
The NS nest

As Paige decided to help. She was heading towards the ship wreck on the beach shore. She saw how the Arc-xenal ended she was just sad that it had to go down that way.

"Man... How did they screwed up big time?"

Paige asked to herself. The ship had one of the rear engines broken. The front of the ship was damage, while to top it off the ship was split in half. As Paige was getting closer. She saw Wulf and Kuo trying to spot something on the ship.

"Hey, what's going on here?" Paige asked.

"Well... we sent in the cat... but he hasn't come back yet..." Kuo said.

They all looked the ship and heard a heavy object fall.

"Was that?" Kuo asked.

"Yeap... that was Neko D..."

They heard another heavy object fall. They couldn't resist figuring out what was all the noise inside.

"Ok. I'm goin in, if I don't come back. Come and get me or send Dennis." Wulf said.

He went to look for Neko D. While Paine and Kuo stayed outside. They sat down by the shore to enjoy the view of the sea.

"Have you ever wondered what would be like to explore the world? Like to go on a world wide adventure" Paige said.

"Yea... It would be great..."

Kuo was felling emotionally down. That even Paige could notice it. She wanted to comfort her but it was hard to find the rights words to cheer her up. Paige sighted and decided to pat Kuo on the head to at least cheer her up but it all got ruin once the heard another heavy object fall.

"What in the world is goin on?" Paige asked.

She looked at the only way to get in and out of the ship explode. Kuo got up and went in to save her friends while Paige didn't know what do. She felt like she wasn't able to do anything.

"Wait what is that?"

Paige said to her self as she saw a black mist coming from the top of the ship. As it slowly raise up forming claws. Then its body formed as it was crab. This was a type of ns that can only be found on the beach. When it was done, Paige saw Kuo and Wulf holding on to two things as they ran out of the ship.

"A giant black crab!?"

Paige putted her hand behind her and pulled out a whip. She ran on ahead passing by everyone and was ready to fight. Kuo and Wulf stopped and grabbed Paige to get out as quickly as possible.

"Wait why are we running away!?" Paige asked.

"You cant fight that thing! Its using our ship as its own nest!" Wulf said.

They kept going back to the house. They already obtained a power source for X to place on the device. But they turned around and saw the crab forming its red eyes as it claimed its turf.

"We need to get everyone on this..." Kuo said.

When they made it to the house. They saw Dark getting ready to catch some fresh air outside.

"Oh hey, you guys made it." X said.

He grabbed the battery and placed it on the wall. Then he payed attention to what happened. But he got interrupted by F that had a look of disappointment.

"They encountered an ns on the ship. This one has a element so magic is best to be used."

F said as he was carrying Dennis on his back. Dennis was still a sleep but once gets outside he will be awake.

"X you don't mind if I take care of this with my kind of orders?" F asked.

X rolled his and gave a hand sign to F to do whatever he wanted to do with it. At that point. He got Eve, Dark and Heartless with him to take care of this situation.

"Can I come with you guys?" Paige asked.

"Sure but you better stand back to see the fireworks." F said.

As they where on their way to the ship. They noticed that more crab spawned in. F had to pull out his lance as he gently placed Dennis on the ground. Dennis woke up and saw what is going on and couldn't believe it.

"Alright, ill keep the crabs busy. You guys get ready to unleash your moves."

F said as he walked towards dozen of human sized crabs. Dennis cracked his left arm as he raise it up as he formed a normal fire ball. Eve called out his bow and started to aim at the giant crab that was on the ship while Dark and Heartless had a hold lock move ready.

"Once F clears the ns nearby, we can target the big one so just keep on charging!"

Dennis said. It was the only way to get this done properly. As F stabbed one of the ns. He almost had his guard down until he heard whip hit something. When he turned around. He Paige getting in on the fight.

"What do you think your doing?" F asked.

"Helping. I want to help you guys get in contact with your friends... So lets fight as a team!" Paige said.

"Fine but don't slow down!"

F dropped his weapon and it went thru the ground. His eyes started to glow as light blue and pointed his hand at the ns. He was ready to use one of his moves.

"Time stop..."

As F snapped his fingers. Time has stopped on the area what he wanted by aiming his hand.


Paige moved in and grabbed all of the ns with her whip. Once they all got tied up. She spin them around in the air and sent them into the giant ns. F snapped his fingers one more time to stop the time flow again to give an good opening.

"Chains of judgment!!" Dark said.

"Shadow hold!!" Heartless said.

As chains came out from the sky. It got a hold of the ns to keep them all together while Heartless had them on lock down. With a chance like this, it gave an opportunity for Dennis and Eve to wrap it up.

"Stellar bow: Multi light shot!" Eve said as he let go of his arrow.

"Inferno fireball!!" Dennis said as he throwed his fireball at the ns.

The arrow split into multiple needles of light that pierced the ns. While the fireball had them on constant burn but they all know that it wasn't enough. Dennis had to take off his glasses to finish it off.

"Obliviona!!" Dennis said.

His weapon formed quickly and he got a hold of it. Dennis had a perfect move to end the ns. As he ran past by F and Paige. They all noticed that something changed on Dennis. And it was the way he was controlling his emotions.

"Oblivion strike..."

Dennis took a massive jump towards the ns. He then grabbed his sword with both hands. Once he was able to get close enough. His left eye glowed. As he sliced thru the ns, he ended up on top of the ship.

"This fight is already over."

Dennis snapped his fingers to give the final move on the ns. When turned around the get off the ship. The body of the ns started to vanish.

"Wow! That was... Cool!!" Paige said.

She quickly went at Dennis to celebrate the victory but he gave her the cold stare. He pulled out a picture from one of his pockets and gave it to Paige.

"I promise you... Ill get them here no matter what it takes."

At that point. Dennis collapsed again and fall a sleep. She was surprised that Dennis was tired all ready.

"Oh yea... I forgot that the more Dennis uses his power, the more he ends up tired." F said.

"Wait, wont that just put him in danger?" Paige asked.

"He will get used to it. Just push him hard to his limit and you will see him change from time to time." F said.

Dark had picked up Dennis and checked if he was fine. But she noticed that Dennis eye was still glowing.

"Hey F. How long can he hold like that?" Dark asked.

She showed Dennis left eye to F as it was still active.

"Suspended animation...? That's a new one on that goes to records." F said.

They decided to call it off for a day and head back to the house. As Dennis condition, when he entered on suspended animation. He was still awake. Dennis was training himself to hold out longer with his power active when he calls out his weapon. Paige went her own way since she had to get back to her house but she promised to be back on the next day. While the others took the rest of the day to just relax for now.

Hello. I would like to thank you for reading this story! I would appreciate it if you, the reader, let know what you think of this story in the comments or a review. I hope you enjoy this chapter and the next one coming!

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts