
The conclusion of memories

Everyone calmed down from the tension from fighting to dealing with injuries. They were all happy and proud that everything was solved right now, except for one thing that crossed everyone's minds.

"How do we get out of here!?"

The only one that understood the how to get out was Dennis since he sat down to concentrate with his eyes closed and blurted out an idea.

"We should use the elevator... trying to find or use the stairs seems pointless."

Dennis got up and was staring at his weapon, wondering if he must fight, but he sent his weapon back the moment he took his eyes off it.

"You got the hang on controlling your weapon?" Dj asked out of curiosity.

"At least I didn't go mind blank, I could have done something dangerous."

Dennis answered to Dj while he opened a book that was titled N.S. World Line. "We encountered a Light shadow and a gladiator; it says here that their complicated to find since they always conceal themselves away from others." Dennis closed the book and got a bottle of syrup out and drank it.

"We need to get out now..."

Dennis stopped drinking syrup after hearing those words. He quickly raised his left arm and called out his weapon without saying its name with a serious look on his face after blocking a hit from the back.

"Specters..." Dennis turned around to counter.

"Everyone head to the elevator now! I'll be right behind ya."

Maita picked up Kiwi while Dj took the lead and broke down the door with a kick that Claire noticed to help him get up quickly while Nidializ had to move from her spot since she almost got attacked by something.

"W-what's going on here!?"

Dennis tossed his syrup bottle at the thing that was about to attack Nidializ while she was defending herself with the shield.

"Go while you still can!"

Nidializ ran for it but a specter was waiting by the door, Dennis noticed and landed a punch on the specter, leaving a proper opening for Nidializ to get out of the house. But someone stayed waiting since 2 against 1 wasn't fair.

"Dj? I thought you were already on the elevator?"

Nidializ said since she was taking a quick break before going to the elevator.

"As if I'm going to leave a friend behind on middle of a fight..."

As he was walking pass by Nidializ, he cracked his hand to get ready to fight. Dj was focused as he had his arms open.

"Let nature decide my fate... I shall bring the anger of the land... Gaia!"

Dj eyes turned bright red that it even called Dennis attention after his gloves finished forming the stars.

"Oh, shit..."

Dennis jumped out of the way after noticing that Dj was charging his fist with power.

"Take a load of this!"

Dj punched the ground that split it in half involving the house being taken with it deep down the earth along with the specters.

"You got to be kidding me..."

Dennis stood up and pointed his sword at Dj.

"You took down the house! Our god damn perfected house!"

He tossed his weapon to scream out loud of distress that made Dj remember about the importance of the house.

"Ah crap... well, at least we know someone that can build it back, eh?"

Dj had a face of panic and worry after trying to look at his friend in the eye that where bursting with a passionate flame of anger.

"You going to talk to her about it and there's nothing... that's going to save your back from her..."

Dennis said, Dj stood quiet while Dennis dragged him into the elevator to end part of this nightmare to soon enter another one.

"Someone press the top floor; this place has no other exits." Dennis said.

"And how do you know this?"

Nidializ asked since she was having a hard time understanding all this.

"Because I was the one who built it..."

Everyone went to a corner of the elevator, trying to keep a distance away from Dennis.

"What?! I built this! It has my handwork, as far as I know there is a communicator room with a teleporter in it."

Dennis turned around staring at the elevator door waiting for it too open.

"U-um... what it's going on here...?"

Kiwi was confused while still being carried by Maita. "Master built this place nearly a few years ago, Maita assisted and guarded Master from harm at all cost."

Everyone looked at Maita then focused on Dennis since he was the only one that was closest to her since they met. "So you're like his girlfriend or something?" Nidializ asked. "No, Maita protects master and family from harm."

Those exact words triggered a very important memory to Claire that Dennis understood already.

"Equal worlds... same contradictions... somehow our other reality ended up connected since what place in reality people can summon weapons, make advanced technological weapons or even fighting an unknown force that somehow I'm the one that knows it?"

Dj put his hand on Dennis's shoulder to calm him down.

"Relax man, we know it big responsibility and when u have the fate of the world on your hands, it pays a big tool for a heavy price." Dj said.

"We need to find out what happened on our other life."

Dennis said as the elevator finally stopped on the top floor, when the doors opened what they saw was a complete white sanctuary all clean and organized.

"A receptionist? We should probably ask."


Nidializ moved the boys out of the way since she couldn't stand their nonsense.

"Excuse me mam but do you know where we can find the..."

Nidializ ended up getting interrupted by Dennis and Dj.

"Communication room."

Dennis and Dj said at the same time as Nidializ returned her attention to the receptionist.

"Oh yes, it's right this way and here have this."

Nidializ received a high-tech watch that only X could understand.

"Hey guys check it out this has a satellite chip in it."

Claire was the first one to try using the communicator, but she only activated the map to find their location.

"Wait, so were not in our homeland?"

Dennis saw the map and looked out the window to understand that they are in a different place.

