
An Unknown Attack

Previously on the last chapter, Dennis and Wulf created a clothing storm to call the attention of two approaching angels. Despite the mass assault, Dennis gave the last shoot and nailed it on the dark angel that bumped on the white angel. Right now, they did an emergency landing on the roof.

"How did that even worked!?"

The others said that it even made X do a slow clap, then pulled out a rope.

"Well done, you two, and if you excuse me, this two need to be tied up."

Dennis and Wulf got confused at start because they dint understand why X needs to tie up the angels, but they know if they interfere something else will happen. Meanwhile, Claire and Kuo were on their way to PR (Puerto Rico), the flight had two more hours and Kuo was already excited for traveling for the first time, Claire took a nap while they waited but things are about to get hectic after someone started scream ghost ship.

"Everyone look!! It's the ghost ship!!!"

The full rambling caused too much noise for Claire to take a nap. At X's house, Wulf and Dennis celebrated in an arm-wrestling contest.

"Ok you two, let this match begin!"

Dwight gave the word for it to start. From all the distractions, it gave X enough time to head down to the basement to do some interrogations to the new guests. He had a cup of coffee and was half a sleep. He drank a bit of that coffee then poured it down on the white and dark angel. They both screamed from the pain caused by the coffee burns until they calmed down.

"My name is Dark! And this my brother Eve just don't use coffee on us again, please!"

As Dark was asking for mercy, X got a disappointed face on and got out of the basement to get more coffee to drink for later.

"Bro, can you a company me to see the angels?" Nidializ asked Dennis to tag along.


Dennis responded calmly and stopped his arm wrestling contest with Wulf. Nidializ had a few questions for Dennis, since X trusted him the most so talking to Dennis about things around the house was like a safe option, they went downstairs, Dennis was drinking some apple cider while Nidializ had the remains of Dwight's bag of popcorn.

"You think they will talk?"

Nidializ asked.

"Depends on what you mean by talk."

Dennis responded to Nidializ question. By just been halfway down, Dark could pick up the smell of popcorn. She barked as a pup because she lost all sense of normal communication.

With Dennis sharp hearing, he heard the cries for help.

"Dude, we need to hurry!!"

Dennis stated as he was trying to go down quickly.

"Why?!" Nidializ asked because of his friend's frantic movement.

"Someone is in danger!"

Dennis understand each bark, being processed into human language they rushed to help, they noticed that the angels are tied up and slightly blindfolded, Nidializ set Eve free but when Dennis set Dark free, she passed out cold into his arms. "

I'm taking her to my room, If he wakes up, tell him to head to the middle bedroom upstairs." Dennis said to Nidializ.

"Roger that, bro."

Dennis quickly went up the stairs to head to his room to put Dark down on his bed. She was sleeping so peacefully that even Dennis was over whelmed by cuteness of the purple hair and the tranquil soul of the angel sleeping on his bed. As Dennis was about to leave the room, he sensed someone was climbing the window. They knocked it and Dennis opened it. He spotted Wulf hanging with a bit of intel about something weird going on.

"Yo, what-sup?"

Dennis greeted Wulf for his sudden appearance.

"Get your ass down here this instant theirs something heading to the coastline right now!"

Wulf said to Dennis since they need to hurry.

"Well then, let's go!"

Dennis putted on his black coat/jacket and jumped out the window to get on Wulf's back to get a move on. Meanwhile, Claire and Kuo recently arrived at their destination and stopped in the nearest place from their communicator. They even visited Claire's house that was near X's place to leave their stuff inside of the house.

"Claire let's get going, I want see the beach already!"

Kuo was excited to see the beach for the first time as Claire was getting changed into her biker outfit.

"Alright, I'll take you right now."

Claire said, she had gotten on her bike and turned it on, Kuo gotten and wrapped her arms around Claire holding her tightly to avoid falling, as they went on their way to the beach they encountered something running really fast that they ended up in a collision halfway to their destination.

"I told you that you should have gone on the sidewalk!"

Dennis started an argument with Wulf, scolding that they should have gone on the sidewalk.

"Well excuse me!! I'm not the one that is been carried!!"

Wulf said since he had to carry Dennis in order to not waste time.

With all that noise, Claire gotten up and tossed her helmet at the two guys that were fighting, demanding them to shut up.

"Will you two shut up! You two busted up my ride and made my friend cry!!!"

Kuo was crying because she wanted to see the beach.

"An introduction must be done... We probably met at school, but my name is Dennis, and this is my alternate self-Wulf."

