
Entering the World of Dreams

Dennis was already fallen asleep and as for Dj and Claire, they do not remember what happened and don't want to know how it happened, but for sure is that they woke up in a different place inside their heads.

"You got to be kidding me..."

Dj woke up next to Dennis to witness the vast world that was empty.

"Um... Do you know where we are right now, Dennis...?"

Dennis knows the answer for Dj's question. He answered with the name of their location.

"I introduce you to the empty world I would like to call... The void of dreams..."

Dennis scratched the back of his head because he wanted to know what going on outside, but they had no choice except follow the path that was already marked in a straight path.

"So, where does this leads to?"

Dj said, because he didn't know nothing about this place, but they walked shortly until they saw a giant grey mechanical door. They ran to the door to find Claire waiting using Dennis coat. She was waiving at them as they were getting closer.

"Did you two found something on your way here?"

Claire wanted to know since there could be a way out.

"Just blank along the way."

Dj said because that the only thing he saw. Dennis was standing still looking at the door that had 16 marks representing something, but he couldn't remember nothing except for that was in front of him.


As he said the very name of his target, he looked up to see nuts and bolts falling off like crazy.

"Is someone up there!?!"

Dennis yelled, since if there's someone else they probably know a way out. The nuts and bolts stopped falling as he heard a meow on his right shoulder from a black cat nuzzling on his neck.

"Hey, that tickles."

Dennis laughed a little until he wanted to pet the cat, but it jumped off his shoulder and quickly disappeared.

"Were did it go?"

Dennis said as he was inspecting his surroundings looking for the cat, he noticed that it was near Claire then vanished again to reappear on top of Dj. Dennis was about to rise his hand until the cat returned him, but it was hanging in front of his shirt as the cat spoke.

"You have a lot of nerves returning here."

Dennis didn't respond after processing what's going on.

"Giant metal gate, 16 weird marks and a talking black cat... Wait, talking black cat?"

Dennis picked up the cat and stared into its eyes. He had a feeling that he knows the cat, but he was trying to remember the name until it spoke again.

"Can you put me down?" The cat asked.

"No, because I finally recall who you are... Brother."

As Dennis said the word brother, it called the attention of his companions that were waiting for something.

"Is that a talking cat?"

Claire asked since she was using her phone, but there was no signal.

"Yea... and his name is Nezaron and if I remember correctly, he is the guide of this empty world."

Dennis said it as Nezaron was smirking for knowing that someone knows of their existence. As Dennis put Nezaron on floor while he returned to inspect the door.

"Seems like he is the only one to remember me. Did you all lost your memories or something?"

Nezaron asked because it seemed weird for only one person to remember this place but aside that something was making the ground tremble from a far.

"Dang it all..." Dennis looked back to notice his friend seen a giant mechanical beast walking around.

"What in the world happened..."

6 hours earlier in reality, everyone was concerned about the condition of Dennis, Dj and Claire and the fact that they destroyed a ship that Wulf couldn't help and talk about it.

"So, they just called out some flashy weapons and directly hit the ground, Ow!!"

X slammed a punch on Wulf in the head because what happened it was a secret. X told something loud in Wulf's ear that made him cry a bit.

"You better keep your mouth shut next time or else I will turn you in to a robot!!"

Wulf got scarred and hastened to hide behind the nearest person and the one who he was using for hiding was Nidializ.

"Aww, you scared him off."

Nidializ was trying to pat Wulf to get back up, but he couldn't do it.

"Doesn't matter!! Now I have to plan a few things ahead before it's too late!"

X tossed his phone and went to his office as Kuo was making sure that everyone that was sleeping was safe.

"I sure, hope that they are ok..."

Kuo was waiting outside the rooms as she saw Owen and Dwight enter to the room Dennis was in. When they entered, they noticed a purple-haired girl sleeping near Dennis. Dwight tried to wake his friend up, but it seemed pointless, but he tried anyway

"Hey Dennis, get up we need another player."

Owen moved Dwight for him to try the wake-up slap tactic. He warmed up his and landed to slaps in Dennis' face.

"I got nothing else."

Owen turned around to get a move on, but someone was holding on to his shirt.

"That actually hurt you, jerk!!"


Owen looked to see the slap marks on Dennis, but the one reacting to it was Dark.

"Couldn't you hit a bit softer!?!" Dark exaggerated.

"Da hell!? I dint even hit you! Oi let me go!"

Dwight had to drag Owen out of the room before the fight could even start. As time passed by Nidializ entered the room near the time she was going to sleep, she only wanted to take a picture of Dark and Eve but Dark was still next to Dennis acting as a guard dog and it was time for everyone to sleep as for the ones that entered the void of dreams first. They were still seeing the mechanical beast as they were concerned for Dennis' slap marks in his face.

"Dude... are you ok?"