"Ok... can I set it?" Dennis asked.

"Go ahead."

Claire got off the chair and let Dennis do the finishing details for them to go home. He typed the letter X for it to work properly.

"Ok, all set, if we go thru the teleporter we should be in the house's basement. Maita putted down Kiwi and went in first and returned quickly.

"It's safe!"

Everyone got surprised, they went one by one till only Dennis, Claire and Kiwi remained.

"You two should go."

Dennis said as he was finding another set of coordinates.

"We can't just leave u here behind."

Claire said. She really didn't want Dennis to be the last one to enter.

"Look, I know it the worst idea to leave him here Claire, but he knows what he is doing."

Kiwi tried to comfort Claire while she looked at Dennis looking for a different coordinate and was focused on finding something.

"If u say so."

Claire had Kiwi on her shoulder to help her move.

"See you back in the house Dennis."

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon."

When Kiwi and Claire left, Dennis's expression changed after he took off his glasses.

"Alright... time to have a talk face to face... M..."

Dennis changed the coordinates to his target's location, the one that apparently oversaw this place. When he went thru the portal, he found himself in a hangar that didn't have many lights on.

"What is this?"

Dennis opened a room that allowed him to see everything from the hangar.

"Ok... Director's room, everything seems to be out of power..."

After Dennis was approaching the window to see if he can figure out a silhouette, he somehow turned on the power after felling a slight shock on his hands.

"Ow! Who would set an electrical frame... in... this place..."

Dennis couldn't believe what he is seeing. He had to get out of the room to have a closer look on the figure; he went up on some stairs to be close, face to face.

"Who brought you here in to reality... Farion?"

Dennis turned around after hearing the lights of the director's room being turned on. He recognized the guy in the far-left corner since he was the first who attacked him.

"Hey Stalker! Can you explain me wats going on here!?"

He did not respond; he just left the area without a word, holding on to a picture of his partner, Nautic.

"Well then, u must be the guy calling the shots, will you introduce yourself or not?"

The person that was on the chair stood up looked at Dennis straight into the eyes.

"You already know who I am."

"Doctor Maxwell, I thought X killed you." Dennis said.

"You don't remember that much, do you?"

Dennis shrugged while he turned around to see a rift open.

"I'll give you a chance to live a life that you desire. There are no second chances, so think wisely."

Dennis was thinking since M gave him an option to start everything from zero, to forget everything that happens and live a new life with a meaning. When he finished thinking, he rolled his eyes out of annoyance.

"You think I'll just give it up so easy...? If you leaved us alone that day everything could have gone differently... but you had to ruin everything..."

Dennis left eye glowed golden brown.

"Then u should be ready for the next thirteen of us..."

Dennis stated while a new rift opened that swallowed him and spit him out of the building to the location where they found it.

"So, you think u can pick up a fight? We'll let us start our own war."

M has pressed a button that had countdown timer to the 11th of July.

Meanwhile... The others arrived safe to the house; the teleporter was connected to the basement that gave them a moment to relax while X has entered to check on something.

"What is this? You guys where gone since morning and get back here without a word?! And why is she injured?!"

"We can explain."

They all said. They explained everything to X while he was checking on Kiwi's vitals.

"So you all went to the Nightmare tower, I'm glad that your all safe but I'm worried about Dennis, I sent Dwight and Owen to go pick him up, they should be in any moment."

When they all went up, they found Dennis on the couch having a slice of pizza with Dwight and Owen. '

"I can't believe they brought that thing here..."

Dennis pulled out his phone and showed a picture of Farion.

"If this is going to happen, we need to get ready."

"Mah dude, you need to calm down, that thing can't do anything to us."

When Dwight said that, he showed Dennis a weapon that he made.

"How long did you take to make this?"

"All day and night, I just need to test it."

Dennis kept staring on the weapon while his left eye glowed again that transported Dennis alone to a different place that sent everyone in shock.

"I should have figured... the aftereffects of rift was still on..."

X pulled his phone and made a phone call.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!"

"Calm down, we got this under control."

X walked off to his office and grabbed his jacket and two pistols and went to the basement to regroup with everyone. Claire and Dj were ready to go get him. Owen and Dwight got some stuff ready in case they founded Dennis in a critical condition. While Nidializ was about to risk it all to save their friend. Before X could enter the basement, he saw everyone vanish.

"We got a code black on our situation."

Dennis alternate versions showed up armed and ready since they know the location that they are heading to is dangerous since they can track Heartless location since he is a part of Dennis's body.

"Set coordinates to Valhalla."

They walked in to go rescue Dennis before his friends could get into a bigger problem.

"We go in, knock out his friends and wipe their memories to rescue Dennis" X said.

"No way" F.D said.

"You know were in his turf, we won't be able to leave without a fight or either of them"

F.D pointed at a horde of shadows coming at them while trying to distinguish a familiar figure.

"Well, ya know how they say it, the more the merrier!"

