
Genshin Impact, Alexander Runeguard

Alexander Runeguard finds himself inside the game he had played for 3 years. Now what will he do? What changes would he bring to the story? What is his goal? Watch him find himself through his journey all around Teyvat. -Cover photo was made by the artist Rilim IG: @rilim.tempest Twitter: @RilimT FB: RiLim Tempest

Kuroki_Shishiro · Video Games
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41 Chs

Chapter 2: What the f...

(Alexander POV)

After that sad X10 pull, I went to my bag to check on my new weapon. I ignored the three stars and straight up went for the 4 Star Spear called Dragon's Bane to check if it had the same options as the one from the game.

Dragon's Bane

Weapon Effect: Bane of Flame and Water Increases DMG against opponents affected by Hydro or Pyro by 20%

Rank 1/5

Attack +238

Second Stat: Elemental Mastery +143

(Authors note: I'm making the weapons ranked based. Rank 1 weapon would be lvl 50 weapon, Rank 2 would be lvl 60, Rank 3 lvl 70, Rank 4 lvl 80 and Rank 5 at lvl 90.)

After scrutinizing the weapon for a bit I equipped it as my mind wandered.

'The weapon effect should be the same but I don't see any weapon level only the rank remains. The base attack is definitely not a level 1 weapon probably something in between 40-60 I guess? I'm not so sure it's not like I memorized all the weapon's stats. Well either way this is great as it would help me get a lot stronger.'

After swinging and thrusting my weapon for a few minutes to get a feel on how to use a spear I nodded to myself as I started to walk towards the nearby forest.

A few minutes after entering the forest I came across a bush filled with berries. While I am unsure if the inventory is like the ones on certain novels that preserve everything placed inside. My hoarder soul is screaming at me to pick those juicy berries. So I did what every sane man would do. I picked up all the berries which totals 9 then placed them inside the inventory as I continued my stroll through the forest.

After a few more minutes of walking, I came across a tree with 5 apples so I plucked them then they went inside my inventory.

Another bush with berries? Yoink.

More apples? Yoink.

Is that mushroom I see? Yoink.

OH! A pretty flower! Yoink.

A frog? Yoink.

As I continue my journey Yoinking stuff on the forest I encounter a group of 3 small goblin-like creatures wearing a mask and holding a wooden club.

"Hilichurls? So I'm really on Teyvat?" After saying those words, a smile crept up to my face. When I saw the Genshin-like status earlier I was already hyped. Oh, how many times I told myself back then that if I were to get Isekaid to somewhere I'd always pick Genshin. I still need to calm myself what if the monsters just look like Hilichurls and not really I need more proof.

While I was having an inner monologue the group of 3 Hilichurls saw me and came running while swinging the clubs left and right franticly.

With my spear in hand, I sidesteped from time to time as I swung my spear to prevent them from closing up on me while I looked for an opportunity to stab and finish the Hilicurl's lives.

To my surprise, it turns out my weapon is better than I thought it would be as I was able to kill the three Hilicurls in 3 swings of my spear. I did not need to stab them. Looks like my current rank 1 spear is good enough to deal with low-level Hilicurls in this area.

"Is this what being p2w is like?" With a smile, I saw the 3 Hilicurls dissipate as they turned to ashes like from the game.

'The curse of Khaenri'ah huh' I thought to myself. From what I remember from the lore the Hilicurls who disappear when killed are the ones cursed with immortality and will revive somewhere around the world after death while the ones that remain as dead bodies are real monsters.

I then shrug my shoulders as I continue my journey through the forest Yoinking stuff from time to time and fighting some random Slimes and Hilicurls along the way.

After what seemed to be like an hour of walking I came across a small village.

I ended up inquiring about my location through some locals and found out that I don't speak the language here at all. Like damn, I was unable to read the signs nor understand what the villagers are talking about.

The conversation went like this, "Hello, I am a traveler and I seem lost. May I inquire about where am I and what this place's name is?"

Then the Villager was like "ᛚᛚᛟᚼᛁᛚᛘᛁᛏᚴᚽᛁᛚᛚᛉᛁᛑᚵᛆᚱᛑᛖᛚᛚᛘᛁᛞᚷᚪ"

I'm sorry what the f....

Now I feel lost. I was super excited to be in another world only to find out I didn't understand the language of the place.

I was escorted by the villagers to some elderly who I would assume to be the village elder as he lived in a better-looking house and had an aura of wisdom if that made any sense.

After a few minutes of trying to convey stuff through actions, I feel like I'm getting a grasp of their language bit by bit.

At first I 100% did not understand a thing now I can understand a bit and after about half an hour or so I believe I was finally able to grasp their language.

I felt weird. How did I manage to learn a language I don't know in half an hour?

Well turns out the answer is one of my talents made things easy for me.

Passive Talent 1: Reactive Adaptation

>The Ability to Adapt to any and all phenomena.

So I adapted to their language. Is that right?

Anyway, I got the answers I was looking for.

I am somewhere near the Starfell Valley on Mondstadt and this village is called the Calla Lily village.

I was surprised as I don't remember Genshin having a village like this but then it came to me.

The Genshin I knew of was a game. Of course, there would be fewer villages as the map of the game was small.

After asking for directions it turns out I would still need to pass through Cecillia Village before arriving in the capital of Mondstadt.

So with renewed vigor I thanked the Village Elder and continued on my way travelling through Mondstadt.