
Genshin Impact: Another Life

A Genshin Impact addict dies due to being murdered by a notorious serial killer. His soul is transferred into the body of Aether, The Traveler. Memories of his past life are still intact. What will he do with this info? Will he follow the plot or cause chaos? (Author's note: And also, don't let the bad reviews scare you away from reading this book. Just enjoy it. There is a little One Piece crossover.)

some_writer · Video Games
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285 Chs

Amber Pt. 2

Two months have passed. Aether has grasped the International language of Teyvat easily. Even Paimon was surprised but she shrugged it off and put it as "otherworldly abilities".

Paimon has given Aether some basic information about the world of Teyvat. Such as the seven Archons and their seven countries which they look over. (Except for Monstadt because you know.. Ehe) Aether can make fireballs in both hands and is trying to increase their size which is going smoothly. As usual he got more muscles and his melee skills improved.

Aether had to pretend to be clueless for some time when Paimon told him about the history of Teyvat but he doesn't have to now. Now he and Paimon are heading to a teleport point.

"So what does the teleport points do? Do they teleport you around the world when you use them?" Aether asked Paimon.

"Yes and no. When you want to teleport to a desired destination, you have to think about the teleport point you want to teleport to. It isn't always convenient as the teleport points are scattered around the world randomly. And only people with visions can only use them. Paimon doesn't understand why but we just gotta accept it. " Paimon explained all in one breath.

" This is why you're the best travel guide and friend I could ever have. You know your stuff. "Aether praised.

" W-well Paimon trys her best. Hehe. " Paimon blushed embarrassed.

They arrived in front of a teleport point. It's color is red. Meaning that it was deactivated. " It looks like it's deactivated. Do I just touch it? " Aether asked Paimon for guidance.

"Deactivated? Paimon thought it was on? " Paimon replied confused about what Aether was seeing.

Aether thought for a while before answering back " I think I know why. I haven't unlocked the teleport point when you have. So that's why it's deactivated for me and it's activated for you. " Aether theorized.

" Paimon is confused about what you're saying but Paimon kinda gets it. " Paimon said.

" She can be kinda dumb sometimes though. But I don't care. " Aether thought and touched it. It turned from red to blue.

" It's activated. " Aether said and walked away.

" Alright! Follow Paimon! Paimon will take you to one of the statue of the seven." Aether followed Paimon to the statue. They encountered some slimes along the way which Aether dealt with easily.

"Still haven't met a big slime though. Are they mocking my strength? Sure i'm not the strongest yet but you got to give me a challenge to see how far I've gotten over two months. " Aether thought annoyed.

" Look Aether! There's the statue over there! " Paimon pointed at the statue that was far away. They were currently on a hill overlooking it.

"Is this the opening scene?" Aether thought amused.

"C'mon Aether. Follow Paimon down this hill!" Paimon flew excitedly down the hill with Aether following behind her.

They arrived in front of the Anemo Statue. Aether stared at it.

"It looks like it's been well kept. I imagine the statue has stood here for millenia. I wonder who kept it from collapsing? Probably Venti since he's Barbatos and all. " Aether thought. Venti sneezed hard again. This time he was gulping down wine and when he sneezed, he spat back the wine.

" Kuk! Kuk! "Venti coughed.

" Mr Bard. Does the wine taste bad? "Charles the bartender asked.

" No I just sneezed. Haven't sneezed like that since two months ago. How's strange. " Venti went back to drinking his wine. This time slowly as he didn't want wine to come out of his nose.

Charles just shrugged as he went back to do bartender things.

Aether touched the statue. The statue was glowing. Aether felt something being added into his magic core. "Is this what it feels like to gain an element? " Aether thought excited. "But then I have to train some more. Well it'll be worth it once I get booba." Aether thought determined about getting stronger, getting booba and finding love in this world. "Huh? What happened? Paimon sensed that you have the Anemo element now? How is this possible? Paimon thought that having two visions is impossible. " Paimon asked curiously.

" Well we have mountain destroying and sea moving gods in this world and you're telling me that having two elements is a strange phenomenon. Talk about weird. " Aether replied amused.

" W–well. Paimon hasn't seen a dual vision and a dual weapon wielder in ages. So it's a little bit weird for Paimon seeing you having these skills. " Paimon tried to explain.

" Yeah right. I bet all of Monstadt will faint when they see me using two elements and two weapons. " Aether replied.

" W–what makes you say that? " Paimon asked nervously.

" Name one dual weapon wielder that is in Monstadt excluding me." Aether looked at Paimon amused.

" I-i uhhhhh...." Paimon tried very hard to think but she couldn't think of someone.

"Haiiiiihhhhh... Paimon gives up. You win this time." Paimon sighed in defeat.

" C'mon let's go. We can clear out some hilichurl camps and unlock teleport points on the way. " Aether said and Paimon disappeared. She has disappeared into Aether's mind. She explained it to him and he found it reasonable. How can she appear out of nowhere? Inventory? That's for food m Paimon's emergency food.

She can see everything Aether sees. Aether found it weird at first but he quickly got used to it.

Aether was walking to the city with Paimon guiding him in his head. He is even more thankful now that Paimon is his guide. Or else he would do a Zoro and get lost even on a straight road.

"And you should see a bridge if you walk on this road even further. There's also a teleportation device on the road. " Paimon said.

"Thanks Paimon. I don't know where I would've ended up without you guiding my way." Aether thanked. He felt useless without the map in the game guiding him. He had to constantly rely on his travel buddy and guide. He'll buy a map once he gets to Mondstadt City.

"But she wouldn't be a guide of I buy a map. Ahhh I'll have to ask her. Now where's Amber?" Aether thought. Just then, Aether heard running footsteps.

"Finally." Aether took out his sword. Paimon appeared wanting to ask Aether what's going on but someone shouted.

"Hey you! Stop right there!" Aether and Paimon turned to the source of the sound and saw a girl wearing red and brown clothes and a bunny bandana running towards them.

" Oh no! She's gonna kill us! " Paimon shouted out.

" Not until she gets through me. " Aether said stepping in front of Paimon. Paimon looked out from Aether's shoulder praying to the God's that there wouldn't be a fight.

Aether knew that Amber wouldn't fight them. But seeing Paimon worried like that made him get serious about it. "This isn't a game anymore. You're Aether the Outlander now not Mark Spencer the Addict. Treat them like real people. " Aether thought and got into a fighting stance.

Amber jumped and rolled to the ground. She then stood up flawlessly and turned to them. Paimon hid behind Aether even more but she's still looking anyways.

"That was cool." Aether thought.

"May the Anemo God protect you Stranger." Amber said greeting Aether while her hand was on her chest.

To be continued.... 😏