
Genshin Impact: Another Life

A Genshin Impact addict dies due to being murdered by a notorious serial killer. His soul is transferred into the body of Aether, The Traveler. Memories of his past life are still intact. What will he do with this info? Will he follow the plot or cause chaos? (Author's note: And also, don't let the bad reviews scare you away from reading this book. Just enjoy it. There is a little One Piece crossover.)

some_writer · Derivasi dari game
Peringkat tidak cukup
285 Chs


(Just to be clear. Aether's weapons are the halberd and the Harbinger of Dawn blade. One guy who shall remain nameless was confused so I helped. Or am I just as confused as you are?)

(A week later)

Aether has improved a lot as usual. He can create a fireball now. He can imbue the halberd spear thing and the Harbinger with his fire magic. They can catch on fire now. Thankfully it doesn't melt them.

Aether also has some gains. He has muscles and a six pack forming. All from hellish exercises and non stop training.

Continuing the story, we see Aether walking around a beach. He seems to be looking for something.

"Fishing pole. Where the fuck is a fishing pole?" Aether said walking around the beach.

"There must be a fishing pole that the fishermen forgot to bring back." Aether walked around some more and found something on the sand. It was a fishing pole.

Aether picked it up.

"Where the fuck did Aether fish up Paimon? Do I have to just sit and wait for something?" Aether decided to go with that. He found a rock and sat on it. He was going to sit there for a while.

(Two hours later)

Aether stared at the beautiful Sea with no emotion. While he was calm on the outside. He was fuming on the inside.

"Why is it taking so long. I have caught so many fish and I don't see Paimon anywhere!" Aether thought angrily. He was going to go back to camp and leave Paimon to drown if it weren't for his sanity. And for the fact that Paimon is a great person to talk to.

Just then. The fishing pole that was beside Aether flew forward but he managed to catch it in time.

"Damn this time it's heavier than last few times. Maybe this is it. I'll get the best traveling buddy in the whole world!" Aether thought excitedly. Aether pulled hard and something big flew out. Aether dropped the fishing pole and caught it.

"Wow. You're really small." Aether said looking at the small person in his hands.

"Best get you back to camp. It's getting darker out here." Aether walked back to the camp. Fishing pole forgotten.

(The next day)

"When she wakes up. Am I going to be able to understand her? " Aether thought with a fireball in hand. He lit the fire pit on fire as it had been extinguished by the wind just now.

" I mean this is a different world. So English doesn't exist. Japanese and Chinese maybe because of Inazuma and Liyue. Maybe there's an international language that every nation speaks. Cross my fingers that it's actually a version of English. " Aether thought fireball still in hand. He decided to throw the fireball into the ocean. It evaporated instantly, smoke rising out from the surface.

"Huh? Where am i?" Paimon thought waking up. She saw the clear blue sky, the sun shining. Palm trees,sand, and.... a person?

Paimon sat up and flew to Aether.

"Hello! Are you the one who saved Paimon?" Paimon asked Aether.

Meanwhile with Aether. He was able to somewhat understand what she was talking about. "So it is a version of English. How lucky am I? The speaking sounds different but I'll grasp it. The letters must be different as well."

" My name is Aether. And yes, I was the one who saved you from drowning in the sea. " Aether looked at Paimon in the eyes and smiled.

Paimon smiled a big smile. "Really?" Paimon asked to confirm.

"Mhm. Or else why would you be here talking to me?" Aether replied smiling. Paimon can be such a dummy sometimes. But that's what makes her a great friend and a traveling buddy.

"Oh yeah. I guess you're right. Hehe." Paimon scratched her head laughing sheepishly.

"So uhhh what's your name again?" Paimon asked.

"Aether. Just Aether." Aether said taking out fish and mushrooms from nowhere.

"So uhhh where are you from?" Paimon looked at the fish. Her saliva was about to drip down her mouth but she stopped herself.

"You won't believe me if I tell you." Aether said putting the sticks in the fish and mushrooms. Paimon was even more interested now.

"Now Paimon really wants to know! Are you from a hidden country? Or are you from a country that was long gone! " Paimon flew close to my face and asked. I pushed her away because she was getting too close.

"Haiiihh...Come sit beside me. I'll tell you while we wait for the fish to be cooked." Paimon sat beside me excited to hear my story.

" Ah shit... Here we go again." Aether said getting clear flashbacks of the fight.

(After recounting a story.)

"So.... what you're trying to say is that you fell from another world?" Paimon recounted what Aether said.

"Yes. Me and my sisters were world travelers if you put it that way." Aether confirmed.

" But when you wanted to leave and go on to the next world. Your path was blocked by some unknown god?" Paimon went on.

"We didn't know who she was. All she said was that she was the sustainer of Heavenly Principles and that the arrogation of mankind ends here. " Aether said sadly. He did not want to be reminded of that.

(Mind you Aether and Mark(The guy who died and transmigrated in the first chapter) soul was combined together. So the feelings remain.)


"Fucking damn it. It never ends." Aether muttered angrily

" What never ends? " Paimon asked Aether as he looked angry.

"Let's continue the story and you'll get the whole picture." Aether said getting back to the topic they were discussing.

"We fought to the very end. My sister was the first to get captured. I was the second one." Aether said looking down. If only he hadn't dodged out of the way. "We would've been captured anyways as there seems to be no way to injure her. " Aether thought grimly.

" Oh.... Where is she now? " Paimon asked hoping to cheer him up.

" She's still alive if that's what you're asking. She's still in this world but we got separated." Aether said.

" At least she's still alive. We can go find her if you want. " Paimon said happily.

" We? "Aether asked confused.

"That's right! Paimon will do her best to be your travel guide! Or else you'll get lost in the jungles of Teyvat! " Paimon said proudly and happily.

"You sure you'll want to travel with me? I can get into a lot of fights you know. I just had a fight with slimes yesterday morning. " Aether smiled.

" When Paimon makes a decision Paimon's going to stick to it. There's no way your refusing this! " Paimon said not taking back her decision.

" Alright then Paimon. You'll be my travel buddy and my first friend in this world." Aether smiled.

" Yeah! And Paimon wants to eat that fish now! Paimon's stomach hurts from not eating. " Paimon said rubbing her belly which made a gurgling sound again.

"Heh. Here eat this!" Aether said giving Paimon a mushroom with fish stick.

"Nom nom. So tasty! How'd you cook it?!" Paimon asked with stars in her eyes.

"Well first you take the fish and cut them into pieces...

To be continued