
Girl with a crown

Aria is an ambitious, strong girl coming from a middle-class family who compromises everything for her family. She has her own dream to accomplish. Her life starts to change after she got to meet a handsome guy Matheo and married him from the pressure of family. Matheo is a heir of the Charlote family, that rules the capital, and it is said that he is most cruel one for whole world expect the only person who is his wife. At first, He didn't care about Aria as it was a business or say compromising marriage from both of them. After a year of marriage, Aria says" Matheo, I am craving for ice-cream" Matheo replied" Baby, let's not eat it today, it's not good" Aria" NO I want it now" Matheo.... (No misunderstanding, No regular drama, only pampering, journey of a successful woman in both her professional as well as family)

Monika_Chapagain · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
23 Chs

Mother and daughter's shopping

Nick looked at his father and thought,"Dad is really getting old, I don't know what will happen when the truth behind Aria's birth comes to the surface." Then he thought he should go with a flow.

Nick went to his bedroom where his wife was having a conversation with Angella. As Camellias was saying on the phone," Angella, you know it's such a wonderful feeling to have a daughter. Now, I can wear a matching dress with her."

Angella said"Yeah, I am also going to have a daughter-in-law soon, and we can also wear matching dresses."

Camelia looked at Nick and handed up the phone after saying goodbye. She said to Nick,"Honey, I think we should have a party to announce Aria's identity. She will soon face the world anyway."

Nick looked at her and said"Okay, as you say, but don't get tired," and kissed her forehead.

Camelia gave a sweet smile to Nick and said"Oh, husband, I want Aria to be my company's heir. What do you think?"

Nick turned around as he was about to go to his cupboard when he heard Camelia's voice and said" Dear, you know I support your every decision, but I suggest you can make a will or something in private and don't make it public yet as she is still young. This heir thing can be a bit of jealousy for others, and you know you have two sons. People are going to make their own assumptions, and they are too young to get involved in this mess."

Camelia thought for a while and decided to do as her husband said,"Anyway, I am going to make her a young, unmarried business executive of this century."and laughed "As for our sons, let them get sharp at politics and start up." They looked at each other and Nick said"Yeah, let them do as you said" in a disgusting manner. If Denny and Denim listened to their parents' conversation, they would rather not be born than to be their son.

Nick said"Okay, Wife, let's go to sleep as we have a lot to do tomorrow morning."

Camelia thought of having a party to announce Aria's identity and said"Okay, Honey, let's sleep after you come from the bathroom. Goodnight". Nick went to sleep. Afterward, when he saw his wife's sleeping face and remembered her excited face when she knew Aria was going to be their daughter, it was worth this world. He kissed her lips slowly and said in a low voice,"Goodnight hubby."


As the sun entered the room, Aria was sleeping so deep that she was unable to open her eyes even though she heard the door knocking loudly. Aria slowly opened her eyes and looked up at the ceiling and thought of everything that happened yesterday. She slowly pinched her arms and remembered it was all true. Now she was her uncle's daughter. She never thought John would abandon her just by her grandfather's order, but there was another sure mystery about this, but she was in no mood to uncover this mystery, as she was much happier in her Uncle's home. She slowly got up and went to the bathroom to wash her face. Then she opened the door only to see Camelia outside waiting for her with patience.

Camelia saw the door open and looked up to Aria and said" Dear, Get up and have your breakfast. We are going outside today." with a broad smile on her face.

Aria looked at Camelia's smile and thought of Antelia's fake smile and knew Camelia was very good to her. She couldn't make her disappointed and she knew Camelia was waiting for her to call Mom. So she said" Mom, wait a second, I will be down when I am up." with a smiling face.

Camelia heard her calling Mom, and she was dumbfounded. She thought it would take some time for Aria to get used to calling them, but hearing her call she was satisfied. She said"Okay you come downstairs, and we will have breakfast together."

When Aria heard this, she said"Mom, wait inside, I will wash up quickly, and we can go downstairs together."

Camelia nodded her head and said"Okay" and went inside to look at her room. Anyway, she decorated the room, but she was curious about Aria, so she wanted to take a look.

Aria looked at Camellia and said"Mom, I will go to the bathroom," and went to get fresh.

Aria came after fifteen minutes and looked at Camelia and said,"Mom, let's go to have breakfast."

Aria and Camelia went downstairs to the dining hall and sat down. Others looked at them coming together, and it truly looked like a scene of a mother-daughter duo. After they sat down, all of them started to have their breakfast. After finishing their breakfast, they went to the hall to have some family talk. Peter was also theirs as he was theirs, and he planned to stay in Nick's house for a while. He thought he would also like to spend time with his granddaughter. Camelia looked at Aria and said"Dear, let's go to our room and get ready, we are going out."

Aria asked in a confused voice,"Where are we going? How can we leave Denny and denim here? "

Camelia said"Oh it's not them ,our mother and daughter are going out shopping. As for them, leave them to their father and grandfather."

Aria looked at Nick and Peter's expression, which said "We knew it right after Camellia looked at Aria and said to go out go" and knew she was going to go shopping today. She looked at Camellia and said"Mom, where are we going? I shopped enough yesterday. Remember"

Camelia replied to her,"Oh, dear, we are going shopping for an evening gown as there will be a party the day after tomorrow to announce your identity."

When Peter heard that, he immediately glared at Nick and Camelia and said"You are going to have a party but you guys didn't bother to discuss it with me?" in an angry voice.

Camelia bit her lips and looked at Nick and said to Peter,"Dad, it was not my decision but Nicks. Let's go, Aria, we are going to be late."

Then she took Aria's hand and ran away to Aria's room door and said"Okay get ready, and we will go." and went to her room to get ready. When she was getting ready, she heard her phone ring and checked as it showed her best friend. She discussed with him that she was going shopping with her daughter and on the phone she heard her friend saying she wanted to meet her daughter too, as she was free she would go shopping too. They made a plan to meet up at the first floor of the Shen Mall. 

After Aria and Camelia went to the car and were about to leave, her phone rang and said"Okay, I am leaving now. Let's meet up soon." she hung up the call and looked at Aria in the car, and she also went inside her car. She looked at Aria with a little unsure voice,"Dear, I have a best friend, her name is Angella. She wants to meet you, If that's OK with you", Aria nodded her head. What Camelia didn't know was that after Angella heard Aria's name when she introduced Aria as her daughter,Angella started to get close to her unknowingly, and started to doubt if she was Aria's mother or Angella. In the meantime, without knowing the situation which would arise soon, Camelia said to the driver,"Uncle, drive us to the mall, and please get us there fast."