
Genshin Impact, Alexander Runeguard

Alexander Runeguard finds himself inside the game he had played for 3 years. Now what will he do? What changes would he bring to the story? What is his goal? Watch him find himself through his journey all around Teyvat. -Cover photo was made by the artist Rilim IG: @rilim.tempest Twitter: @RilimT FB: RiLim Tempest

Kuroki_Shishiro · Derivasi dari game
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41 Chs

Chapter 3: Ad astra abyssosque!

(Alexander POV)

As I continued travelling to Mondstadt my mind was wandering even while my hands never stopped taking all the materials I passed through.

'Reactive Adaptation' Where have I seen this skill? I did not pay much attention to my talents when I first opened my status because I was confused but now that I think about it. This talent seems too OP right? I mean I learned an entire language. While I only learned to speak at a conversational level it is still monstrous for that to happen in just about half an hour.

I also noticed my spear-wielding is getting better with every strike. From my posture, my grip, and my movements. While I don't know anything about wielding weapons, much less spears. I know because I can feel it with every sweep and every thrust everything just feels more right.

Such a great ability but I still can't remember where have I seen this ability before.

After a few more minutes of pondering I decided to stop thinking about it for now. Nothing I can do if I can't remember.


(Third Person POV)

As the sun started to set, a man could be seen leaving the forest.

He was of average height with a slim figure, pale skin, and deep blue eyes. He was quite handsome, with long lashes, messy black hair that went down to his nape, parted bangs, and thin eyebrows.

He was wearing a simple black shirt with black pants and a pair of black Vans. On his right arm, he carried a red spear with two copper serpent-like motifs intertwining below the spear blade.

*insert pic here*

The man's name was Alexander Runeguard, and he was a transmigrator from Earth.


(Alexander POV)

After leaving the forest, the first thing I saw was a statue of a child with wings, seemingly like an angel, holding an orb.

Said statue is situated in the middle of a small plot of land surrounded by water, reflecting the setting sun, which makes it look more ethereal.

As I took in the serene scene in front of me, I muttered "That should be a Statue of the Seven. Venti's statue."

With that thought in mind, I couldn't help but think about how the Traveler got their Anemo powers from the statue.

'The Traveler just pressed their hands into the statue and probably because of their origins or something they were able to harness the power that came from the statue or it might just be because they were higher beings before getting trapped here on Teyvat.'

As I walked closer to the statue I thought about a part of my status.

Vision: None

'Vision huh, it would be great if I could get one. I'm not worried about not having elemental powers as I have something in mind to acquire them but having a Vision would be a great camouflage to hide my strength until I feel strong enough to at least be able to escape if everything all went south.'

Although some may perceive it as arrogance on my part, I am confident that I can acquire elemental powers with ease. I plan to attempt the same method used by the Traveler, which may prove to be effective. However, if it doesn't yield the desired results, I have two alternative plans in mind to obtain the Anemo element.

As I arrived in front of the statue it was only now that I noticed there was a small altar beside it. The altar had something that piqued my interest. There was a withered Cecilia flower, some Dandelion seeds, and on top of the altar was an Anemoculus.

Without hesitation, I took the Dandelion Seeds and Anemoculus into my inventory.

I then stood out in front of the Statue of the Seven then placed my hand on it.

I stood there and I waited.

And I waited.

Then I waited.

After 20 minutes of touching the statue and feeling nothing had changed I muttered, "I figured as much."

I then took out the Anemoculus trying to feed it to the statue but like earlier nothing happened which made me a little disappointed. While I was not expecting to get the Anemo element I expected to at least open a map feature on my system but alas no maps for me it seems.

With my fruitless endeavor done, I turned my back on the statue as I continued following the road that would lead me to Cecilia Village.

The journey from Starfell Valley to Cecilia Village was uneventful. Aside from me regularly taking all materials on sight, and killing a few Hilicurls and Slimes nothing important happened.

Cecilia Village is much larger than Calla Lily Village. It's so big that it's questionable whether it can still be classified as a village. While not as huge as Mondstadt in the game, it is still quite substantial. They even have a branch of the Adventurers Guild.

As the sun had already set, I was surprised to find that the village was still bustling with life. Although it wasn't as lively as a modern city night, the medieval charm of the village's nightlife was undeniable. Bards sang songs, adventurers passed by occasionally, and I even spotted some guards from the Knights of Favonius patrolling in their uniforms. There were also some drunkards being escorted around by the knights, stumbling humorously along the way.

Currently, I am walking around and trying to find signboards or any other writings to read. My goal is to learn how to read and write by adapting using my talent before I go to the adventurer's guild branch and register myself.

After wandering for a while, I've adapted and am now ready to register as an adventurer and embark on my journey through Teyvat. As I opened the doors of the guild the familiar sound of a woman could be heard which made me happy and wary at the same time.

"Ad astra abyssosque! Welcome to the Adventurers' Guild."