
Generation A

In the Year 2XXX, the threat of Extra- Terrestrials was brought upon to Earth. The only beings protecting it were those in Generation A.

Avidreamer123 · Fantasi
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31 Chs

Operation L&D

"Seventy-eight aliens" Kira said, looking back to her unit.

Hede and Zak both mumbled a curse and turned on their Holo-watch. They then went to their bank apps and payed Serenity her 100 Inx each.

"Received a payment of 200 Inx! Thank you boys." Serenity gushed quietly. The boys just groaned in annoyance.

"Okay guys, I have a plan." Kira whispered. They all gathered closer to hear their captains plans.

"There are gonna be 4 teams- Zak, Wish, Pax, Hede and Helix. Lucy, Serenity, Mason, Javes and me." While she talked Kira turned on her bracelet to show a diagram. It showed 10 dots about a block away from a big black spot- supposedly the aliens.

"Were going to split up into to 2 directions; southwest and southeast of the aliens. Zak's group takes southwest, , my team is southeast." The diagram changed to where dots split up into different directions. 2 dots, however, went directly towards the black spot.

"We'll have 2 people distracting and leading one half the aliens towards their team. The distractor then joins their team in defeating the small Foha that has gathered." Half of the black dot went to t the west and the other half the right, the two dots joining one the two groups.

"So basically, a simple lead and defeat plan?" Pax asked.

"Yeah, I thought you could use a little clarification." Kira responded. "Anyways, the distractions for each team are Wish and Javes, since they're the fastest.

We have 30 seconds to reach your point. One it hits 30 seconds, distractors get ready to run out into the open. Everyone get ready to move out."

The rest of the unit nodded their head and started taking things out of their bags. Various weapons and MALUM enhancers. After they had gotten everything in their bags, they hid them around the corner of the building and split up into their predetermined directions.

The southeast team creeped quickly, but quietly to the right and slowly made their way to southeast of the aliens. The southwest team were doing the same. Dust and ash littered the ex-city as the teams walked in complete silence. They could hear the low growls of the aliens as they approached closer. They sounded angry-never a good sign.

After a good 15 seconds both teams were at their positions. Javes and Wish prepared to take off while the others warmed up their joints for the upcoming fight.

10 seconds remained when Mason gripped Javes' shoulder in a comforting way and smiled. He was worried about him. He didn't want him to get hurt. Javes simply shook off Mason's hand and smirked at him. That smirk, while cocky, told Mason that he was fine. Mason let go of Javes and stepped back.


"Divide them up well." Serenity reminded.


Javes grumbled in acknowledgement.




Wish and Javes ran. They reached the aliens in less than a second with their superhuman speed that was one of the GEN-A abilities.

Another ability of the GEN-A was the ability to enhance any weapon of their choice and make it more suitable to their style. This was why every soldier had a main weapon they used to fight.

The thing that triggered this was called an activation phrase. Activation phrases are necessary to do a lot of things that required calling upon MALUM- the GEN-A's 'magic'. Activation phrases are based on what the user is trying to do and how their going to do it. Just as there are activation phrases for weapons, there are phrases for various other things.

Javes pulled out one of the silver and black pistols that was strapped to his thigh and whispered an activation phrase, bringing the barrel of the gun to his forehead.

'Great stars. Give the power to defeat my enemies to me in the form of a weapon made for me-its master. Enhance!'

At the last part, his weapon lit up in a bright light and became fully black with a dark blue trigger.

He points the muzzle of the gun at one of the aliens- who, none of has even noticed they were there. 'What slow creatures.' Thought Javes, closing his eyes. He gripped the trigger and shot one bullet, that when hit its target, blew up on impact, the top half of the body gone. The bottom stood still, before flopping over. At this point, Wish had her weapon out and had said her said her activation phrase.

'O' Deity of life, grant me the power to end my enemies by my weapon of choice. Enhance.' Her flail grew in size until it was just as big as a basket-ball, but weighed at least 20 tons. She reared back and aimed the ball towards one the aliens. She tightened her grip and threw the spikey ball at it. crashing through its body and leaving a gaping hole in its body. The alien fell over, dead. The ball retracted back to her hand, shrinking back down to its original size, and putting it back in its strap on her leg. After that, all of the aliens turned around, finally figuring out what's going on.

There were now 76 aliens left. Wish and Javes rushed at the aliens and drew the attention of some aliens, getting ready to sprint off when they got to 38 aliens each.

Aliens have different features and color, depending on what environment they've been inhabiting. The aliens were grey and brown with faces that looked like a blobfish and body's that of a squid. They are usually around 3 and half meters tall (11 feet) weighing in at over 30 tons. There power was very destructive as well. Most aliens have incredible strength and are really fast. The main reason they're so much of a threat is that they're unpredictable. You just don't know what their thinking, if they are thinking at all.

"How many do you have?!" Yelled Wish over the growls. She was dodging a couple of attacks sent by the aliens.

Javes did a quick head count and yelled "29!"

"Well then," Wish picked up 2 aliens by one of their tentacles, spun them around over her head a few time, and threw them at Javes, who caught them by their tentacles. "here's 2 more."

Javes threw the two into the horde that was quickly surrounding him. 2 more aliens flew into his horde and then another 2. Finally, 3 aliens came crashing in and he had himself 38 angry aliens. He turned his head to look at Wish who simply nodded her head to go.

They both took of towards their team, the aliens in toe.


The southwest team heard roars of anger coming closer and closer. They got into their fighting positions and waited.

1 second passed.

2 seco-


They burst through the corner, Wish a few feet ahead of them.

They wasted no time attacking, Hede pulled out a couple grenades that was on his pants and crossed his arms against his chest into an X. 'Dear Stars, I ask that you give me power to kill my foe in form of a weapon. Enhance!' The bombs light up and Hede threw them towards a couple of aliens that were rushing at him.

Boom!" Hede yelled viciously.

The bits and pieces and aliens that rained down served as a testament to that statement.

"5 down, 33 to go." Pax mumbled from behind.

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