
Genshin Impact: Reincarnated as Summoner

Kazuki Mifune is a programmer who finds himself in the world of Genshin Impact, summoned by a Goddess. With her power, he is able to summon characters from games and anime to join his mercenary band, "The Peaceful Tree." As they traverse Inazuma City, they come across challenges that require them to use their wit and strength. Together, they experience every moment of this new life while helping others along the way. Join Kazuki's journey and discover the Summoning System as you explore the depths of Genshin Impact.

Overskull · Video Games
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14 Chs


The mercenary group members reconvened in Mondstadt, their return marked by a mix of accomplishment and weariness. The arduous journey back from Stormterror's lair had given them a newfound understanding of the challenges they faced.

As they regrouped in the familiar surroundings of Mondstadt, their presence drew curious gazes from the city's inhabitants. Word of their exploits had spread, and whispers of their encounter with the infamous Abyss Mage echoed through the streets.

Seeking respite from their weary bodies, the group found solace in their shared lodging, a temporary home during their stay in Mondstadt. They rested, finding comfort in the company of their comrades.

Kazuki, always the strategist, called for a meeting to discuss their findings and chart the way forward. Gathering around a worn wooden table, their expressions reflected determination and anticipation.

"The Stormterror's lair holds deeper secrets than we initially realised," Kazuki began, his voice filled with caution and excitement. "Our encounter with the Abyss Mage revealed that there's more at play involving Stormterror or Dvalin."

Gray's anger, evident in his expression, interjected forcefully, "We can't let that dragon suffer any longer. We must find a way to free it from the clutches of the Abyss Mages."

Nods of agreement rippled through the group, and each member wholeheartedly committed to the cause. They had witnessed firsthand the suffering endured by Stormterror, and the weight of that knowledge burdened their hearts.

Juvia, her eyes shimmering with unwavering determination, added her voice, "Gray-sama is right. We cannot stand idly by while Stormterror suffers."

Artoria, her presence commanding and unwavering, spoke with resolute conviction, "As mercenaries, it is our duty to protect the innocent and restore peace. Stormterror's plight is no exception. We will unite our strengths, powers, and unity to make a difference in this world."

Souei, calm yet filled with unwavering loyalty, pledged his support, "I will gather intelligence, scout the land, and ensure our path is clear."

Kazuki's words cut through the air, surprising the group. "Who said we will free Dvalin from the Abyss Mages' clutches?" His tone was both laid-back and cruel, leaving the members shocked. Juvia, the newest addition to the mercenary group, couldn't help but express her anger.

"Even though you reunited me with Gray-sama, you are so heartless. Our friends were raised by dragons, so we cannot stand by if a dragon is suffering!" Juvia's voice trembled with emotion. She turned to Gray, seeking his support. "Gray-sama, say something!"

Gray, feeling torn, spoke with a mix of frustration and hope. "Juvia... enough. Kazuki, I believe you didn't mean it, right? I believe there must be a reason behind your words, right?"

"No... I meant every word I said," Kazuki stated seriously, his gaze fixed on Gray and Juvia. However, he quickly reassured them, "We won't take action ourselves, but someone else will and must do so."

Artoria, curious and concerned, inquired, "What do you mean?"

"Remember the girl, Lumine? She will be the one to address Dvalin's suffering and resolve the problem," Kazuki explained.

The other mercenary group members, already familiar with Lumine from Kazuki's previous discussions, simply nodded in understanding. However, Juvia, who had not been informed, asked in confusion, "Why her? No... Is Lumine after Gray-sama?!"

Feeling embarrassed by Juvia's outburst, Gray lowered his head while Kazuki rubbed his temples, dealing with a growing headache. "No, no one is after that perverted strip artist, okay? So calm down a little. Lumine is... how should I put it? She is a protagonist in this world, an outsider like us. However, unlike us, who have integrated ourselves into this world's power system, she still wields her original power. This unknown power makes her and her brother central to the story of this world. Do you understand now, Juvia?"

"No," Juvia replied honestly.

"Alright, Gray, you explain it to her," Kazuki said quickly. "Oh, and I think it's time for you to find your place to live. I don't want your nighttime activities disturbing our innocent minds."

Gray raised his middle fingers, with Juvia followed the same action. After satisfied teasing the couple Kazuki continued, "Remember, our focus is on minimising the damage caused by Dvalin if he goes berserk. We don't want innocent lives to be at risk. Artoria, let's head to the knight headquarters tomorrow. I need to report our findings to Jean."

Artoria nodded in agreement. "No problem. I also have some books to borrow from the library, so I can do that while we're there."

Turning his attention to Souei, Kazuki commanded, "As usual, stay vigilant and report to me immediately if anything unusual happens."

"As you command," Souei replied, vanishing into the darkness of the night with his expert stealth. Juvia, witnessing his disappearing act for the first time, couldn't help but be surprised by his abilities.

Kazuki then addressed Gray and Juvia once more, his tone more serious. "And both of you, please refrain from causing unnecessary trouble while we attend to our duties. We need to focus and ensure our mission's success."

Gray and Juvia, feeling teased but not offended, retracted their raised middle fingers and smirked at Kazuki. "Sure thing, Captain," Gray responded playfully, while Juvia added, "We'll behave ourselves... for now."

Kazuki sighed in annoyance and said, "Just ...don't. Okay?"

The next morning, Kazuki stood confidently before Jean, the Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius, ready to present their findings from their expedition to Stormterror's lair. His voice carried an air of assurance as he shared their experiences, skillfully embellishing the details of their battles to captivate Jean's attention.

"Jean, our journey through Stormterror's lair was met with formidable resistance," Kazuki began, his words laced with excitement. "The hilichurl forces proved to be quite formidable adversaries, and we engaged in intense battles to protect ourselves and uncover the truth hidden within."