Dj had to ask since the slap marks were huge.

"I'm totally fine, but more apparently aren't does my friends running?"

Claire had to inspect to make sure if Dennis was correct.

"Dennis, go talk to Farion... his going to mess up the door if he keeps this up!" Nezaron said.

"Who da hell is Farion?".

Dennis had a quick flashback and only saw space as the creation of a divine weapon of mass destruction. They called it Farion the chaotic menace. As the information passed on to his head, he hurried up to save his friend from a near disaster.

"Farion!! Come here and fight me!!"

Dennis screamed as Nezaron panicked and tossed a gear on Dennis' head for a distraction.

"I'll try getting his attention to move him the other way!"

Dj only took was 5 steps while running for Dennis to recover and team up with Nezaron to give a quick take down.

"You boys stop fighting and get going! That thing is getting closer!!"

They all rushed as quickly as possible, but someone had to call out their weapon halfway.

"Obliviona... sanctuary field!!"

Dennis stabbed the ground to create a protective zone as Dj kept it going and picked everyone up with no problem.

"Dennis your up!"

Dennis left the sanctuary to face Farion on ahead, but he didn't know how to get up close until he remembered how the void of dreams worked.

"Son of a... why dint I think of that."

He created something that he himself wouldn't use encase things went bad.

"Farion!! Stop moving or ill be forced to stop you!!"

Farion stopped from moving to look down on Dennis, he even had to get closer to talk.

"Seems like you don't remember that much to talk, goodbye."

Farion took flight to his location for Dennis to set a goal to remember everything he forgot. On his way back he noticed everyone was trying to open the door, he sighted in the attempts didn't work until Dennis grabbed the sword and slashed it open.

Dennis gave an introduction of the place they are going to enter right now while entering a dark corridor.

"I welcome you to the world everyone ends up when sleeping, The Dream World Plaza."

No one seemed to take notice about what Dennis said, they just kept it going to a castle that was their exit point of the dream.

"Ah... since I interfered whit a law, it will turn me invisible for a while." Dennis sat on a bench while Nezaron was resting on his lap.

"Don't you want to head out already?" Nezaron asked Dennis, since everyone may have left without him.

"Aren't you supposed to be the one to activate the exit?"

Nezaron's expression changed to quickly go open the exit as leaving Dennis alone while a complete shadow was approaching to give out a warning.

"Run while you still can, my child..."

Dennis heard the words to quickly open his eyes to avoid a surprise attack that set him in a terrible mood.

"I thought I dint need to see none of your faces until I was 20... Stalker."

Dennis looked at the guy dressed in black with a white, blue hair before he could even say something Dennis just approached him and gave whatever he was looking for.

"Don't make me regret this right now... see you next time."

Dennis left to head to the castle. He knows that something was wrong that he should have fought that guy, but he keeps seen something in his left eye on how it could have ended. As Dennis approached the exit, he saw his friends waiting for him as they recently finished a conversation about the place.

"You rarely took your time, did you get in trouble?" Nezaron asked.

"No… I was just messing around."

Dennis patted Nezaron in the head before leaving as everything started to disappear, bringing everyone back to reality. As a result, it leaded to the next day as the others were at the pool.

As Dark and Eve tried to sunbathe, Kuo was having fun in the water while Wulf and X were managing the grill.

"Hey, does someone know when is that kid going to wake up? I need to thank him for saving my sister."

Eve asked since they aren't outside yet, but the one to respond was Dark.

"Did you not notice that he was in the void of dreams? As fellow protector, you should already know."

X got curious, but he already knows something that he wanted to tell right now.

"The shadow angel Dark and the shining Eve, Beast mode Wulf, Kuo the kitsune and I X the robotic soul, we just need 3 more to start this damn operation."

Everyone had a change of expression since they never wanted to hear their own tittles again but Dark had to open her mouth to give a few words of her mind.

"So, we are missing just 3 versions and that's all? Let me tell you this... were missing am future man, a generational cat and the pure hatred of a stained soul created from pure madness!!!"

Everyone got scared on the last part that was complicated to get in the conversation until Dennis showed up.

"6 version, 3 to go for 9 and I have been thinking about it since I got out of the darn dream void." Dennis said.

"How long were you standing there?"

Wulf asked since he understood that Dennis was a hard sleeper in summer vacation.

"Long enough for it all to make sense, now listen. The other 3 that are missing I can only trace down 2 of them, but the guy that is from the future is a complicated situation. I don't want to hear no complains and I'm taking the scooter as for today."

X tossed the keys to Dennis since they are now in the same page.

"Keep in mind that we have an equal goal in mind."

The thing that made them all stay together was for only one purpose on saving their entire timeline from an unexpected destruction that is hard to avoid. As X was preparing a presentation to show to everyone but no one has woken for now while for Dennis was on his way to the beach.