
Nightmares of the Future Past

It was the 4th of July 2017 and it bore everyone. Nobody else had stuff to do except Dennis & Dj that stayed in their room sleeping while Maita accidentally sneaked into Dennis bed for warmth and comfort. Dj accidentally woke up and saw a massive lump on the edge of Dennis' bed. He got up and woke him up.

"Man, wake up its 8 am."

He lifted the bed sheets and saw Maita half naked, holding Dennis that he even got surprised on the savagery that Maita did on the bed.

"What the actual hell you two doing!?"

Maita woke up holding Dennis as if he was her teddy bear to cover herself up.

"G... good morning..."

Dennis woke up and noticed Dj standing in front of him.

"Is there something wrong man?" Dennis asked.

"I dont know... why don't you feel it for yourself." Dj said.

Dennis paused for a moment to feel something warm holding him, and he turned his head around to see Maita laying her head on his shoulder.

"Oh... yea, this is practically normal..."

DJ's eyes widen up.

"You say that its normal...?" Dj asked.

"Yea its like a habit to her."

Dennis put on his glasses and went out to get himself fixed, but Maita had a held him.

"Maita, can you let me go?"

She licked Dennis neck as a sign of saying no. He sighted and proceeded to the bathroom to get fixed up. He grabbed a toothbrush and brushed his teeth, and Maita repeated the same thing.

Without noticing, he thought how this will play out if Maita takes a shower with him at the same time and someone ends misunderstanding the situation.

"Maita, do you think you can wait outside while I take a bath?"

She shakes her head, saying no.

"Fine, guess I have to do this my way..."

He grabbed Maita and brought her into the bathtub, Maita took her remaining clothes off while Dennis was staying on his boxers for the time been. He then grabbed a shampoo, a bathing brush and a soap.

"Now stay still..."

Dennis started with the shampoo because he noticed that Maita's hair was dirty. She froze in excitement when he interacted with her hair. As he finishes cleaning her hair, he poured water to get rid of shampoo to proceed cleaning her. When Dennis grabbed the soap and brush, Maita took the opportunity to get Dennis as well in the bath.

"Its no fun if you're not getting cleaned too..."

Maita was cleaning Dennis, making things go her way. Until they know it, they already finished, Maita was already in a towel while Dennis was still soaked. Maita offered Dennis to get in the towel, but he refused and saw the mirror.

"Maita go get changed... we got somewhere that we need to go right now."

Dennis told to Maita as she nodded and went to the room where the other girls at to get changed while Dennis opened the medicine cabinet and took some painkillers, alcohol and bandages. He then got out to dry himself in his designated room while Dj was preparing Dennis bag while he already finished his.

"You not going to have breakfast?"

Dj asked Dennis since he seemed lost in thought.

"No... let's get going, we don't have all day. Since my sudden waking up in the hospital I heard a scream since I was out and last night I felt someone was asking for help." Dennis said.

"Should we all go?" Dj asked.

"No, it's too dangerous to go in a sizeable group. It would be easy if it was the two of us."

While they talked, Dennis finished putting on his clothes and grabbed the bag.

"Are you okay using your coat when its literally hot outside?" Dj asked while being concerned for Dennis.

"I should ask the same thing to you, how da heck you can wear that jacket?" Dj shrugged while he grabbed his bag and headed downstairs.

"Owen, Dwight I'm going to head out for a while with Dj, do you want us to bring something back?"

Owen was thinking while Dwight already decided.


Dennis raised an eyebrow while Dj snapped his finger and pointed at Dwight, and Dwight did the same. When Dennis and Dj went outside, they noticed Maita was patiently waiting alongside with Claire.

"Everyone set?"

Everyone nodded while making sure they had their stuff prepared. Maita was the only one that had nothing to carry until she turned around in response that someone got frustrated.

"I can't believe the nerve of these people can't they tell that I'm 16!?"

"Bro, what's wrong?"

Nidializ closed her fist out of anger before she could say something, Maita grabbed Nidializ and hold her as if she was her child. Nidializ dint responded. In fact, she was terrified.

"Dennis, should we stop her?" Claire asked because she got worried.

"No, in fact I had something to offer her."