He continued, painting a vivid picture of the fierce clashes, the strategic manoeuvres employed, and the raw power they had unleashed. However, he emphasised the toll it had taken on their group. "The battles were incredibly demanding, and we have realised the need for some time to rest and recuperate before taking on additional missions."

Kazuki paused, giving Jean a moment to grasp the gravity of their mission and the challenges they had faced. His composure remained unwavering, reflecting the professionalism expected of a seasoned mercenary leader. "That concludes the information we have gathered thus far."

Jean listened attentively, her expression a mix of concern and admiration for the mercenaries' efforts. "Thank you, Kazuki, for the thorough report. I understand the importance of rest and recovery after such arduous encounters. Take the necessary time to rest, and please inform me when your group is ready to resume. Additionally, we will provide your mercenary band with ample rewards for your exemplary services thus far."

With a respectful nod, Kazuki acknowledged Jean's understanding and support. "Thank you, Jean. Your unwavering support is greatly appreciated. We will contact you when we are prepared to continue our mission. For now, our focus will be on recuperating our strength and regaining our readiness."

After ripping off... providing Jean with the report, Kazuki left her office with a satisfied grin on his face. He couldn't contain his excitement as he waved the invoice paper in his hand, which detailed the rewards they were about to receive. Eager to claim their well-deserved compensation, he made his way towards the financial department of the Knights of Favonius.

As he strolled down the hallway, he saw Artoria engaged in a conversation with an unfamiliar individual. Curiosity piqued, Kazuki approached them, a friendly smile still adorning his face. He greeted Artoria and turned his attention to the person she was talking to, extending a hand in greeting.

"Good day! I couldn't help but notice you two deep in conversation. Is there someone new I should be introduced to?" Kazuki inquired, his tone filled with genuine interest.

As Kazuki joined the conversation between Artoria and the person she spoke with, he recognised the famous maid knight, Noelle. Her most striking feature is her short, neck-length pale grey hair. It is neatly styled with a straight fringe that gracefully falls above her eyebrows. Lopsided locks of hair frame her face, adding a touch of playfulness to her overall look. At the right side of her face, a section of her hair is delicately braided, adorned with a golden shield clip that holds it in place.

Noelle's eyes are filled with a sense of determination and unwavering loyalty. Her eyes, a captivating feature, are a beautiful shade of olive green. They exude warmth and sincerity, complementing her friendly and kind nature.

Artoria, noticing Kazuki's presence, excitedly introduced him to Noelle. She approached them with a warm smile, her demeanour radiating a sense of admiration for her fellow knight.

"Noelle, allow me to introduce Kazuki," Artoria said, gesturing towards Kazuki. "He is the leader of our mercenary group and has proven himself to be a capable strategist and warrior."

Noelle's eyes lit up with curiosity and respect as she turned her attention to Kazuki. She held herself with a mixture of humility and eagerness, eager to learn from experienced individuals like Kazuki.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Kazuki," Noelle greeted him with a polite bow. "I've heard about your exploits and your valuable contributions to Mondstadt. Your leadership and expertise are truly inspiring."

Kazuki offered Noelle a nod of acknowledgement, acknowledging her kind words. "Thank you, Noelle. It's an honour to meet a dedicated knight like yourself. Your commitment to your duties and your unwavering spirit is commendable."

Noelle, feeling slightly embarrassed, chimed in to clarify her current status. She blushed and spoke with a mix of humility and determination.

"I apologise for any confusion, Kazuki. While I aspire to become a knight, I am still working towards that goal," Noelle admitted, her voice filled with shyness. "Currently, I serve as a maid, assisting the Knights of Favonius in various tasks and missions."

She straightened her posture, determination shining in her eyes. "However, I am fully dedicated to my training and strive to prove myself worthy of the title of knight. That's why...! "

Noelle's eyes lit up with excitement and determination as she looked up at Artoria. "Lady Artoria, I've always admired your skills and dedication as a knight. Your valour and honour inspire me greatly. I would be honoured if you would consider taking me as your disciple. I wish to learn from you and follow in your footsteps."

Artoria was at a loss for words as she grappled with Noelle's unwavering determination. Becoming a mentor was not something she had planned, and the responsibility weighed heavily on her. Meanwhile, Kazuki's eyes sparkled with an enigmatic glimmer as he stepped in to respond on Artoria's behalf.

Kazuki's voice held a note of admiration and sincerity as he addressed Noelle, "Noelle-kun, I truly admire your dedication and ambition to become a noble knight. It would be an honour for Artoria to accept your request and become your master."

Artoria arched an eyebrow, her scepticism evident. She turned to Kazuki, seeking answers, "What exactly are you planning, Kazuki?"

A mischievous smile played on Kazuki's lips as he confidently explained his proposition, "Artoria, by taking Noelle under your wing, we can harness her potential and help her grow. She will learn valuable skills and gain experience by interning with our mercenary group. It's a win-win situation. What do you think?"

Artoria's expression softened as she considered Kazuki's words. She understood his knack for spotting opportunities and his desire to strengthen their group. After a moment of contemplation, she nodded reluctantly, "Fine, I'll accept Noelle as my disciple, and she can intern with us. But Kazuki, don't think I won't keep an eye on you."

Noelle's face lit up with gratitude, and she bowed deeply to Artoria, her determination shining through. "Thank you, Artoria-sama, for giving me this chance. I won't let you down!"

With the decision made, they delved into further discussions about Noelle's training and integration into the mercenary group. Artoria couldn't help but feel apprehension and curiosity about the path ahead, while Kazuki's underlying motives remained a mystery.