As Dennis made the introduction, Wulf waved and said hi as he stood up to check on who was crying.

"My name is Claire and my friend that is crying here is Kuo."

Claire introduced herself and her friend while holding in her anger.

"Kuo? It's been a long time since I last visited you."

Wulf lifted Kuo and hold her as if it was a baby to calm her down. He was trying to remember the old days before everyone went separate ways.

"Wulf? I'm glad to see you again!"

Kuo started to cry, but in joy as she hugged Wulf hard. Dennis senses kicked in and screamed out one word.


He took Claire out of the way, landing on top of her, as Wulf was protecting Kuo from incoming fire, explosions where been caused as round objects were landing on the road blocking the entire path.

"This feels awkward..."

Claire blushed while trying to avoid eye contact with Dennis.

"Tell me about it..."

Dennis was avoiding his gaze on Claire as well, but she gave him a kiss as they were getting up to see cannon balls surrounded them.

"Who da hell uses a cannon ball in the middle of 2017?!"

Wulf screamed as he was trying to control his animal instincts while freaking out and dint know what to do until Kuo slapped him on the face.

"Snap out of it, even if you tried you can't fetch it."

Kuo had to scold Wulf for his behavior.


They proceed to the beach to hear someone screaming as they were running for their lives.

"Hold up!! That DJ's voice!"

Wulf could clearly hear his friend's voice as he saw the rain of cannon balls coming down from the sky.

"Why I'm I been targeted!?!"

Dennis was waving his hand to show Dj to come over to them. Dj made it safe and sound but he was worried about the pirate ship. Dennis, Dj and Claire had one thing that could show from where it came from.

"Barbuda triangle?"

Dj questioned.

"Barbuda triangle."

Claire said.

"Definitely Barbuda triangle"

Dennis confirmed it.

They kept starring at the ship as its glow was fully green as it came from beyond the grave that it gave Dennis an idea to stop the attack.

"Wulf... you know what I want to do, right?"

Wulf looked at Dennis to understand what he wanted.


Wulf took off his shirt to show his powerful body as Dennis was getting in position to be catapulted by Wulf. Dj and Claire tagged on with Dennis and got into position. Wulf was ready to send them to the boat as he was flexing to charge up his strength. He grabbed Dj and sent him to the boat, next he grabbed Claire and sent her to the boat and for last he grabbed Dennis but he went for a signature move with a fist as he give Dennis a vertical boost to then punch the sole of the shoe to send him to the boat.

"Oh, no."

Dj landed on his knees as Claire was slowly falling as she could grab Dennis coat/jacket tips as he had his hands in the jacket/coat pockets acting as a glider.

"I thought that wouldn't work..."

Dennis said since it was his idea, but he was glad that it worked but as soon they were on the boat, they lost consciousness as they were all about to repeat the same words. Wulf was calling X to come quickly to their location. X only answered as he hurried to the place alone. Now as Dennis, Dj and Claire were on the boat, they closed their eye.

"Answer the call of our prayers, as our wish is the same goal as for all."

Dj was on the left of the boat he opened his arms as he made an x sing by crossing his arms to call out a name.


He opened his eyes and his eyes glowed red as his hands added armored fighter gloves. Claire was relaxing her body on the right, giving a little spin, and thought she was holding a sniper rifle as she closed her eyes to call out a name.


A sniper showed up in her hand and as she opened her eyes, it was shining bright blue. And for Dennis he was in the middle with his eyes closed, positioning his hands as he was holding a sword to call out its name.


A sword was been generated in Dennis's hands as he opened his eyes, only his left eye shined a light brown glow. They all said the same word before striking the ground.

"Begone from our sight."

They struck the floor of the ship to set a chain reaction of an explosion to send them flying back to the chore. Dj landed on Wulf's arms as for Claire she accidentally put on Dennis coat/jacket to use it as a glider and Dennis got dragged by the water on to the chore.


Kuo quickly went to help Dennis. She did not know what to do, so she used her healing flames to wake him up, but it dint work. X just made it to the scene with a cup of coffee. He was wearing sunglasses and directly went over Dennis to pour it down on him that made him wake up and said.

"You... monster..."

Dennis fallen asleep on X shoulder and he tapped his back while whispering something into Dennis ear.

"Just sleep it out boy, just sleep it out."

X took Dennis into the car as for Claire and Dj were waiting at the back of the seat.

"Hey, can I ride with you?"

Kuo wanted to tag along with them so X allowed it.

"Sure, you can hop on."

As for Wulf, he already was waiting in the house at the door as for delivery.