Dennis waved his hand down so that Maita could put Nidializ down.

"U want tag along with us? We were about to head out looking for something."

"Yea, as long if it gets me away from the fireworks today."

"Alright, let's get going."

Claire turned on her motorcycle but before she headed out first she asked something.

"Wait, where are we even going?" Claire asked.

"Hold on..."

Dennis was sending the coordinates to Claire since she was the fastest at this point.

"Ok, I'll see you guys their."

Claire finally headed out while Dj was going to run.

"A bit of exercise won't hurt."

Dj ran off to the location, Maita already knows where they are going so she started running as well and passed Dj in a quick speed.

"Guess we are using the scooter."

Dennis and Nidializ putted on their helmets and headed off to their location in a moderated speed on the road.

"Hey, you sure it's alright for you to drive this without a driver's license?" Nidializ asked.

"This thing has an auto drive, so I'm just giving it speed."

Before they made it to the beach, Dennis was hearing screams again as they stopped.

"Dude, you ok?"

Nidializ noticed Dennis' condition, but he didn't respond, he just got off and walked towards the water.

By making close contact the stones emerged from the water creating a pathway to the place they needed to go. Dennis turned around with his arms open with a sinister smile stuck in his face while he was looking down.

"Well, guess is time to come clean folks... Let me introduce you to a wonder full place no one dares to enter, The Fortress of Nightmares."

The Fortress of Nightmares is the home base of operation of M. Dennis could still hear the screams echoing from the building on the island.

"Since when was this here?" Nidializ asked.

"If I have to say... for over 2 years and is still being built, so come on!"

As they approached the building, they saw that there are robots destroyed on the ground and malfunctioning.

"Da heck? Did someone beat us to it?"

Dennis mentioned, with no concern, Claire inspected one robot that was near a surveillance camera that got torn apart.

"Hey guys, I think I found something."

Claire connected the camera to her portable computer and opened that last thing it recorded.

"Hey isn't that F.D?"

Nidializ pointed at the strange figure in the video. Claire paused it to zoom in and enhance the image that was still blurred.

"That's him alright, no one else knows how to fight like that except him."

Dennis walked away and grabbed one gun that the robots had and a cybernetic sword.

"He used the rail cannon... This place was supposed to be destroyed, but at least I can take over this place."

Only Dennis knew the name of F.D's attack. Claire took one gun of the robots, Nidializ grabbed a plasma shield since she dint wanted to use a weapon. Maita had no reason to grab a weapon she kept staring at the building but mostly scratching her nose for detecting an odd smell. Suddenly they heard a minor explosion coming from the entrance. Weaponized robots were coming out and shooting something that was attacking them.

"Everyone get to cover!"

The group hide behind one of the piles of destroyed bots and waited for it to pass. Once they stop hearing gunshots, the cause of who destroyed them was gone.

"Who on earth can take out a full unit?"

Dj asked while he spotted marks on the floor.

"That could have been..." Dennis pulled out a book, an old book.

"As I suspected it... He could create them after all..."

Everyone looked at Dennis but then payed attention to the entrance after they saw it open. A hooded man was walking out with his hands open in the purest color of white.

"What is that?!"

Nidializ asked while Maita covered her eyes before it was too late. The person took off his hood and shined as if he was the light itself. No one could see him directly except Dennis that took off his glasses.

"What are you doing!?"

Claire asked while she can barely see cause of the light.

"You guys can see his light... but I can see his darkness..."

Dennis was fully immune to the light; the person's powers were bursting, creating gusts of uncontrollable winds. As Dennis takes one step to approach the person, he suddenly felt the guy walk past him in a blink. He was walking towards Nidializ intending to murder, but Maita backed away while protecting her.

"You can't escape faith."

The person drawn out a sword from his own body and was dragging it on the floor.

"Hey!! Your opponent is me!!"

Dennis started blasting the life out of his opponent, but he just absorbed it.

"Damn it... guess I have no choice..."

Dennis charged in while shooting. When he got close from a good range, he tossed away the blaster to keep attacking with the sword.

"History will repeat..."

The person defended himself with his sword, but he touched Dennis right side of his face while he was off guard that caused him to lose focus. Dj saw what happened and acted fast by tackling down his target. He had him pinned down, giving enough time for Dennis to stand up.

