
Genshin Impact: Reincarnated as Summoner

Kazuki Mifune is a programmer who finds himself in the world of Genshin Impact, summoned by a Goddess. With her power, he is able to summon characters from games and anime to join his mercenary band, "The Peaceful Tree." As they traverse Inazuma City, they come across challenges that require them to use their wit and strength. Together, they experience every moment of this new life while helping others along the way. Join Kazuki's journey and discover the Summoning System as you explore the depths of Genshin Impact.

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14 Chs

The Stormterror's Lair

Kazuki and the rest of the party stood ready, their weapons gleaming in the pale light that filtered through the cavernous depths of Stormterror's Lair. Each member exuded an aura of determination and readiness, their eyes fixed on the imminent threat that lurked in the shadows.

Kazuki stepped closer to Juvia, his gaze focused and determined. He extended the empty vision towards her, a glimmer of anticipation in his eyes. "Juvia, take this and infuse it with your mana. It will grant you new abilities that align with your previous powers. Specifically, this empty vision will gift you with the power of Hydro, enabling you to heal and replenish the energies of others. Your role as a support member is crucial. I have full confidence in your ability to utilize these powers wisely."

Kazuki continued to delve into the intricacies of the empty vision, eager to share his knowledge with Juvia. His voice carried a mix of excitement and assurance as he recounted his experiences with Artoria. "During my experiments with Artoria, I discovered that the empty vision bestowed upon her abilities mirrored her original powers. For example, she could channel her mana into her sword, infusing it with the power of wind, making her attacks sharper and more formidable. The empty vision doesn't simply convert your existing powers into vision-based abilities. Still, rather it grants you new powers that complement your natural abilities. And as an added benefit, it will help us explain our abilities more easily to the residents of this world."

Juvia's heart swelled with gratitude as she accepted the vision, holding it tightly. Her eyes met Kazuki's, determination shining brightly within them. "Thank you, Kazuki. I won't squander this opportunity. I'll use these new powers to support Gray-sama, to protect him. Gray-sama, wait for me! I will be there to heal you and fight by your side!"

Kazuki's brow furrowed in disbelief as Juvia's words struck him. "Did she not hear what I just said?!" He sighed, a mix of exasperation and amusement evident on his face. "Juvia, remember, your healing abilities should be utilized for Grey and the entire team!"

Juvia blinked, her expression momentarily blank as Kazuki's words sank in. With a hint of reluctance, she replied, lacking her earlier enthusiasm. "Ah, yes... I understand, Kazuki. I will make certain to support everyone, not just Gray-sama."

Kazuki let the matter pass, sensing that Juvia's understanding might require further reinforcement. Despite his reservations, he found satisfaction in her response, hoping she would uphold her commitment to the team.

"Very well," Kazuki declared, his voice carrying a sense of determination. "Let us rejoin the battle. Our comrades are relying on us, and much work must be done."

The clash of weapons and the crackle of magic filled the air as the battle raged on. Juvia, her eyes locked onto Gray, was consumed by her unwavering desire to protect him at all costs. She moved swiftly and gracefully, focusing solely on healing his wounds and ensuring his well-being amidst the chaos.

Kazuki recognized the need for Juvia's healing powers to extend beyond Gray alone. He understood that for their mercenary band to succeed, they needed to function as a cohesive unit, with each member contributing their unique skills and support. With that in mind, he approached Gray, his voice laced with urgency.

"Gray, you need to communicate with your wife," Kazuki insisted, his eyes reflecting the gravity of the situation. "Tell her to extend her healing and support to the rest of the team. We need her abilities to strengthen us all."

Gray nodded in understanding. He approached Juvia, his voice gentle yet firm. "Juvia, I appreciate your unwavering dedication to my safety, but we are a team. We need your healing powers to protect and bolster everyone, not just me. Please, extend your support to the rest of our comrades."

Juvia's gaze locked with Gray's, her eyes reflecting a mixture of concern and affection. His words resonated deep within her, and she could feel the weight of his plea. With a steady inhale, she made a resolute decision to expand her healing abilities, allowing her powers to encompass not only Gray but the entire party. In response to her unwavering determination, the water surrounding her seemed to surge with newfound vigour, pulsating with revitalizing energy.

In a sudden burst of magic, Juvia's healing abilities extended beyond Gray, reaching out to envelop each member of their mercenary band. A gentle warmth radiated from her, spreading throughout their bodies, soothing their wounds, and infusing them with renewed strength. The collective unity of the team intertwined with Juvia's amplified powers, forging an indomitable force that would prove unstoppable.

Among the recipients of Juvia's healing touch was Artoria, who, despite Juvia's apparent reluctance, couldn't help but express her gratitude. "Thanks for the support, Juvia," Artoria said sincerely, appreciating the healing she received.

Juvia's response was tinged with annoyance as she reluctantly tended to Artoria's wounds. "Tsk... Yeah, whatever. Just stay away from Gray-sama," she muttered under her breath, unable to hide her lingering protectiveness. "If not for Gray-sama's request, I wouldn't heal you at all."

Caught off guard by Juvia's unyielding bluntness, Artoria simply nodded, her expression softening. "Ah... okay. Thank you, Gray," she replied, acknowledging the source of Juvia's actions, though aware that Juvia's words were not directed at her.

