

In this world of normal, there are things happening that not many people could see. A world where extraordinary things happened, a world where extraordinary people live and a world where the impossible becomes possible. You think you know everything but in the shadows Gifts and Chaos clash. Where Shadow creatures wrecking havoc in our land, where Chaos takes human forms and where people with extraordinary Gifts protect our world. Remember two things: That things aren't always what they seem and That everything happens for a reason. Chapters 1-10 are told in June's Pov and the rest will be a Third person Pov. Warning: This novel contains Graphic content, Sensitive topics, Violence and any other 18+ content related. You've been warned GENRE: Young-Adult, Teen Fiction, Supernatural, Contemporary Romance, Urban Fantasy, Science Fiction, Paranormal, Action, Superpowers. Thank you so much for reading!

harpdance26 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
112 Chs


I hear muffled voices...

"Is he Okay?" one whispered, It's a girls voice. "Is he going to live? Is he breathing? What did you give him anyway? How long has he been out? What's going to happened to him? Can you do something? What happened to him anyways? Who's he? Is-"

"I don't know!" Another one whisper shouted, this time it's a guy's voice. My guess he's getting annoyed by the barrage of questions that he has no idea how to answer. I mean I'm getting annoyed just hearing all the question and I don't even know if this is real or not.

I tried to move but nothing's happening, It's like my whole body is numb or something..... and I'm not gonna lie its pretty scary.

The girl gasp "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" The guy asked, I imagine him looking at her with a confused look.

"He's alive, We need to leave before he wakes up." The girl said. then I felt a hand on my chest and it was tiny and I felt something different from her touch and swear I felt my heart skipped a beat.


"We've helped him in anyway we can and that's all we can do" She said, her voice was soft and almost like comforting. As crazy as it sound I immediately missed that something when she touched me when she removed her hands from my chest.

"You're right, we better go." Said the guy. I heard them stand up and there steps as they leave me alone here, where-ever this is. Am I still on the hallway?

Then I felt it, it's like when you're awake and your body's exhausted and you just wanna sleep. That's what I'm feeling right now. I know I'm unconscious but for some reason I felt sleepy, then the next thing I know I woke up gasping for air.

"Hey, hey relax." There's a hand on my shoulders, trying to calm me down. I looked at the owner and saw that it was Luke. "You're okay, Your safe" he said, trying to calm me. When I actually did calm down I realized I'm covered in sweat. I blink trying take in my surroundings, Where the heck am I?

Luke must have seen the question in my face when he said "You're in the hospital June" I looked at him confused. "The teachers saw you lying on the hallway unconscious" I see the anger in his eyes but kept his voice calm "Dude you told me it was just a simple head ache?"

"That's what I though okay?" hanging my head low, embarrassed "I've been having this light head aches for the past week and they didn't last long, so I though it's just the same and didn't bother you with it. I didn't expect it to land me on hospital bed and on the first day of school."

He sigh "Look I'm just glad you're okay, Okay?" I looked at him, grateful. He's not mad anymore he's just concerned. Then the tips of his lips lifted into a smirk "So next time you pulled a stun like that, I'll make sure to bring the whole squad next time." I laughed because he knows I can't even make a decent conversation with a girl without blushing really hard, let alone the entire cheer squad.

Turning serious "Thanks Luke, for everything" I said, really grateful to have a friend like him.

"No problem Dude, any time" He said smiling, ruffling my hair like a big brother. I swat his hands away, making him laugh, I'm smiling too. When he calmed down he stood next to my bed "I gotta get back to school, Have football practice." said while gathering his things. "Get better soon, k?"

"Sure thing" then he walk to the door and he was gone.

After he left, I tried to remember everything that has happened. I remember having the worst head ache of my life then passing out, then I heard voices and the tiny hand that had touched me. Just thinking about the touch made my heart skipped a beat again but it's weird, I don't even know if it's real or just a dream or somethin'.

I was still deep in though when the door opened, before I could even see who it was, a pair of strong arms warped me in a tight hug "Oh Honey" My mom sobbed as she embraces me.

I beginning to loose air "Mom....Can't...Breath" I said in a raspy voice while tapping her back lightly.

"Oh! Sorry" Then she loosens her arms but then grabs my face with both hands, scanning and checking. "What happened honey? The Doctor told me everything" Her voice frantic. Then she freezes "Are you doing drugs?" she whispered, I can hear the dread from her voice.

Whoa, where did that come from?

"What!? No... I'm not on drugs Mom!"

"June, you can tell me okay honey it's okay" she's trying her best to stay calm but I know she's loosing it.

"Mom, I'm NOT doing Drugs" Stressing on not. "You know me!"

"I just thought-"

"Mom I had a head ache not an overdose." I pointed, trying to make calm her down. That's just my Mom she worries to much, that's why I love her so much. Knowing that she always cared for me, but sometime it can get a little over the top.

"Sorry Honey, You know I'm just worried. You know that right?" Her voice very soft.

"I know and thank you" I looked at her, very grateful. Ever since my dad died before I was born, It hasn't been easy for her. She did her best to raise me on her own. She sacrificed a lot for me and it has always been the two of us. We have a deep, strong and great relationship and I'm just so grateful for all of it. I love her so much.

She stayed until the Doctor tells me that nothing really major is wrong with me and that I can go home. My Mom being my mom insisted that I got fully tested with everything just to be sure. I tried convincing her that there's nothing wrong me. She argued with me while that doctor tries his hardest not to laugh. After some time the doctor took pity on me and assured my Mom that I was fine and nothing's wrong, then we went home.

Shrugging off my shirt, I collapsed on my bed. A lot of things happened today and it made me so exhausted. It's not long for my eyes to drift shut, Then I'm out.

There's voices again but it's not from before.