"Hope is futile."

Dennis stood up and took five steps back as something has formed on his side.


The weapon that he used on the game war, on the boat incident, and on the void of dreams has showed up once more.

"Destructive slash!"

Dj got out of the way, making a clear strike for Dennis to get rid of their problem. Once they saw the head got cut in half, Dennis fallen to ground with his hand trembling in fear. He tossed away his weapon and looked back to the building.

"It was one enemy... What else could be waiting..."

As Dennis said that, he felt a sense of regret in his words and looked back as a creature was waiting for him.

"Dennis, get down!!"

Claire started too shot and wasted all the energy from her weapon, but the creature was still standing behind the trail of dust. Dj quickly went to recover Dennis before the creature could squash him with his foot. Dennis had his eyes closed and new that they had was only one option.

"There's always a moment in life that we must stand up in life to fight... and this is one of them!"

Dennis grabbed one gun on the floor and charged in, creating a diversion.

"Hurry and get in!"

Maita reacted to his words and quickly got Nidializ to the entrance to focus on the fight, as Dennis could make it to his sword while Maita picked him up and the sword to jump in the air that triggered Dennis memory.

"Alright... Let's do this!"

Dennis grabbed his sword while Maita was preparing an aimed strike for Dennis to finish it in one hit.

"Soar from the heavens..."

Maita launched Dennis directly to the head and followed with a scythe. Dennis landed the first hit that was stabbing the sword into the head, then Maita grabbed the sword and cut the creature in half with her scythe. Everyone looked at the remains of the body that had no traces of blood.

"No blood, no organs, just pure darkness..." Dennis said.

"This is insane! How on earth something like this exists!?"

Dj said while he was looking at Nidializ.

"Hey, you guys, you better see this..."

The entrance was a full hallway that leaded to an elevator.

"That's weird... there was supposed to be staircase to the top floor..."

Dennis said as he was tailing the back.

"What are you talking about?"

They heard a voice echoing from the hallway. As any normal person they would run away, but they made a run for it to the elevator. For every step they take, Dennis was having flashbacks and before they know it, he was on his knees crying.

"You in the other hand won't go with them..."

Everyone heard the voice again while something grabbed Dennis legs and pulled him into a sudden darkness.


Dj tried calling out for his friend but he dint responded. The elevator closed and went to the bottom floor on its own.

"Why we are going down...?"

Nidializ asked, since she was getting scared. Then suddenly Claire got flash backs of someone that was close to her. She sat down to calm down while being attacked by the flashbacks. Maita was concerned about what's going to happen while Dj wasn't being affected at all.

Meanwhile.... Dennis got dragged into the darkness that led him into a distinct part of the building. He was unconscious on the ground, thinking on what he needs to do now.

"Great... worst-case scenario #1... divided from the group.... I should probably start looking for a way up."

Dennis stand up and took off the dust from his body and looked around.

"Why does this place looks familiar?"

Dennis opened some curtains to let the light in and he found himself in an office similar back in the house.

"Well, damn it all... Guess I'm stuck here till someone finds me..."

Dennis sat on the desk's chair and closed his eyes while waiting for his friends.

"We need to find Dennis."

Dj was the only one focused on finding him since he is the only that knows more of this place. Nidializ stayed close to Maita since she can protect them from a critical situation.

"She is here... I can hear her scream..."

Claire was talking nonsense of the same things Dennis said before they could set off.

"By any chance this person's name is Kiwi? Because Dennis was having a hard time figuring out their name."

Claire's eyes widen up after hearing that name and kicked it into top gear, looking for Dennis. There was only one source of light that leaded to a wide room with another building in it.

"A house inside a building underground with an excellent greenery..."

Dj said while he took a picture. They heard a massive bang sound coming from the house. Maita pulled out her scythe and went into a battle-ready stance for her target until they saw someone jump out the window. They couldn't see who it was until the cloud of dust cleared away.

"This is unexpected, I didn't think you brought company... Dennis."

The dust cleared, and Dennis was slowly getting up to catch his breath.

"I shouldn't have left my guard down..."