Kazuki couldn't help but shake his head at Juvia's unwavering focus on Gray, her persistent behaviour reflecting her undying affection. He turned to Artoria, wearing a wry smile. "Don't mind her, Artoria. Juvia's heart belongs solely to Gray."

As the battle raged on, Kazuki noticed the enemy forces displaying a stronger resistance than anticipated. The urgency in his eyes intensified, realizing the need for swift action. Speaking with a commanding voice that cut through the chaos, he addressed the entire party.

"Listen up, everyone!" Kazuki's authoritative voice boomed, capturing their attention. "We're the only ones left, and Juvia has fully adapted to her new power. It's time to end this battle swiftly. Unleash your full power and overpower our enemies! We cannot afford to let this drag on any longer!"

Fueled by Kazuki's commanding presence and the situation's urgency, each member tapped into their inner strength. Spells became more potent, strikes more precise, and defence impenetrable as the group unleashed their true power. It had been a while since they had pushed themselves to their limits.

"Finally, I can no longer suppress my magic. Ice Make: Impact!" shouted Gray, his voice filled with determination.

Juvia, fueled by her protective nature towards Gray, made a menacing comment. "Gray-sama, should I slice that man apart for you?" Kazuki couldn't help but shudder, but Gray quickly intervened, dissuading Juvia from her scary thought. "Juvia, he may look like that, but he is our leader. He also reunited us."

"Well... We owe him a favour, then. Water Slicer!"

Artoria voiced her concerns about Juvia, referring to her as Gray's wife. Kazuki chuckled at the dynamics within the group. "Haha... aren't they an interesting pair? The Fullbuster idiotic couple."

Souei, displaying his loyalty to their CaptainCaptain, made his intentions clear. "I understand she's our comrade, but if she stands in the captain's way, I will deal with her."

Despite the playful banter and occasional clashes, the party's camaraderie and determination remained unwavering as they continued their fierce battle.

After the last enemy had been defeated, the party found a brief respite, taking a moment to catch their breath and recover from the intense battle. Their bodies still thrummed with the remnants of adrenaline. Still, the significance of their newfound powers and their unbreakable bond fueled a renewed sense of determination and purpose. They knew they had to press deeper into Stormterror's Lair to uncover its mysteries and end the looming threat.

To increase their efficiency, the party split up, dividing themselves into smaller groups. Gray and Juvia took one path, their footsteps echoing as they ventured forward. Kazuki partnered with Artoria, their combined strength a formidable force, and Souei opted to explore the treacherous depths of the lair on his own, relying on his stealth and agility.

As Gray made his way through the dark corridors, he reached out to Kazuki through their telepathic connection, his voice filled with curiosity and concern. "Kazuki, there's no sign of Stormterror in my designated area. It's as if it has vanished. Any insights on your end?"

Kazuki listened intently, his mind searching for answers. "I have not encountered Stormterror either," he responded, his voice projecting through their mental link. "This is peculiar. It seems the dragon has eluded us for now."

Meanwhile, Souei silently moved through the shadows, his senses heightened. He reached out to Kazuki telepathically, his message tinged with urgency. "Captain, there is no trace of the abyss mage we encountered earlier in my section of the lair. It's as if they've vanished without a trace. Please be on your guard, Captain."

Kazuki absorbed the information, his mind racing with possibilities. He knew there was more to the puzzle than they could see at the surface. With each step, he and Artoria continued their cautious exploration, their eyes scanning the darkened surroundings.

Suddenly, their careful advance was halted by a startling sight. They stumbled upon a scene that sent shivers down their spines. The abyss mage stood before Stormterror, a sinister aura enveloping the area. The mage's dark incantations dripped with malice, their voice laced with hatred as they claimed that the human forces had abandoned the once-loyal dragon.

Artoria's instincts flared, urging her to intervene immediately. But Kazuki, his keen perception guiding him, held her back with a gentle yet firm grip. He whispered into her ear, his voice filled with caution. "We mustn't meddle with it just yet. Let us observe and gather more information. There is something deeper at play here, and we need to understand it before taking action."

"But it is in pain!" Artoria pleaded, her voice filled with a mix of empathy and urgency. She couldn't bear to see the magnificent creature endure any longer.

Kazuki, his eyes filled with understanding, maintained his composure and gently held Artoria's arm, his touch conveying reassurance. He leaned closer, his voice a soft whisper in her ear, seeking to calm her inner turmoil. "I understand your connection to Stormterror, being an incarnation of a dragon yourself. But we must exercise caution and patience. Our arrival in this world has already set a chain of unexpected events in motion, and we must ensure that this story remains the same as possible. By observing and gathering more information, we can navigate these changes while maximizing the value we get."

Artoria's frustration was palpable, her inner conflict evident in the furrowed brow and clenched fists. She knew Kazuki's intentions were for their collective benefit, yet her emotional response struggled to align with his logical approach. After a moment of silent contemplation, she finally relented a mix of resignation and understanding, settling upon her features.

"You and your screwed way of thinking..." Artoria muttered under her breath, her voice tinged with exasperation and respect. "Fine, I will trust in your judgment. But remember, Kazuki, we're not just observers in this world. We have a responsibility to make a difference."

Kazuki nodded, acknowledging Artoria's words, his eyes reflecting his unwavering determination. "I haven't forgotten that, Artoria. For now, let us be patient and gather the information we need. Our actions will come, but only when the time is right."