Wulf got pumped up and bulldozed the horde, creating a straightforward path, while F.D pulled his lance to create a vortex in between them to buy sometime.

"Go! Me and Wulf will hold them off."

As the group left Wulf and F.D behind, they got a better view of their surroundings. A world that its frozen in time with a low tone dark green sky as an ancient city was waiting to be explored.

"So, this is the so-called Valhalla of ours?" Kuo asked.

"Well, in a way it is, I'm just glad that it didn't get affected by him..."

Before they could set foot in the city, they heard gunshots.

"I'll go take a look."

Eve went up the skies to find where the gunshot come from by sound and gun fire.

The moment everything stood tranquilly, they have targeted a massive rapid fire of none stop bullets at Eve.

"No Way!"

Eve evaded the bullets while flying into the city while the others noticed that their ally is in danger and went into his aid. Eve found shelter in a church building to recover his stamina.

"Who in their logical minds uses guns in this place!"

As he tried to calm down, he felt that he wasn't alone, so he pulled out his heaven's bow and pointed it at the podium.

"Who's there!?"

Eve saw two delicate hands being raised up as the person behind it showed themselves.

"Please don't hurt me!"

Eve saw that it was none other than Nidializ, so he put his weapon down.

"You can relax, I won't hurt u."

Eve was approaching Nidializ as he had the presence of god watching his actions.

"Eve? Did u come here alone?"

"No, everyone is here looking for u guys but what exactly happened...?"


1 hour before X team to enter... Everyone was checking their surroundings trying to find some clues to find Dennis but what they didn't expect was that they found the ancient civilization.


They were all amazed for view. As they arrive at the main entrance of the city, they couldn't resist wondering were a weird noise was coming from.

"I think I found him..."

Dj pointed at a bell tower of a church.

"You can't just point out the first thing that you see, man."

Dwight put his arm on his left shoulder while they noticed that Claire gave one step back in fear because she finally spotted who it was on the bell tower.

"We need to run now..."

Claire mentioned while trying to see a good escape route.

"Why? We need to find Dennis first."

Nidializ said while trying to see what's on the bell tower.

"We need to go before he gets here!"

A person in a black coat with a hoodie on showed behind them all.

"Our leader was telling the truth about you guys showing up... Welcome to the city of legends known as Valhalla!"

The person surrounded them with a dark cloud, sending them into different parts of the city while all a sudden someone showed near the mysterious person. A kid that looked a lot like Dennis looked at the guys with a stare of means to kill, but he spared the guy and went in the city looking for those who got separated.

"They teleported me into the church that Dj spotted while Claire saw someone on the top."

"I see..."

Eve understood Nidializ's story while picking up someone getting close to the church.

"Quickly hide..."

Nidializ hidden while Eve stood standing waiting for whoever was approaching. "Eve, is that you?"

"Huh? Wait, who are you?"

The kid that looked almost like Dennis encountered Eve.

"Can't you tell the difference? It's me, Heartless."

"Wait, wat? But how?! You look so young and childish!!"

Heartless explained why he looked like that to Eve. It took some time to understand, but it was complicated.

"Say... you two haven't found red dye or a small amount of blood on the floor?"

Eve and Nidializ tilted their heads, trying to remember.

"Nevermind that, I'll just use a bit of my blood."

Heartless made a few minor injuries on his hands to pass it on some parts of his hair.

"Anyway, we need to regroup with Dennis as soon as possible. This world can change anyone if they are alone." Heartless said as he finished changing the color of his hair.

Meanwhile, X could find the others except Dj and Claire. As if it wasn't complicated enough that a massive source of power was calling everyone out from the only building that no one dared to go.

"I swear we will find you before they see you..."

Claire told that to herself to focus while Dj saw how many people were guarding the location.

"I swear if Dennis is in their waiting... I may know the only place he could be at..."

"And that is?" Claire asked.

"The throne room waiting for someone to show up."

Dj left from their spot and went to punch the two guards in a split second, making a clear opening.

"We need to hurry, I have a bad feeling that this may be serious."

As Dj and Claire went to search their friend that was truly waiting to be found, he was really sitting on a throne while having a conversation with an unfamiliar adversary.

"So... my dumb ass really caused me so much trouble... you know having both worlds collided may cause mayor damage in the distant future but I got to do whatever it takes to never forget again..."

Dennis stand up from the throne as he walked down the stair steps.

"My children... My beloved wife... and my friends... I have finally remembered the reason why I keep fighting, I promised that ill finish this fight even if I have to die for it..."

Dennis called out his weapon with his own willpower.

"I will slay the commander of shadows... I will slay the tyrannical weapon... and will slay M and Ragnarok even if I have to go thru you Fenrir!"

Dennis pointed his weapon at Fenrir as his left eye glowed golden brown.

"I may have fallen to the darkness, but I still want to see your true power..."

Fenrir entered on a fighting pose as his claws were sharper than a blade. As they both rushed into each other, they released an immense power surge that caused the ground to shake.