15 minutes before Dennis jumping out the window, he was looking at a picture for the longest time until he picked up the scent of blood and went out the room to look for it till he encountered an old acquaintance that he didn't have time to ask or say something. Dennis was being attacked back into the office and it forced him to jump out of the window by one attack. Now following back with the current situation, as Dennis was getting up, his opponent tried to kick him in the face since he know that if Dennis gets up, he could have the upper hand. "You think I'll let you get up!? I won't give u a chance to act!" But he didn't know that Dennis already did something after a faint click came from his pocket.

The person looked at the ground after seeing the light of a detonated explosive.

"Screw u Aster!!"

Claire's mind went full blank after hearing that name. She remembered some bad things she had to go thru in her past because of Aster that made her lose control to call out her weapon.

"Master of range... and goddess of eyesight... I call upon the... Guntria!!"

Claire called out her weapon that was a sniper and got prepared to aim and take fire. After she pulled the trigger, she went to move to another position and to take the shot. Aster dogged the first bullet, but it gave Dennis an opportunity to get closer to Aster. He closed his fist with an anger and rushed in to punch Aster in the face, sending straight to the main entrance.

"U shouldn't have attacked me pal..."

Dennis left arm acted in pain, he tried to calm it down by holding it with his right harm, but he was raising it up high to get ready.

"Bringer of chaos... Goddess of destruction... I call for you... Obliviona!!"

Dennis grabbed on to a holster of a sword and saw it form into a short sword with a radiant silver tone and obsidian. He went after Aster, but he only found was a note on the floor saying.

"Ill be back for you soon."

Dennis crushed the note and sat down on the couch to think what to do next. It took some time for them to adapt to their current situation, but they got used to it quick. The only thing that didn't allow them to not focus was the scent of blood. Nidializ covered her nose while Claire went into the kitchen trying to drag Nidializ with her.

"Maita quickly! Track down the smell!"

Dennis gave an order to Maita while he was looking for medical supply and Dj understood what he need to do so he cleared out the table near the couch. Dennis passed a medic mask to Dj so that the smell of blood doesn't affect them that much. Maita was still searching till she followed the scent to a hidden room that was hidden away with paint. She broke the door and found a person lying down the floor struggling not to die. She carefully picked the injured person up and carefully brought them to the living room. Dj saw a girl in Maita's arms and couldn't believe the amount of injuries they must have.

"Oh lord, her injuries are to far from recovery!"

Dennis had the bandages and some alcohol to clean up the wounds.

"Quickly put her on the table, Dj turn on the lights for me!"

"On it!"

From all the commotion Claire and Nidializ went back to the living to see the commotion, and Claire noticed the person who Maita placed in there was her friend.


Dj rushed in and tackled Claire down to attempt buying sometime for Dennis.

"Maita help me out trying to control her!"

Maita helped Dj and hold Claire down. Dennis lifted and grabbed a pair of scissors to cut away kiwi's shirt away to use the alcohol in some injuries. He grabbed some gausses and cotton he had to absorb the blood to use the bandages.

"Nidializ, can you apply the bandages while I lift her?"

She nodded and grabbed the bandages and covered Kiwi's stomach and chest since the injuries weren't that much above, but helped to cover her up.

"Dj, pass me some coffee!"

Dj got off from Claire to give Dennis the coffee. Once he had the coffee in his hand, he opened and had a little taste of it.

"Too sweet... but its perfect."

Dennis opened Kiwis mouth and poured some coffee in her mouth to wake her up. Dennis put the coffee away to attend Kiwi when she recently coughed to wake up. The first person she saw was Dennis that was discarding away the medical equipment.

"Where... am... I...?"

"You are in an underground house under a building."

Dennis said while the others were researching the house.

"Did you... save me...?" Kiwi asked.

"Me and my friends saved you from nearly dying from blood loss. We should be able to get out in an hour..."

Kiwi tried to get up with her current state that made Dennis act on pinning Kiwi down for her to rest.

"You will not get up from this couch, you need to rest."

Dennis got off Kiwi and went into the kitchen to get a few drinks prepared. Claire quickly returned to see how Kiwi was doing and gave her a hug.

"I'm glad that your safe!"

Claire cried for her friend's concern while Kiwi hugged her back and gave a gentle smile.