying to learn more. "And what's the catch?" he inquired, his voice laced with cautious anticipation.

Melina's response came without hesitation, her tone unwavering and steady. "There is no catch," she affirmed, her words carrying a sense of reassurance. "No attached strings, hidden or otherwise...."

"You need only take me with you. To the foot of the Erdtree." Melina concluded.

Adrian's curiosity nagged at him, and he couldn't help but inquire about Melina's motives for reaching the foot of the Erdtree. "Why do you seek to go there?" he asked, his voice tinged with genuine curiosity.

Melina's gaze remained fixed ahead, her expression unchanged as she responded. "My reasons are my own," she replied cryptically, her voice devoid of emotion and conclusive.

Adrian sighed, realizing that further probing would likely be fruitless. He decided to give up on broaching the subject for now. "Very well," he said, his voice steady. "I will take you to the Erdtree, if that's what you want..."

Melina's blank face remained unchanged, but a hint of approval flashed in her eyes. "Then it is settled," she affirmed, her voice unwavering. "Summon me by grace, and I will turn runes into strength..."

Pausing for a moment, Melina seemed to recall something important. "Ah, another matter," she added, her tone unchanging. "I bequeath to you this ring." She extended her hand, presenting Adrian with a golden whistle shaped like a ring.

Adrian accepted the whistle, examining its intricate design. As he studied it, Melina explained its nature. "Use it to traverse great distances," she elucidated, her voice clear and concise. "It will summon a spectral steed named Torrent, who will aid you in your travels."

Adrian couldn't help but recall the majestic steed he had encountered in the cave where he first met Melina. Curiosity piqued, he asked, "Is Torrent the same steed I saw in the cave with you?"

Melina's blank expression wavered for the briefest moment, revealing a flicker of surprise in her eyes. "You remembered that...?" she murmured softly, her voice laced with a hint of astonishment. However, her features quickly returned to their impassive state as she composed herself. "Indeed, he is," she confirmed, her tone regaining its monotony. "That is when Torrent chose you."

A sense of intrigue washed over Adrian as he contemplated the significance of that encounter. The fact that the spectral steed had already recognized him resonated deeply within him.

Melina's words broke the silence. "Treat him with respect," she requested, her voice calm and earnest but carrying a hint of warning.

Adrian couldn't resist a playful retort. With a mischievous smile, he quipped, "Lady, at this point, I'll accept the company of a skunk and still treat it with respect if the alternative is traveling on my own..."

A faint hint of mirth crossed Melina's face, a subtle deviation from her usual stoic demeanor. She replied, her tone laden with humor, "I assure you, Torrent is far more majestic than a skunk. You will find his companionship invaluable."

With a chuckle nod of understanding, Adrian acknowledged Melina's words. He realized that having a spectral steed like Torrent by his side would offer both practical advantages and a source of solace in the arduous journey ahead.

"Very well," Adrian conceded, his tone now serious. "Now, moving on to using runes... I have some from the battle before you arrived..."

Melina's gaze met his, a moment of shared determination passing between them. "Shall I turn your runes into strength?" She asked, to which Adrian eagerly nodded.

"Let my hand rest upon you, for but a moment..." Melina continued, extending her hand toward Adrian, who took it into his own without hesitation, feeling the softness of her palms.

A warm golden light eminated as their hands touched, and Meina spoke with conviction. "Share them with me, your thoughts, your ambitions, the principles you would follow..."


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